Hi girls, well that was a complete waste of the day!!

Was advised just to go to the hospital this morning so got there just after 8, to be told they had no beds. So was moved to the antenatal clininc to be monitored, they were so short staffed, there was 1 midwife on call dealing with over 10 patients. Was having a few painful contractions & feeling a lot of pressure, but that stopped after an hour, just when I was about to go onto the monitor. After being monitored for a while, I was asked to wait in the waiting room so they could use the room, but it was full so had to stand in the corridor. Was then told it was very doubtful they could fit me in today, so to go home & ring back later or in the morning, was not happy but just wanted to get out of there as it was so hot I felt really sick, then it was decided I couldnt go home until they had spoken to the consultant to see if her agreed, so more blooming waiting!! After the midwife paged the consultant god knows how many times, Hubby got p****d off & went to the other antenatal clinic where he kicked up a stink so they called the consultant to speak to him, next thing I know Im being told I can go home & they will call ME when a bed becomes free, obviously kicking up a stink is how you get an answer!! I felt so sorry for the staff as they were trying so hard to keep us informed but they just couldnt get an answer out of anyone. So today was wasted, my Mum travelled over an hour on the train to be here for my girls for nothing, she cant do it tommorrow as she has to work, so have to find someone to be on standby for tommorrow.
God, that was a bit of an essay!!
Rach, so glad your scan went well!! What a relief for you. xx
Choc, hope all goes well for you!! xx
I dont have a text buddy!!
Hi to everyone else!! Hope you are all having a good day.