Chat thread!

Hi Lisa!! :wave: Yay on getting the nursery done and knitting!! lmao! :lol:

NW I hope your not in early labour hun but if you are, LO should be perfectly fine now!! :hug: Keep an eye on things or maybe call the hospital and ask for advice! :hug:
lea m said:
Hi Lisa!! :wave: Yay on getting the nursery done and knitting!! lmao! :lol:

NW I hope your not in early labour hun but if you are, LO should be perfectly fine now!! :hug: Keep an eye on things or maybe call the hospital and ask for advice! :hug:

Thanks hun, things have settled now. I think I just started panicking coz OH is uncontactable until he comes home Friday, and I got scared. Glad that the bits of plug arent too large, :puke:
Think all the pian is coz bubs had dropped, got MW monday so will see how things are progressing then
thanks everyone for your kind words and hugs :hug:
sorry ive not been on much in last few days will def be on more from 2moro as ive been ordered to rest think with everything going on ive got a bit stressed and BP might be up a bit not feeling very good and having no sleep last night so o/h has ordered me feet up at home till thursday when we have a scan
:hug: :hug: :hug: to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Huge hug Rach - so sad when we lose our loved ones especially when they are so young. :hug: My lovely cousin had a form of muscular dystrophy and died unexpectedly in her sleep (at home) when she was 10 - no words just huge hugs - take care :hug:
:wave: hi all sorry im not even going to attempt to go back over everything my brain is mush and i will never remember so sorry if i leave anyone or anything out :hug:

babydust hope your house is finished soon hun good luck with your scan hope baby is right way :hug: xxx

san thanks hun :hug: hope your ok xxx

ninja :shock: any more plug??? xxx

lea :wave: hope your ok hun xxx

charmed :wave: hope your ok too hun xxx

lisa welcome to tri 3 hun and well done on the knitting xxx

bexie sounds like you have a busy week hun good luck at the scan xxx

choklatemunky :wave: hope your ok hun and looking forward to finishing work xxx

fly hope baby has made an appearance for you xxx
rom :wave: xxx
hen :wave: xxx
kmac :wave: xxx
chocoholic :wave: xxx
liza :wave: xxx
and anyone else i might have forgot :wave: xxxxxxxxxx

sorry girls could only scroll back so far :(
got a real busy week but trying to stay home and chill as much as possible the funeral is really quick which shocked me its going to be on friday so need to try and sort flowers and something to wear by then :( got a scan on thursday and today my cousin is being brought home by the undertakers to the house where she will stay till friday morning i have said i will go and see her but im not sure if i should my mum is going mad saying i shouldnt go :( its turned out that my cousin is having the same coffin as my son had and is being buried in the same childrens cemetary only 1 row behind my son it sounds so selfish but its still only been 2 and a half years for me and it all feels so fresh still i really dont know how i will cope with it all
:cry: mum is really worried about me as im so fragile at the moment and so close to having my babies i really dont know what to do :cry: thinking maybe i will just go to the church service on friday and then come home but what can i do about seeing her today i know i should go and say my goodbyes but im not sure if i can face seeing another mother grieving over the loss of her child its going to break me in 2 :( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rach Honey I think going to the church service is MORE than enough for someone in your circumstances and I'm sure no-one in your family would think bad of you for not going to the house or the cemetary. You do have to put yourself and your babies first however bad it is for other people, risking your own health at this stage is not the way to go. You will know inside you that it doesn't make your grief about your cousin any less for not attending everything. :hug: to you at this time x

Sarah xxx
Hi girls!!!! God, Ive missed this place!!!! No internet for a month is enough to drive anyone crazy, luckily my Hubby came home from work today to set up the router for me, so Im settled on the sofa for the rest of the afternoon!!

Have tried to read back through, but way too much info for my poor little brain, LOL!! Just want to say Hi :wave: & send lots of :hug: 's to anyone that needs them!!

