Hiya Ladies
Back from the hospital and it didn't go badly, they gave me an internal which was so so painful, I just wanted my OH there so I could hold his hand, but he had to stay at home to look after our DD. Luckily the neck of the womb is still closed so I wasn't loosing any fluid, (just a very heavy discharge
it would seem!) I'm still feeling down about my low fluid levels and the baby being breech as I was so adament that I wanted a natural birth this time and at the moment I just feel like everythings pointing in the same direction as when I had Phoebe. The thought of not being able to drive for 4 - 6 weeks is bad enough without having a little one who likes to get out and about (we live in the sticks - 15 miles from Aberystwyth - bus service once a day - you get the picture!!!) I've got another midwife appointment tomorrow and then the consultant wants my midwife to see me again next week and then I'll have another scan the following week to check the fluid levels. I'm guessing then that if my fluid levels are still low and the baby is still breech they will book me in for a c-section! Sorry to go on, I'm just feeling a bit stressed by it all at the moment.
Now I'm going to lie on the sofa with a bag of frozen peas between my bum cheeks
, doctors orders, my piles are so painful and won't stop bleeding, got to go back to see him next week as he wants to do an internal, but yesterday it was just too painful for him to even attemt it!
See ya girls, hope your all feeling better than me. B x
Back from the hospital and it didn't go badly, they gave me an internal which was so so painful, I just wanted my OH there so I could hold his hand, but he had to stay at home to look after our DD. Luckily the neck of the womb is still closed so I wasn't loosing any fluid, (just a very heavy discharge

Now I'm going to lie on the sofa with a bag of frozen peas between my bum cheeks

See ya girls, hope your all feeling better than me. B x