Chat thread!

Hiya Ladies

Back from the hospital and it didn't go badly, they gave me an internal which was so so painful, I just wanted my OH there so I could hold his hand, but he had to stay at home to look after our DD. Luckily the neck of the womb is still closed so I wasn't loosing any fluid, (just a very heavy discharge :oops: it would seem!) I'm still feeling down about my low fluid levels and the baby being breech as I was so adament that I wanted a natural birth this time and at the moment I just feel like everythings pointing in the same direction as when I had Phoebe. The thought of not being able to drive for 4 - 6 weeks is bad enough without having a little one who likes to get out and about (we live in the sticks - 15 miles from Aberystwyth - bus service once a day - you get the picture!!!) I've got another midwife appointment tomorrow and then the consultant wants my midwife to see me again next week and then I'll have another scan the following week to check the fluid levels. I'm guessing then that if my fluid levels are still low and the baby is still breech they will book me in for a c-section! Sorry to go on, I'm just feeling a bit stressed by it all at the moment.

Now I'm going to lie on the sofa with a bag of frozen peas between my bum cheeks :rotfl:, doctors orders, my piles are so painful and won't stop bleeding, got to go back to see him next week as he wants to do an internal, but yesterday it was just too painful for him to even attemt it!

See ya girls, hope your all feeling better than me. B x
Im glad your not losing water hun but sorry theres a chance you will need a section again! :hug: :hug: :hug: And sorry for having to sit on frozen peas lol! :lol: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh Bexie :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im sorry you are feeling so rough at the moment!!!

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: for you Bexie.... hope you are ok... maybe your fluid levels will go back up? I don't know what to suggest as I don't know much about it. Does something as obvious as drinking more water yourself help?

lea - sorry the kids are playing up. That must be extra tiring for you right now!!

I had a nice dinner in the end - salmon, rice and stir fry veg - it was yummy.
Just going to have a hot drink and go to bed now - I have been staying up too late which really doesn't help in the morning. DH is doing his ironing so i will just leave him to it!

Night night everyone xxx
:wave: morning!!

Im up early due to the fact that I got up to go for a wee, and it brought on Braxton Hicks :shock:, happened during my 2am wee wee aswell :lol: , so am up watching the constant news bout Obama...isnt there anything going on in the world? :think:

:wave: Kmac
:wave: Ellie
:wave: Lea
:wave: Bexie
:wave: Babydust
:wave: Rach
:wave: Henn
:wave: LisaP
:wave: Chok
Hope you and your bumps are good today!! If ive missed anyone Im sorry, you can tell me off later, my brain doesnt work this early in morning :lol:
:wave: morning all feeling completely crap again not sure whats going on wether babies have moved or what but im really starting to feel that everything is imminent :shock: for over 2 days now ive been in constant pain period pain in my lower back and lower abdomen :( loads of BH i seem to be running to the loo constantly to poo (sorry tmi) and i mean instead of once a day like 5/6 times a day even in the night and the pressure down below whenever i stand up is unbelieveable :( i cant walk more than a few steps and thats very slowly :cry: god im in so much pain cant wait for my scan 2moro to see if anything is going on or if its just babies have changed position for now im just confined mainly to the sofa

kmac :hug: glad you had a nice dinner and lovely that you made some new friends :D xxx

bexie glad you are not leaking fluid but sorry about everything else hun :hug: hope things change for you by your next scan so you can have the birth you want :hug: xxx

lea hope the kids are better behaved today for you hun :hug: xxx

liza glad you are feeling a bit better hun :hug: xxx

babydust glad the scan went well :hug: xxx

ninja i been up early doing the same lol and am now starting to wonder will we see any other news this morning xxx

:wave: hi to everyone else :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning ladies :wave:

We are going over to Bath today to the golden cot which seems to be the only place that stocks my pram round here :roll:
I love and hate Bath at the same time, its got some nice shops but i hate the fact its in a basin and dont like the drive on the edge of the road to get there.
Anyway anyone who knows Bath will know what i mean :D

Have a good day girls and i will be back later to check out what you have all been up to :hug:
:wave: All.....

