Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all having a good tuesday!
rach - like the others have said, no one will think any less of you if you just go to the church service.. I too think that it is enough for you at this time when you are carrying your boys ....

to you xxxxxxx
hennaly - hope you get your garden sorted! I'm good at telling OH that we will do "this" together, but end up supervising! hehe!
chok - the countdown is on!!!! yey!

i have about 35.5 days of work left!!!! aaaaargh!
Charmed - know what you mean about shops being even more busy during the day than on saturdays! its craaazy! Also, why do people do that...insist on blocking aisles just to have a chat!! grrrrrr !!
Lisapink -

glad your house move went well and your daughters are settled! Fingers crossed for you that your LO makes an appearance on her own!! And Lilly - Rose is a beautiful name!!!
ninja - how are you doing?

to everyone i've missed! a wee bit of pressure to do Overtime at work which i'm trying to dodge.... know i shouldnt as otherwise i'll be knackered!
LO seems to be having a wee dance in my tum past few days.....hard to concentrate in meetings with that going on! hehe!
just realised i never told you about my trip to triage last week! I phoned triage as I was feeling bit "damp" down below and wanted to get checked out just to put my mind at rest that I wasnt leaking any fluid..... M/W on the phone was lovely and said prob just normal increase in discharge etc cut feel free to come in and we can do a quick swab. Went up,....first midwife was lovely....but the second at shift swapover...

took the oppertunity to corner me in the toilet when she was taking me to do a pee test....basically she had a go at me saying " i need to be careful what I say on the phone to triage as now they are going to do an invasive procedure etc etc"..... I told her I understood and was fine with it....her response....."no its not fine as this is an invasive procedure and we could introduce infection" !!! I was gobsmacked and because it took me by surprise I didnt have the guts to stand up for myself and tell her I was TOLD to come up here!
anyway....tests came back negative for everything....and I got sent for a scan the next day to check fluid amount so got to see LO again!

They did want to keep me in overnight, but after the midwife's behaviour I fought it and managed to go home instead!
got me really ratty!!!!!! how dare she speak to me like that! its my baby and my first! I had every right to be there!
Not much happening for me today.....