Ok, house move went well, my daughters are all settled, & Im due to be induced on Thursday!! Thats if she doesnt come on her own!! We decided to let our daughters name her, so after suggestions such as Rapunzel, Buttercup, etc....... we have a name!! She is called Lilly-Rose, Im so glad we found out the sex this time as it has made her so much more of a person, esp. now we have named her!!

Right, Im off for a browse. Have a good day everyone!!

G'day everyone. :wave:

Rach - of course its ultimately up to you but I think the Church service is more than enough and I'm sure your family will completely understand. Could you maybe go to the house but not see her? Just say you want to remember her the way she was? Whatever you decide take care hun, you and the babies are priority. :hug:

Lisapink - its good to see you online and I'm glad your house move went well at least you can relax now until your baby girl is born. I love her name as well :D much better than Rapunzel. :rotfl: I'm not set on a name yet although I also know the sex, I have one thats top of the list but I'm not 100%.

I'm just back from the shops. Jeez its even more stressful on weekdays than it is on Saturdays. :shock: No-one will move for anyone and people barging in front or standing gossiping and won't get out of the way. :evil:

Hope everyone else is well and having a good day. :D

Babydust - hope the scan goes well 2moro :)

Rach - as the others have said, I think just going to the church is more than anyone will expect of you.... :hug: Take care Hun

LisaP - Glad the house move went well, and I hope the whole being induced thing goes well for you.
Thats a lovely name btw. :D

Charmed - I know what you mean - old biddies and all other annoying people come out in the week it seems, and everyone insists on getting in the way and just generally being rude! :talkhand: Why is it that people insist in standing in shop doorways talking and then give you evils when you say excuse me to get past them as if you are the one in the wrong?! :roll:

Hope everyone else is ok.....7.5days of work to go as of now.... :cheer: (can you tell I'm excited!)
Hi girls :wave:

Rach hun im sure as a mother she will understand you not going to see her today and i agree with Choc the church service is enough, i know how i am feeling at the moment, a 13yr old girl that my kids know was killed last night by a van at the end of my road and i cried just driving past this morning seeing flowers placed there so for you being a relative it must be very hard :hug:

I hope the rest of you have a good day, im trying to sort the garden out today well actually im supervising every one else :lol:
Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all having a good tuesday!

rach - like the others have said, no one will think any less of you if you just go to the church service.. I too think that it is enough for you at this time when you are carrying your boys .... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to you xxxxxxx

hennaly - hope you get your garden sorted! I'm good at telling OH that we will do "this" together, but end up supervising! hehe! :lol:

chok - the countdown is on!!!! yey! :cheer: :cheer: i have about 35.5 days of work left!!!! aaaaargh!

Charmed - know what you mean about shops being even more busy during the day than on saturdays! its craaazy! Also, why do people do that...insist on blocking aisles just to have a chat!! grrrrrr !!

Lisapink - :wave: glad your house move went well and your daughters are settled! Fingers crossed for you that your LO makes an appearance on her own!! And Lilly - Rose is a beautiful name!!! :hug:

ninja - how are you doing? :D

:wave: to everyone i've missed! a wee bit of pressure to do Overtime at work which i'm trying to dodge.... know i shouldnt as otherwise i'll be knackered!
LO seems to be having a wee dance in my tum past few days.....hard to concentrate in meetings with that going on! hehe!

just realised i never told you about my trip to triage last week! I phoned triage as I was feeling bit "damp" down below and wanted to get checked out just to put my mind at rest that I wasnt leaking any fluid..... M/W on the phone was lovely and said prob just normal increase in discharge etc cut feel free to come in and we can do a quick swab. Went up,....first midwife was lovely....but the second at shift swapover... :o took the oppertunity to corner me in the toilet when she was taking me to do a pee test....basically she had a go at me saying " i need to be careful what I say on the phone to triage as now they are going to do an invasive procedure etc etc"..... I told her I understood and was fine with it....her response....."no its not fine as this is an invasive procedure and we could introduce infection" !!! I was gobsmacked and because it took me by surprise I didnt have the guts to stand up for myself and tell her I was TOLD to come up here!
anyway....tests came back negative for everything....and I got sent for a scan the next day to check fluid amount so got to see LO again! :D They did want to keep me in overnight, but after the midwife's behaviour I fought it and managed to go home instead!