Kmac - :cheer: on getting people's numbers - I haven't been able to do that like I thought I might... :( I only had that one antenatal class and no-one spoke to each other as it was over so quick (and was so pants) that everyone practically ran out at the end of it....ho hum, I will just have to wait and find some mother and baby groups to go to or summink....
:cheer: on 4 weeks to go at work! Hope it goes quick like my countdown!

Babydust - glad all was ok at the scan - I know it's hard but try not to worry I'm sure they'd let you know if they thought it was bad about the measurements.....those things aren't always 100% accurate anyway, particularly the weight estimates if other posts on here are anything to go by.

EllieBelle - :wave: glad you feel better after your blip, and I hope that you sort something out about your DH so you can spend more time together :hug:

Bexie - sorry that it doesn't seem to be great news about the fluid levels, and that you are having to put up with the piles/frozen peas situation on top of the rest of the worry :hug:

LisaP - Ahhhhhh tomorrows the big day then!!!!!!!!!!!

LeaM - sorry the kiddies aren't behaving, thats all you need right now :( hope you are in less pain v.soon - and Happy Full Term Hun!

NW - did you get any sleep in the end?

Rach - :hug: wish you weren't in so much pain. Hope the scan helps to show what might have changed.

Hen - have fun in Bath!

:wave: Choc, LisaS, and anyone else who my silly brain has forgotten!

I'm looking forward to my baby shopping trip tomorrow (and my day off!) and hopefully we will get some good stuff.
Then it's just Friday and 5 days next week and NO MORE WORK for me! :dance: (Jeez Im really milking this countdown thing, anyone would think I was counting down to my due date - I'm so excited! :lol: )
thought id pop in here and say :wave: hope everyone and babies are okay xxxx
I don't blame you Choklatemunky, I would be just as excited as you. I am back at work next Tuesday and leave 3 weeks later. I am dreading going back, I suppose I could go back now, but my piles :oops: are so so painful I just want to sit still!!

Lea - Sorry the kids are misbehaving, Phoebe is going through a phase at the moment where I think she is learning to manipulate to get what she wants, very frustrating. She won't eat any food we give her. At lunch yesterday as soon as I gave her her lunch, she handed me back her bowl, after about 15 mins of me saying "just try one mouthful for mummy" she did and ate most of her food. I think she thought I would give in sooner and give her a slice of bread, then a yogurt! She did the same at dinner, but it didn't work this time so all she had was some grapes and half a banana. I felt really bad putting her to bed with hardly any dinner, but I know she's just playing us to get what she wants (bread and desert). It must be even more draining for you with 3 kids and 2 of them fighting!! :hug:

Rach and NW- Sorry to hear your having such bad BH's, try and take it easy and get as much rest as you can. NW, not long till your OH is home now, will he be home until the birth?

Kmac - I was told that there is no evidence to prove drinking loads will increase your fluid levels, but that it was worth giving it a go. This pregnancy is so similar to when I was carrying Phoebe, from the bleeding at the begining, to the morning sickness, to the breech, to the low fluid levels, it just feels like I'm walking down the same road, at least I know what to expect.

Babydust - Glad your scan went well. I wouldn't worry much about the measurements, in my experience they are normally out by a pound or so. They said Phoebe would weigh close on 7 lb, she weighed 5 lb 12 oz.

Liza - I think it's a good idea to move closer to your OH, espicially with little Jack on his way. Having a new baby can be really lonely at times, so having the support of your husband will make a massive difference.

Hen- Have a great time shopping in Bath, I love the place apart from the traffic, it's a nightmare!! But the shops are great. Happy spending.

