Chat thread!

Hello :wave: - we are back :cheer: I havent had chance to catch up on everything that has been going on in the last 5 days but will do later so for now :hug: for those that need it, :cheer: for those that dont :D .

We had a lovely time - my brother and his partner really spoilt us (I went with my Mum) and Austria is beautiful. Did do too much walking though and had a couple of painful mornings as my bump was really aching..... On Thursday night I did wonder if I was going to come home with George in my arms but I am pretty sure now it was just doing a bit too much. I ate so much food whilst we were away I seem to have put on a pile of weight!! :D Anyway after an awful journey back from Standsted I am now going to get into bed and just enjoy being home :cheer: :cheer:

Oh and I am officially here now too!!!!

Jane x

:wave: lisa how on earth have you found the time to come on here :shakehead: congrats on having the baby :hug:


Too sore to sleep, which was a right pain as everyone else was asleep!! :wall:

How is everyone today? Lilly-Rose is settling really well, feeding & sleeping well. Hubby did last nights shift so I got a good nights sleep, he's gone back to bed so me & the 3 girls (so weird saying 3!!) are snuggled up on the sofa watching Scooby Doo. Planning on going out for a walk later, a short walk that is!! Need to get out of the house!!

Have a good restful Sunday everyone!!

:wave: everyone!

Hope you are all well...... :hug:

LisaP - Hope you manage to get some snooze time...... and glad that Lilly-Rose is settling well! :D Hope you enjoy your walk later!

ROM - good to see you!! Glad you had a good time in Austria, sounds fab!! :D

kmac - hope your feeling better after your m&s cake! YUM!!! I gave in at the shop yesterday and bought a big bar of galaxy...... :oops: not much left of that! :D

babydust - steamroom sounds bliss at the moment! Managed to drag myself upstairs after XFactor results last night for a bath.......heaven! :)

Well, not much happening today,... OH away playing with a pipe band at a rememberance sunday service so not back until nearer 1pm. Planning on doing NOTHING! (well apart from knitting! lol) I think i over did it yesterday,... all I did was a bit of cleaning and some hoovering and my back is killing me when I stand up :( I'm all hunched over like an old granny and have to walk reeeeaally slowly... bath last night seemed to help and didnt think it was too bad this morning, but its felt like its just seezed up again :?
just shows me I need to start slowing down a bit.... :oops:

oh heres a question for you....I'm usually a fast walker but recently if I walk at my normal speed I get a stitch right across the lower part of my bump!!! does anyone else get/had this???
:hug: for everyone sorry im not keeping up very well the last few days will make more effort after the weekend :hug:
thanks everyone for your kind words and hugs i did tell the consultant when i went for my scan and he just said it was the hormone levels dropping and babies have moved and are still trying to get head down with no room which is all irritating the womb and setting off false labour when the rest of my body is not ready for labour babies were both breech but now 1 at bottom is breech and the top baby is lying straight across the top of my belly and with there being about 10 pound of baby in there already everytime they move its gonna hurt :( think im just so frustrated at the moment as i cant do anything without setting off contractions or being in agony burst into tears yesterday when o/h told me to go have a lie down id only been up like 2 hours and im starting to feel like all i do is lie down :( its so depressing xxxxxx
rach :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I agree if DH is telling you go and lie down - take advantage. But i can imagine how frustrating it is.... not long now tho till you meet your wee boys!! :D xxxxx

:wave: babydust! hope you are well and your spd and back aren't too bad today :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi ladies! :wave:

Kmac glad everything is well and bump is wriggling lots!! Nesting! lol thats why everything seems unclean! ;)

BD it isnt nice! Thats exactly how it feels! Like Im being suffocated! Then I have a freak out and a full blown panic attack! I cant wait to be able to take the pills that stop them :wall:

Hope your ok Mel?!

ROM YAY :cheer: for being in tri 3!! Glad you had a lovely time too!!! :cheer: :cheer:

LisaP glad you got some rest last night and thats so sweet! You and the 3 girls!! :D :hug:

LisaS Yay for doing nothing hun! :D Take it easy! Hoovering wrecks lol! I use to walk fast but now Im like a snail, it hurts far too much to walk fast!

Rach take care of yourself hun! :hug: :hug: :hug: I know what you mean about feeling like all you do is lie down! I got depressed about that too a while back and hun just remember (as if you could forget) you have twice the stretching pains, twice the weight pressing down on you etc It must be so hard but you have only another few weeks left then you will have them in your arms and no more pain :hug: :hug: :hug: Well except arm ache carrying two big lads heehee :wink:
He lea hope your ok hunny:)
Still feeling shitty tbh, feel so sick after eating which is causing me to have to force stuff down for babies sake, i think i need to talk to thye midwife about it, went to try and get a thermometer yesterday but all the pharmacies were closed :? Im seeing the middy again on weds so not long to wait.

