Chat thread!

Oh my god, there is always so much to catch up on you bunch of chatterboxes.

Rach, thinking of you today and hope it goes as well as can be expected.

NW I would have been annoyed with my OH as well. Bet you can't wait to see him though.

Lisa, the hat sounds so cute, my knitting is limited to scarfs, not really suitable for a baby!!

:wave: to everyone else.

I've had a nice morning, dropped DD off at nursery then went for a leg and foot massage and an eyebrow and eyelash tint and an eyebrow shape. Can't make my mind up if I should have a bikini wax before the big day, they hurt so much and don't know if I could cope with the pain, I've can't shave down there as I can't reach!!

Hope you and all your lovely bumps are well and happy.

B x
:wave: Henn

:wave: Rach, thinking of you today hun :hug:

:wave: Lea

:wave: Mel

:wave: Bexie I want beautifying but :talkhand: to a wax!!

:wave: Lisa

Ive not long got up, was up till 5am, with hearburn and general uncomfiness. But OH is home in three hours and I cant wait! PLUS hes hopeflully gonna be here for next two months!! Yay the armys not sending him anywhere!! I can relax a bit coz hes the only one I want with me when I go into labour, and him being away terrifies me, I couldnt do it without him!
Well Im off to make myself beautiful(well....presentable :rotfl: ), see you all later!!! :hug:
:wave: all!
Got loads of baby stuff at the warehouse sale yesterday! :cheer: Was blummin knackered by the end of the day though.
Bit concerned as Junior was moving about SO much in the car on the way there - was the same on the way to our 4d scan which was a long drive so I think this LO dissaproves of long car journeys! Anyway, the thing is, I'm sure I was feeling hiccups at the top of my bump after all the movements as opposed to at the back at the bottom where they have been up to now - some of the movements in the car were quite uncomfortable jabs in the ribs, which I'm used to from feet - but I dunno, I'm just worried that, after being head down since at least 20 weeks - the little monkey has moved into a less favourable position! My bump did feel different at the bottom yesterday and at first I thought it might just have dropped but after the hiccups thing......I'm not so sure. Have got a M/W appt next week so guess I will just have to wait til then to find out how Junior is positioned now. I know there's still time for turning back if LO is now the other way up but I can't help but wonder......
Ho Hum.

Hope you are all ok :hug:
Bexie lucky you! Would love a bit of pampering myself actually! Dont think I could have a wax though! Im too soft hahaha

:wave: Mel!! Im good! Bit knakcered and heartburn constantly lol but good! Hoep your well hun!?

NW YAY on OH coming home soon and staying home!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Chok fantastic on getting loads of baby stuff!! :cheer: Fingerscrossed babs hasnt turned breech hun! :pray:

Im off food shopping now :bored: great lol
feeling a hell of a lot better after my nap i can tell you although still tired, suddenly started to feel really sick and headachey so got hope in bed andf got my self in bed too :hug:
Hello girlies!! Guess Im gatecrashing here now!! LOL!!

Just wanted to say Hi. Rach, hope today went as easy as poss for you. :hug:

Will gatecrash again soon & catch up!!

Mel hope your feeling better?! :hug:

LisaP hi make sure you do come back and gatecrash!! :hug:

BD yes your bump has dropped hasnt it?! :shock: Oh gosh dont even ask about the SPD! Its gone so so bad in say the last 4 days! Im struggling to walk without tears in my eyes! :( I think the bone may have moved now but no point going seeing anyone now! I forgot ( :oops: yes how bad is that) to call the acupuncturist and wish now I didnt always forget everything!It may have been helping me but too late now I guess! Though I have had to sort out my room and change i about! :roll: lol Just couldnt resist the urge! Now its killing but at least its done lol!

Hope your all ok!? Just watched the new CSI missed loads of the last season (maybe all of it?! :? lol) but looked good so watched it and it was!
:wave: morning girlies!! Hope you are all well today on this rainy day!

:hug: Lea, a very gentle gentle huggle coz of the spd, I wholey sympathise hun, :(

:hug: Babydust, for the low bump and feeling uncomfy, and yes get started on that bag!!

:wave: LisaP, of course you can gatecrash!!

:hug: Mel, hope you are feeling better

:hug: for everyone else!

Ive GOT to go into town today and Im dreading it..I cant walk far with my sciatica and spd so am gonna be in agony!
I walked from the car, across a carpark and into Blockbusters last night and even THAT set of pain, alongside braxton hcks and major period pain :( Gawd if Im gonna have that for the next 4 weeks am gonna go insane! Oooooo FOUR weeks!!! HOLY CRAP!! Wheres the time gone?????? *waddles off muttering to self*
:lol: Dont mind me its early!
See you all later, huggles to your bumps! :hug:
Morning girls :wave:

Ive got a tour of the hospital today but not sure im gonna have the strength to drag my sorry fat arse round without a wheelchair :?