:wave: to Lisa P, Lisa Spoon, CHarmed and anyone else I may have missed xx

I'm feeling a little better today, a little less worried, I have a midwife appointment this afternoon so will pick her brains about my fluid levels. When I went into hospital yesterday afternoon I was getting really worried as it took the midwife ages to find the babies heartbeat, she found it after about a minute or so!!

RIght I'm off for a snooze, only been up 3 hours and feel knackered. B x
Morning everyone, :wave:

Lisaspoon – I can’t believe the midwife treated you that way, what was her problem???? I’m glad everything is looking ok though and that you got to see your little one again. :hug:

Hennaly – I wish I’d though of asking for a bowl to do my samples, the mess I make is unreal and usually only end up with a little bit in the tube. Good luck in getting your pram today. :D

Rach – hope you’re ok hun, take it easy today. :hug:

Bexie – sorry baby is breech, I’m praying that he/she will turn soon. I understand how you feel about having a caesarean and not being able to drive as I live in a rural area as well. Our cars are our life line. Hope everything goes well today. :hug:

Kmac – glad your midwife appointment went well and yay on only having four weeks left. My appetite is enormous just now as well, was thinking baby is going through a growth spurt. :D

Babydust – glad your scan went well, hopefully the weight will even out by the end of the pregnancy. :hug:

Elliebelle – glad your feeling better and it sounds like a great plan to move so you and your OH can see each other more. It must be a horrible situation. :hug:

Lea – sorry your feeling so horrible just now. Just noticed your 37 weeks today, yay on being full term. :cheer:

Ninja – hope you ok and managed to get some sleep last night. :hug:

Chok – hope you have a good day shopping tomorrow and LOL at the countdown. I was that excited I actually had the days written on my whiteboard at work. :rotfl:

Jaydesmummy – :wave:

I’m feeling very tired today so I’m not going to do very much. My wrists are very sore particularly my left on just below the base of my thumb. I keep getting pins and needs in my hand and arms at night and my arms ache. :(

Oooh and I started washing my baby clothes last night, might start getting my hospital bag ready. I have everything I need (I think). :)

Hope everyone has a good day. :D
Hi everyone!! :wave:
Kmac Yay on the yummy dinner!
NW :wave: Hope you got more sleep! I like watching all the news on Obama! :lol:
Rach Im so sorry you in so much pain! :hug: I think my pain is bad but when I try and imagine twice the weigh pressing I nearly pass out with the thought! lol :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hennaly have a good time shopping! Couldnt help but laugh about going to Bath but not wanting to drive around the basin! haha :lol:
Chok yay on shopping tomorrow!!
Jaydesmummy :wave: hope your ok!?
Bexie i hope Phoebe realises soon that she wont win! Its hard not to feel bad but your doing the best for her hun! :hug: Glad your feeling better today!
Charmed thankyou and hope your not feeling so tired later!

Well YAY on me being full term now!! :cheer: I feel sicky today again! Joe was up in the night being sick though so might have finally got the sick bug thats been going around and I thought I missed :( I have been srinking raspberry leaf tea though and it might be that?! :think: We'll see! MW tomorrow again!
Just needed a quick rant............

DH left very early yesterday morning for his 3 days away working, he finally called me at 6pm for a couple of mins and promised to call me later - he was meeting a colleague for a drink, he told me if he was back late he would text me to see if I was still awake.

Hardly slept a wink, no call, no text, no nothing! Im absolutely livid and just feel like I dont he is so busy during the day I will probably hear from him this evening now - 24 hours late, by which point I will be breathing fire! I dont understand whats so difficult about sending a 30 sec text message!

Im so upset and just needed to let off some steam, been in pieces again all morning - I just sometimes feel so isolated and lonely.........sorry to rant ladies :(
Men! :evil: They just don't think the same way we do about those kind of things :shakehead:
He will probably be completely oblivious as to why you might be annoyed and simply say he forgot I expect, if my experiences are anything to go by. :roll:
:( sorry you are feeling lonely :hug:
EllieBelle said:
Just needed a quick rant............