How are you feeling today Rach?
:wave: quick hello!
Hope you are all well, and bumps are being good for you!

Im just doing the sunday roast while OH is at remberence day doo-dah. Went into a cleaning frenzy.....which was not a good plan :lol: OUCH!!!!

Cant remember what you all said now :think: ..... preggers brain strikes again!
Nevermind..have a :hug: each!
:wave: hi all :hug: nothing new to update here hope everyones ok xxxxxxx
Morning :wave:

Sleep deprived and moody here today so busy trying to cheer myself up for eveyones sake :wall:
Have a lovely day girls :D
sleep deprived and moody too :( at work as well.....not happy bunny.....

was up every 30/45 mins turning over with my hips getting achy/sore.... surely i cant go through another 10 weeks of this... :shock:

any tips anyone?.... trying all sorts of pillows to try get comfy....but its hard!
:wave: everyone - sorry not got enough time to go back over all the post atm.
Just started my last week at work! :cheer: I can't wait til Friday is over as I'm just so tired now its such an effort to get up for work - I just want a lay in! I bet when I do finish (after all my excitement and countdown) I will probably be gutted and on here moaning that I miss work! :rotfl:

Hope everyone is well :hug:
Morning! :wave:
Sleep deprived and moody here too! :| Not good! And my SPD is hurting bad already! (normally it gets worse as the day goes on) tossing ans turning all night and my hips are killing and how the hell are we supposed to be ready for labour when we're too tired to even move?!?! This is what I keep thinking! :think: Im so tired and worn out all the time I sit there and think "imagine I was in labour now?" And think I cant be bothered! lol
Mel hope you feeling better hun! :hug:
NW hope you had a yummy sunday roast! :hug: I did!! ;)
Rach I hope yoru feeling ok ?? :hug:
Hennaly I hope you can either catch a nap or you feel better soon! :hug:
LisaS I have given up on tips as I have found nothing helps :hug: lol sorry ask me a again later when I feel less crappy heehee :lol:
Chok yay on your last week!! :cheer:
BD I have taken a strong liking to raspberry tea and might drink it even when I dont need to well after baby is born! I prefer it now to normal tea! (unless I want to dunk biccies!! lol) Yay on nesting lol I have a mild urge and will probably start doing something in a short while! Last night as I was going to bed I decided to start adding wall stickers to babys room and sorting her clothes again :roll: Joe had to go remove me from her room and make me get in bed lol!
Mornign ladies, how are we all?
I finally feel better :cheer: only took 4 days but hey ho im so glad its over with now any ways.
Had a continental brekki this morning, waffles and pain au chocolat mmmmm yummy
Hope slept in her big girl bed last night, she was quite unsettled but she didnt fall out which was our main concern. Had gal annoying me till 2 am aswell lol he couldnt sleep so he kept farting on me thinking it was funny :roll: thats the last time he has a coffee he goes to bed, he acts like a big kid :doh:
Nothing much more to report so will leavge it there, hope everyone is ok
Anyone heard from sarah 113 this morning???
Mornign ladies, how are we all?
I finally feel better :cheer: only took 4 days but hey ho im so glad its over with now any ways.
Had a continental brekki this morning, waffles and pain au chocolat mmmmm yummy
Hope slept in her big girl bed last night, she was quite unsettled but she didnt fall out which was our main concern. Had gal annoying me till 2 am aswell lol he couldnt sleep so he kept farting on me thinking it was funny :roll: thats the last time he has a coffee he goes to bed, he acts like a big kid :doh:
Nothing much more to report so will leavge it there, hope everyone is ok
Anyone heard from sarah 113 this morning???
morning all :wave:

hen :hug: sorry youve not had enough sleep hun and are feeling moody lots of hugs to you hope your feeling better later xxx

lisaspoon :hug: sorry your sleep deprived too hun i know 10 weeks can seem a long time when your in pain :hug: before bed have some paracetamol and a milky drink maybe a soak in the bath buy some radox salts or something similar get lots of pillows 1 or 2 under you to make you a bit more comfy some in between your legs and feet to try and keep your legs in line with your hips 1 behind your back 1 under your bump if all else fails just lie there and think it will all be worth it when your holding your beautiful baby :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx

choklatemunkey :cheer: yay for your last week in work hun hope it goes quickly for you :D xxx

babydust glad the house is nearly sorted hun try not to overdo things you will only end up in pain :hug: xxx

lea sorry youve had a bad night too :hug: and are in pain :hug: any time now hun and your beautiful daughter is going to be here :D xxx

mel glad your feeling better hun :hug: make gal sleep on the sofa tonight teach him a lesson ha ha ha xxx

have read my lot the riot act this morning :rotfl: and told them all if they dont toe the line im packing all their bags (luke to stay with his father and o/h can go live with his mother) im sick of being a door mat in this house while they all play on computers and game consoles :shakehead: not happening any more im going to take back control of this unruly house if it kills me and anyone who doesnt like it will be shown the door i mean business :D hope everyone has a good day :hug: xxxxxxxx
Morning everyone, :wave:

Wow you ladies don’t half talk. :D

Mel – glad you’re feeling better today. :hug:

ROM – its great to see you back and I’m glad you had such a good time on your holiday. :D

Lisapink – glad Lilly-Rose is settling in well, it must be great being home. :hug:

Lisaspoon – oooh sounds like your body is telling you to get some rest hun. I remember I went through a spell around 28 weeks where I was in agony ( I still am) trying to get comfortable in bed but I’m not sure if it just got better or I got used to it. I hope you feel better soon. :hug:

Rach – I can’t imagine how uncomfortable you must feel with the two babies rummaging about in there. :hug: Good on you for reading the riot act, I bet you feel better for it. :D Hopefully it all sank in. :hug:

Babydust – I feel the same as you, I can only get comfortable for a minute then have to move and the same thing happens again. Ach well at least its only a few more weeks for the both us. :D I just ordered the raspberry leaf tablets as I don’t think I could stomach the tea. Hopefully they will help. :D

Lea m – sorry you’re feeling so awful just now. :hug:

Ninja – I’ve been on a cleaning frenzy ever since I went on maternity leave, the house has never been so clean. :rotfl:

Hennaly – sorry you’re feeling so sleep deprived, hope you feel better soon. :hug:

Chok – Yay – last week. It will fly by. :cheer:

Well I’m not doing very much exciting today.

Just waiting for my new washing machine to be delivered then I’m going to nip to the shops which I’m NOT looking forward to. :(

I’ve been reading up on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and it does sound like what I’ve got. I’m just wondering if its worth bothering the doc as it doesn’t seem that theres much they can do apart from splints.

Sorry if I've forgotten anyone, I'm terrible at reading back and memory is so bad just now.
Morning ladies,

There is so much to catch up on as I haven't been on here since Friday, so sorry for not responding to all your messages.

Rach, I had tears in my eyes reading your post about your cousins funeral. Sorry to hear your cinema trip didn't turn out as planned.

My mind has just gone completely blank and I honestly can't remember what anyone else has written, and I'm too lazy to re-read it all again :oops:

We had a busy weekend, me and Phoebe went into town and I totally overdid it. By the time we (me pushing Phoebe in her buggy) walked back to the car I just had no energy left in me. I'd parked on a steep hill (couldn't find anywhere else) and walking back was just impossible, for a journey that would normally take 2 mins, prob took me more than 10 mins. By the time we got home my hips, back everything were killing me. OH was kind enough to let me have a bath to try and ease the pain while he looked after Phoebe!! Yesterday took DD to a birthday, which was lovely as it gave me a chance to catch up with all my friends that I haven't seen for ages.

Since last week I have been stressing about the baby as their growth has slowed down dramatically, the fluid levels surrounding them have also dropped massively (I've only grown 1cm in 4 weeks!) and they are breech. The same thing happened with Phoebe. Anyway I had got my head round the idea that I may be having another c-section as I really didn't think the baby would be able to turn as the fluid levels are so low. Well I woke in the night on Saturday and the baby def was NOT breech (they are back to being breech now) but at least I know that they can turn which is good news. Just worrying about the fluid levels and their growth now. I've got another midwife appointment on Wednesday and a scan next week. FIngers crossed that things have improved by then. Phoebe was a small baby and my midwife just thinks that I have small 'uns.

Back to work tomorrow which I'm dreading as I'm still feeling sick, not as bad, but it's still there. If the consultant next week says I should slow down then I may request to leave work earlier as this last two weeks has been a massive help with just being able to take it easy.

Just remembered something, Lea - was having a nose at some of your facebook photo's and there is one photo of you and another one of one of your boys and I have to say you both have the most amazing eyes, really piercing and bright.

:wave: for now
:wave: hi Rach, well done you on the riot act!

:wave: Henn, hope you get some kip

:wave: LisaS, hope you get a comfy sleep hun

:wave: Chok, hope Friday comes quick for you!

:wave: Babydust, cant wait to see pics!

:wave: Lea, sorry your spd is so bad hun

:wave: Mel, yay to feeling better!!

:wave: Charmed, sorry about your hands hun

:wave: Bexie, Im sure bubs is fine, and yes you should finish earlier

Well Ive got MW today, Im quite anxious as bubs has been extremley quiet today :( So will check all is well. Hopefully OH is coming too if his work let him leave early. Speak to you all later! :hug:
That's something I meant to say earlier before my pregnancy brain went all of a fuddle!!!

Glad your OH is home with you now NW, I bet your over the moon to have him back with you now.

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