Well im pretty sure this little man wont be cue jumping to be born i jst have a feeling he is pretty happy in there and will have to be forcably evicted :roll:
Good luck to all you who think you will be early and big :hug: :hug: to you poor ladies who are finding it hard to get around now.
:wave: hi all just a quickie funeral went as well as can be expected :( was very very sad they had same coffin same flowers as my little Jamie which upset me and my eldest son luke :( and then they said that she was at rest now with her nanna and her cousin Jamie and my poor son bawled his eyes out it was a very emotional day :cry: was very distressed in the afternoon and took myself off to bed for a few hours
went to the new cinema last night which was lovely seen saw 5 which i really enjoyed the luxury seats we booked were great big huge leather ones with thick leather arm rests they were so comfy :D and then 10 mins after we sit down i thought i was going into labour again :( spent the whole film with gareth timing contractions which were every 6 mins and asking me did i want to go home and me having to keep changing positions and moving about lots :( by time we got out of the cinema i was crying i was so fed up then we had to wait 20 mins in the rain for our taxi i didnt know if i was going to be sick or poo myself :oops: (pressure i assume) walked in the house about 11 pm and everything stopped :( im not sure if i can keep going through this its happened 3 times now and each time lasts 3 to 4 hours and they are as strong as the ones i had about an hour before giving birth on my 1st 2 children. cant eat cant sleep cant walk cant sit for any length of time so fed up now just cant stop crying :cry:
sorry for the long rant :hug: to all will try and come back later in a better mood xxxxxxxxxx
NW good luck with going to town hun! :hug: Baby must have lay on my sciatic nerves yesterday and although it wasnt so bad (well worse in my left leg) I didnt want to move until she moved off! It must be horrible for you to have it bad all the time! :hug:

Hennaly I hope you manage the tour without too much pain! :hug:

Rach :hug: :hug: :hug: It must have been heartbreaking for you and your son! I was heartbroken just reading!
Im sorry your night out was ruined by silly contractions! :( And you rant away! :hug:

Im off to lie down again! :? I cant breathe again Im getting so sick of this!
aw rach I had a tear in my eye reading your post.... I don't know what to say. I hope you can have a bit of a rest and feel better later
awww rach :(.... i was at the cinema last night too, went to see Quantum of Solace....(also went last week and saw Burn after reading). Each time I was shifting and wriggling around in my seat so much I could not get comfy.....was annoying as I just want to watch the film! Wish we had comfy leather seats tho.... :hug: :hug:

Hen and NW - hope you manage your tour/shopping today without too much pain.... :hug: :hug: I'm not to bad at the moment, altho I had to get up this morning as I was too sore lying in bed.... big hugs to you both :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

lea - I hope your feeling bit better??? :hug: :hug: :hug:

babydust - good to see you.....may not be long for you now!!! fingers crossed for you! :D

LisaP - hope you are well after the birth :D congrats on having your baby!! :hug: :hug:

OH off to football today so i'm just going to spend a wee bit of time tidying up the house and then going to settle and start some more knitting!
Got a wee fright last night as I phoned my mum and she starts by saying "your dad had a funny turn when down at your brothers" (he goes down to stay with him when he's doing work in london).. turned out he'd been having dizzy spells on and off for a few days and one morning couldnt get up and stand up because he was so dizzy :( my brother took him to hospital to get checked out (CT scan and everything) and turns out he has an inner ear viral infection which is a relief. I burst into tears after I finished speaking to my mum, dont know why!! bloody hormones! :oops:

anyway, i hope you all have a lovely day and those of you with spd/back pain etc rest rest rest.....big hugs to you all :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
LisaP and chocoholic - many congrats!! :cheer: :cheer:
Hope you are both recovering well!

rach - how are you feeling now? :hug:

babydust - bet it's nice to be home!

lisaspoon - hope your hormones have settled down. glad your dad is ok though!! :hug:

lea - hope you are feeling ok :hug:

NW - hope the shopping trip went ok

:wave: to anyone I have missed - sorry - there are just so many posts to read through!!

Everything is ok with me today. Bump is wriggling about like crazy! We popped out to a retail park but i started feeling a bit funny so when we got home I plonked myself on the sofa. We bought a cake in M&S so I had a big bit of that and feel a bit better now!!
Really wanted to clean the house today - it feels manky for some reason. I think the cats have been everwhere with muddy paws!! So I need to get myself moving soon....
not much else to report. I can't believe I am 33 weeks already!! And only 4 more weeks at work until mat leave!! :cheer: :cheer:
Hello again ladies, just back from work and still feeling like a bagof shite, need to go to bed but thoguht id come on here first, sorry to hear about the cinema escapades hun hope you feel better soon. I would lisat names but i have a hard time remembering what everyone says so will just say hope you are all well :hug:

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