DH left very early yesterday morning for his 3 days away working, he finally called me at 6pm for a couple of mins and promised to call me later - he was meeting a colleague for a drink, he told me if he was back late he would text me to see if I was still awake.

Hardly slept a wink, no call, no text, no nothing! Im absolutely livid and just feel like I dont he is so busy during the day I will probably hear from him this evening now - 24 hours late, by which point I will be breathing fire! I dont understand whats so difficult about sending a 30 sec text message!

Im so upset and just needed to let off some steam, been in pieces again all morning - I just sometimes feel so isolated and lonely.........sorry to rant ladies :(

Hun, firstly.. :hug: :hug: :hug: I know EXACTLY how you feel! I got the same when my OH was away working in Japan for 2 week stints a coule of years ago... .... and i still get it now...he says he'll ring in 10mins and 1hr later no call! Its just cause he's really busy at work and gets bogged down with things. But I understand totally, takes 10 seconds to send a text message!!!!! grrr! men!
My tip would be.....dont let it get to you now, just have a wee talk when he gets back about how it makes you feel,...nothing worse than arguing when you cant see each other face to face!..... also hormones prob make you feel worse too! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Wow you lot can talk!!! :lol: will try catch up!

lea m - yey to full term! thats where I'm counting down to!! cant wait! sorry your kids are misbehaving! supppose I have all this to come!!

Bexie - glad you're not losing fluid hun.... but sorry that you may have to go down the c section route again.....fingers crossed LO spins for you :hug:

Chok - yey to only 6 days left!!!!!!! i'm excited and i have now...34.5 days!! lol! :lol:

Hennaly - hope you have good time in Bath, been years since I was there! All i can remember is the big baths! (funnily enough!!)

rach - how you feeling hun? do you think it could be early labour sympoms? good luck for your scan tomo! :hug:

kmac - glad your dinner was good! I'm having spag bol tonight finished off with some trifle and then maybe some of the neighbours fireworks displays! :shhh:

Charmed - hope you're feeling ok and your wrists arent too sore.... :hug: meant to ask.....what big hospital are they shipping you too? I'm going to be at Stirling for my birth :D

babydust, nw and anyone else i've missed :hug: :hug: :hug:
Afternoon girls, hope everyone is ok? Am trying to get the house sorted before tommorrow, really should have done it yesterday so I could get some rest today!! Hopefully my Hubby will finish work early enough so we can go out for a coffee before picking the kids up from school, Starbucks have started selling their xmas coffees today, & we have vouchers for a free one, it'll probably be the last time for a while that we get time to ourselves!!

I think Im ready for tommorrow.......although Ive got a feeling that I have forgotten something really obvious!! LOL!!

Ellie, I dont blame you for feeling that way!! Men!! They just get wrapped up in themselves dont they!!

Hi to everyone else!! Ok, back to the cleaning!

Liza, sorry to hear your hubbie didn't text you or call to let you know he was alright :hug: I would be feeling the same way as him. My relationship with my OH started off by text as he lived in Banbury and I was in Bristol. Sometimes he'd say he not received my texts when I knew I'd sent them, so I had delivery reports set up for my phone, and sure enough on the odd occassion for some unknown reason my text just didn't go through for hours or even days. Perhaps he did try texting, but the lousy network let you both down. Hope it was that. :hug: :hug:

You need to get yourself up to Preston, so your with him all the time. xx

CHarmed - Is it you who lives in the Scottish Isles and has to move temporairly for delivery? Yay on getting your hospital bag ready. I don't know when to pack mine. I've sorted out most of my baby clothes now (most of Phoebe's old stuff), but I haven't got round to washing the new stuff yet. Looking forward to it though.

Lea - Really hope you don't get the sickness bug, we had it last week. I even lost my appetite for chocolate and that never happens. Yay on being term, I can't beleive how quickly the time has passed, it doens't seem like it was that long ago that we were all in tri 1!