got me really ratty!!!!!! how dare she speak to me like that! its my baby and my first! I had every right to be there! :evil:

Not much happening for me today.....
Lisaspoon im glad its all ok and yes you must stand up for yourself, i never used to but do now, i refuse to pee in a bottle as i always end up pissing up my arm so unless they give me a stick or bowl they dont get a sample :shakehead:
If i go to an appointment and am kept waiting more than 20 minutes i go home and reschedule, if they cant fit me in they shouldnt make the appointment in the first place :shakehead:
thanks everyone :hug: i have decided not to go to the house i feel absolutely awful about it but i really dont think id make it there and back any way i would have to walk and my spd is really bad now :( and its all hills there and back and i dont know what the rest of you with spd are like but mine is unbearable on any sort of slope let alone steep hills :( i really hope my aunty and uncle will understand :pray: and i have said i am definately only going to the church on friday and i will visit her grave and see the flowers on the weekend when i visit Jamies grave :(

chocoholic thanks hun :hug: hope your ok youve been a little quiet lately xxx

lisapink nice to see you back hun glad the move went well and your all settled and love the name :D hope baby comes soon for you and if not good luck for thursday will be watching for your birth announcement xxx

charmed its awful at the shops now isnt it :( everyone rushing for xmas i suppose but people are so inconsiderate they just barge past and knock you flying xxx

choklatemunky :cheer: not much longer hun and you can relax at home xxx

hen thanks hun :( sorry about the girl being knocked over :( another very sad family this week :( xxx

lisaspoon glad all was ok with you and baby and that you got to see baby again its awful the way some of these midwives treat mums to be :evil: :hug: xxx

hope everyone else is having a lovely day xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi all,

I'm a bit late in replying, but Rach, I'm sure your family will understand completely. It must be really difficult for you to see someone so close to you go through a similar sort of pain. :hug: I hope the service goes well on Friday. I'll be thinking of you.

NW - Hope that wasn't a sign of early labour, although being 35 weeks is pretty safe, my friend had her son last week at 35 weeks and he is in perfect health, I'm hoping to see them tomorrow.

:wave: to everyone else.

My scan didn't go as well as hoped today. My fluid levels are low again (just like with phoebe), the baby is also breech, which isn't so bad, they still have time to turn, but I'm sure with Phoebe she just couldn't turn as my fluid levels were so low! I've also been getting really wet knickers, which they think my be fluid loss, I've just been phoned my one of the midwives and she wants me to come back in this afternoon, (I imagine they will want to do an internal and give me steroid injections!) I think that I may end up going down the c-section route again :cry:

RIght I'm off OH is nagging me to get off and shoot down to the hospital.
:wave: hiya everyone, hope you are all ok, not very talkative today, so will just :hug:
:hug: To your lovely bumpages!
hi NW!! :wave: hope you are ok?

Bexie :hug: :hug: hope you got on ok at the hospital

rach - I am also late in replying but I think you are doing the right thing, and i am sure your family will understand :hug: :hug: :hug:

lisa - sorry you ended up at hospital but glad tests were negative! :hug:

hen - i always get pee everywhere too - I hate those bottles!! :rotfl:

Hi to choc and chok also! :wave:

and to everyone else :wave:

There's been a lot of chat on here recently!!

