Chat thread!

Hi ladies!!
BD sorry you daughter is being a pain too! :hug: Must be something in the air??! My sis has been having trouble with her kiddies too! Though I must say, my 3 have got better after that day! My LO's tum measures about a week bigger than her head! lol Maybe more but they said its all fine! Just body shapes I guess! :hug:

Liza Im sorry your hubby has been so inconsiderate! :hug: Hopefully though it is what Bexie said and trouble with the phone?!

Hope your well Chok and LisaS??

LisaP good luck tomorrow hun! :hug:

Bexie I hope I dont get sick too! Cant imagine puking with this belly! Must be so painful!

Rach Im glad the MW helped you feel better about things and I hope you dont get too much discomfort or pain hun! :hug: Yay on going to the cinema!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Mel hi :wave: Nice to see you!! Glad everythings ok hun!

I have heartburn and Im off to bed lol! So blinking tired hee hee
hi mel nice to see you joining us again hope your ok hun :hug: xxx

lea sorry about the heartburn hun :hug: only a few more weeks at the most maybe not even that if you go early :cheer: xxx

lisapink good luck hunny thinking of you xxx

woke up in agony again this morning :( took me so long to get out of bed because of the pain i really thought i was going to wet myself :oops: think the only thing keeping me going now is that i know i only have 1 month to go :cheer: got my scan today :pray: everything is still ok and my babies are ok im struggling today as i know its crunch time coming up next week is the week when my Jamie passed away and its going to be stressful for me till i get past that hopefully my babies will still be growing well and that will reassure me a little as Jamie had already stopped growing at this stage

hope everyone is ok and has a good day should be home by 2ish so will let you all know how we get on xxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning all :wave:

Rach i really feel for you, im back to not sleeping again and waking up in pain with my hips or something so god knows how you are coping :hug:

I have a bit of a muzzy head today so excuse me if i dont post an epic but feel crap.

lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to all you wonderful ladies that are doing so well in your late pregnancy :hug:
hen sorry your feeling so crappy hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Morning ladies........first of all thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday :hug:

I have decided to write yesterday off - I was an absolute mess, and first time I have been like that since I became pregnant - DH called last night and we had a good chat, he told me he would never mean to upset me and only went out for an hour and then fell asleep before he had chance to call me. He also called me this morning just to tell me he loves me :D !! I think my biggest problem is imsomnia, Im just getting so little sleep and its been like this for a week or more now, my mind wont switch off (which Im told is very common at this stage of pregnancy), and end up tossing and turning for hours, and wake up feeling pants.

Rach - hope the scan goes well today, and sorry you are not sleeping well :hug:
Lea - Hope you are feeling better, and Yay for "full term" :cheer:
Bexie - Sorry you might have to have another c-section, but great you are not losing fluid!! :hug:
Chok - hope you enjoyed the shopping trip :D
LisaP - I know you are going for your induction today, look forward to hearing the happy news in the next few days!!
Lisa - :wave: Thanks for cheering me up yesterday :hug:
:wave: - to everyone I missed
Elliebelle im sorry you had such a horrible day yesterday, i get days like that and heaven help anyone who gets in my path but lets be fair i think we end up feeling bad but we are the ones going through all this in the first place so are entitled to the odd stroppy here and there. :hug:
Thank you so much Hen :hug: :hug:

Im absolutely knackered but much more positive today.....

Did you enjoy your trip to Bath??
:shhh: Just sneaking in throught the back door 'cause I'm not supposed to be here :oops: just wanted to wish Rach all the best I hope the scan goes well and can't wait to see the pictures. Hope you feel more comfortable soon too.
:wave: to everyone else (too many to mention) good luck in the coming weeks as you get to meet your lo's. :D
Right I'll just sneak out again - very quietly - :oops: :oops: Hope I didn't disturb you :D

yes thanks :D but it would have been so much cheaper just to order online bearing in mind the fuel to get there, the parking, and the lunch for all 5 of us :roll: but of course it would have meant we didnt get a day out away from this bloody house which is driving me nuts :lol:

I really dont know what to do with the kitchen floor, i dont think i can have carpet because of the dogs, we have wooden floor now but the dogs have ruined it so think lino maybe the only quick fix option bearing in mind I WANT IT DONE NOW :shakehead:
Hi San you cheeky monkey :shhh: i think its lovley you want another baby by the way :wink:
Hen - we have a wood laminate in our kitchen and seems much more hard wearing than proper wood floor and there isnt a scratch on it from the dog, or cats!

Saying that you can get some lovely lino's now too.

Floors 2 Go is a good place to get some ideas.
:wave: quick hello! Im back in bed :shhh:
OH is home tomorrow so feeling better :cheer:
Speak later lovelies!! :dance:
EllieBelle said:
Hen - we have a wood laminate in our kitchen and seems much more hard wearing than proper wood floor and there isnt a scratch on it from the dog, or cats!

Saying that you can get some lovely lino's now too.

Floors 2 Go is a good place to get some ideas.

where are they?

remember one of my dogs isnt fully grown and weighs 12 stone already :?
hi all :wave: just a quickie
just got in now and everything is still looking fantastic couldnt stop crying while i was there so i didnt see much lol babies are so big and so squashed now they didnt get good pics but will post them anyway in a bit
baby 1 has put on 1 pound 3 ounces and is now 4 - 15 :shock: thats in just 3 weeks
baby 2 has put on 1 pound 2 ounces and is now 4 - 11
with 4 weeks to go they are expecting them to reach 6 pound each by birth although of course its only an estimate but they shouldnt be far off :cheer:
blood flow was excellent and heamatologist has now signed me off so i dont need to see her again had all my swabs done to check for MRSA and got all my final appointments now too
im to just see midwife next week then a scan the week after then steroid injections 2 days on the trot the week after and i have an appointment to see the anesthetist at the same time then in on the sunday the 7th to be checked in and bloods and i can come back home then and go back in the morning for the section :cheer: so all systems go now woo hoo xxxxxxxxxx
:dance: Oh Rach I'm so happy for you - just think the next time you see your boys you'll be able to kiss and hold them - how exciting (just noticed you still have another scan :wall: - but still not long till you kiss them and hold them!)
:dance: xx
Aww thats such good weights hun! :cheer:
OMG Im so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OOOOOOOOOOO Im so excited for you Rach.......what fantastic weights too! I just cant wait to see the photos in a few weeks :hug:
Wow Rach fab weights!!!!!

Hi to all others but not had time to read back further than Rach's thread as just in between hosp visits.... Having baby VERY SOON (being induced Monday at latest- see other 3rd Tri thread!)

Got to go hosp now love to all will keep you updated....

PLEASE FORGIVE ME?????? :pray:

Sarah xxx

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