Babydust - Sorry to hear your DD's are playing up too. It must be horrible to hear your child say "I hate you", even though you know they don't really mean it. If your son is 8lb 7oz, that's a good strong weight. I'm sure I've heard you say before that both your girls were early so you were half expecting this little man to make an early arrival, so he ma not weigh even that much.

RIght I'm going to get myself together now for another midwife appointment and depending on what time I'm out I might pop over to my friends to see her new born baby boy. If not I'll see him on Friday hopefully. I spoke with her this morning and she is doing so well, she had a section, but she sounds so good, she's been out and about. All I remember is feeling really weak and not managing to walk too far (a little further each day)

Hope everyone else is well :wave:
oh my god you lot can talk for britain :rotfl:
well feeling a lot better and more cheerful this afternoon so am thinking babies were probably on the move spoke to the midwife who assures me its common in twin pregnancies to feel like this and usually starts around 30 weeks so im lucky mine has started later than normal and i only have to put up with it for a few weeks although she did say it will get worse and there will be many times i will think im in labour but wont be at which point i felt stupid lol :oops: but she said it happens to most twin mums and im not to feel silly and to go and get checked over or phone her if im at all suspicious that labour could be starting as she would rather check me over and say its a false alarm than me sit at home and be in real labour and too scared of feeling stupid to get checked so that made me feel a bit better :D ive got my scan 2moro so they will check babies position and my cervix to see if anything is going on

on a different note im so excited and hoping i dont go into labour in next few days as ive just booked tickets to go and see the new saw film at our lush new cinema on friday we have the funeral friday morning but i thought it might buck me up a bit to get out friday night plus me and gareth have only been out together twice since christopher was born the last time being last december :( so ive booked 2 front row superior seats :dance: apparently they are really spacious leather seats which are mega comfy :cheer: i cant wait it will be so nice for us to get out with no kids for a few hours mum is babysitting :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: xxxxx

bexie hope midwife appointment goes ok :hug: xxx

lisapink good luck for 2moro hun will be thinking of you and looking out for your birth announcement :hug: xxx

lisaspoon :wave: hope your ok hun xxx

choklatemunky have fun baby shopping hun :D and yay for only 1 more week in work :cheer: xxx

liza :hug: :hug: :hug: men are inconsiderate *************** try not to let it get to you hun xxx

babydust dont worry yourself about the size hun they are not always right anyway christopher was about a pound lighter than they thought he would be plus his belly was measuring about 4/5 weeks further ahead all the way through must have been the way he was lying as he looked quite normal when he was born :D xxx

lea cant believe your full term already its gone super quick :shock: sorry your feeling poorly good luck with mw 2moro :hug: xxx

charmed sounds like what i get hun which is carpal tunnel :hug: i know how painful and annoying it can be ive got splints to wear on my wrists for bed but i take them off in my sleep so they are obviously not going to work for me lol xxx

jaydesmummy :wave: hi hun hope your ok xxx

hen have fun shopping in bath hun hope you get what you want :D xxx

:wave: :wave: :wave: to everyone else im trying to keep up but its ever so busy on here now lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello girls, how are we all.
Not been in here for so long it seems like a life time, dont ghet much time to come on nowa days so im making the most of the time i should be spending in bed lol, im so exhausted as i got rudley awoken from my nap, oh well.
Me and bubs are doing ok, moving ab=round loads which im so glad about, i cant believe i only have 12 weeks left, i cant wait to get to the 30 week mark thoughas then i can be quite reassured that if bubs needs to come out for some reason (praying not) then theres a good chance baby would be ok, just me being irrational though hehe.

I still so want to tell everyone what im having but i really cant, im so excited to see galos face when this little one comes out, either way he will be over joyed though as he already says this baby means so much to him, he loves bumpy to pieces :D
Just popping on to say Hi..........dont know when I'll get back here, not sure if there is any net in the hosp, but I'll keep in touch as much as poss.

So, take care everyone for the next few days, & please send some labour thoughts my way!!!



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