I had a MW appointment today - it was very quick, but everything seems fine with bump and me.
I also had my last ante natal class at the health centre which was the most useful out of all of them - it was 2 health visitors and you could just ask about anything!!
And i'm pleased with myself as I just swallowed my pride and asked these 2 women I've been talking to for their mobile numbers! And they didn't run away! :D And we are going to meet up in a few weeks :D That was really the whole point of me going to the classes as I don't know anyone who lives nearby.
I am a bit disappointed that next Tuesday I will actually have to stay at work all day - but I will only have 4 weeks to go next week!! :cheer: :cheer: (until i leave)

Oh - and I can't stop eating today!! I had time between MW and class to come home and I had a HUGE lunch but I am starving again!!

Hope everyone is ok - I am going to have to go an investigate dinner possibilities!!
Just wanted to pop in quickly and say hello!

NW - Hope you are ok hun, I know you were a little worried about early labour and OH being away - so lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:

Bexie - :hug: :hug: Sorry to hear your scan didnt go to plan, but at least they are keeping a close eye on you - I hope LO turns like a good baby and you get the sort of birth you are hoping for, good luck at the hospital :hug:

Rach - :hug: :hug: You have definitely made the right choice!!

LisaP - Hi - dont think we have met before, so :wave:

Kmac - hope you enjoyed your dinner - what did you go for in the end? My appetite is lacking for the last few days which is veyr unusual for me!

Hen - :rotfl: I know what you mean about p**ing on your arm, I cant even see down there now, let alone aim for such a small bottle.....

Babydust - Glad they are keeping an eye on you, and good news that the scan went well, Im sure they would tell you if they thought there was a problem, but its so hard not to worry I know :hug:

Hi Choc and Chok... :wave:

LisaS - Glad to hear tests went well and came back negative!

Im feeling really positive today, had a real "blip" yesterday and thought my world was coming to an end, couldnt cope with DH working away any more and just didnt know what to do. After hours of crying woke up today feeling much better, and wrote myself a huge list of things to do....seems to have helped and kept my mind occupied!

We are considering moving for 6 months to a year and renting out our place and renting somewhere up North so DH can come home in the evenings (he works in Preston and we live in Gloucestershire at the mo), so lots to think about, but at least we are trying to sort things out which has made me feel much happier!! :D

Catch up with you all again soon :wave:
Hi everyone! :wave: Wow lots of posts today!! heehee

Rach you have to do whats best for you and Im sure you auntie and uncle can completely understand! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Choc hope your ok hun!?

LisaP Yay for being back! Glad the move went well and your girls are ok! WOW induced this Thursday!?!??! :shock: Cant wait hun! :hug: Lilly-Rose is a beautiful name!

Charmed I went shopping today and I feel so crap for it now! I dont think I will go again now! Cant handle it lol! Maybe I'll go with OH?

Chok yay on only 7 days to go!! :cheer:

Hennaly Im sorry about you kids friend! That must be horrible! And at the end of you road! :( :hug: My OH's friends daughter got killed a few years back on her way to school! Its just scary isnt it?!

LisaS What a witch!! Sometimes I just cant understand why some people work in a care environment when they are so nasty! Im glad everything was ok in the end!! :hug:

Bexie Im sorry the scan didnt go so well and I hope LO turns and your not losing fluid! :hug: Hope everything went well at the hospital!

NW hope your ok!?

Kmac Yay for you getting the numbers and I hope you stay good friends with them!! :cheer: :cheer:

Babydust Try not to worry! (I know thats sooooo easy to say lol) :hug:

Liza Im glad your feeling better after yesterday! :hug:

Im so tired and feel so crappy lol! As usual! :roll: I really feel beat up! My belly hurts a lot all day and not my head is hurting because the kids have been so naughty! Fighting and messing then Dillon got hurt and got an egg bruise on his head! :( then they calmed for a while then I put them in bed and they started again! :wall: I have had to ground them for a week and take toys off their xmas lists!! :o Just in one day?! One half day from coming home from school?!!??! I hope they are better behaved tomorrow! I just havent the energy and they dont listen to Joe as much as me lol! (poor joe!)

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