Morning ladies,
So much to catch up on. Where do I start?
Rach, so sorry to hear of your cousin, I hope her family are coping well.

Also fingers crossed your boys stay inside their yummy mummy tummy for another 2 weeks at least.
Fly, I keep on thinking of you and wondering if your little boy has made his appearance yet. I really hope things get moving for you soon and I really hope your get to experience a natural delivery

I'm sure my LO is still breech or at least sideways, I've got a scan tomorow so I'll find out then. Not sure if it is the shape of my womb that made Phoebe stay in the breech position last time.
Kmac, I still have loads of quiet days, when I was carrying Phoebe I use to jot each movement down, normally before even 10am I had felt at least 20 movements so that always eased my mind a bit. I don't think this one moves as much and def has loads of quiet days which always worries me, but I find if I am worried, I just lie down for a bit and soon enough I can feel something. I think it has something to do with the way they are lying also.
Lisaspoon, welcome honey, so glad to see you in tri 3.
ROM, Looking forward to seeing you here soon. Is your daughter still home?
Elliebelle, When I saw my friends the other week, one has a DD and is expecting again, so in same position as me, other friend has no children and no plans, I noticed at one point we were all chatting away and the conversation was all babies, first opportunity my childless friend changed the conversation, think we might have been boring her! It's hard though, Phoebe and my pregnancy are such a large part of my life that they both take up a lot of my thoughts, therefore I prob talk about them a bit too much (mummy/baby bore!!!)
NW, On Halloween I answered the door before 7.30pm, but as soon as Coronation Street started I turned all the lights off so I could watch the programme in peace (I know I'm a spoil sport). I took DD to the door with me with the first knock and it was two boys (perhaps a little too old, but had made an effort) and she looked really scared of them and unsure of what to make of it all.
Chocoholic, glad your mittle man has turned.
Hen, Hope your feeling better honey.

Lea, Babydust, chockolate munkey, charmed and anyone else I have missed.
My sickness bug has gone at long last, but I am still experienceing morning sickness symptoms!! I now also have piles and it is so bloody painful, I'm off to the docs later to get them checked out as I've never experienced anything as bad as this before, they started yesterday and it felt like someone had rubbed a red hot chilli on my backside (Sorry TMI) It really hurts to sit down, in fact it hurts to do anything, just walking is painful. I've also got another coldsore, this is the second I've had in about 3 months, before these two I hadn't had one in about 2 years or more, and I'm worried I may have passed in onto my DD, before it had come up I gave her a kiss at bedtime, later on I noticed I had a coldsore, this morning I noticed she had a little blemish on her lip where my coldsore would have touched her lip. I really hope I haven't passed this onto her as they are so horrible, although she was bound to get them as me and OH both suffer. I never had them until my first kiss with OH!!!!
Yesterday on two occassions I had some strong pains shoot up my belly (just at the front) and only for a second, it stopped me in my tracks as it was so painful, just like strong period pains, all I could think was they were contractions, but as I've never had contractions before I have nothing to compare them with, I spoke to a friend and she said her contractions were all accross her belly, whereas my experience has just at the front!!! All I can think is that they were Braxton Hicks, but I thought BH's didn't hurt? HAs anyone else had this?
Well most of my CHristmas shopping is done, got a loads of things from the Next catalogue and nipped to Wollies yesterday as they had a 3 for 2 on toys, so brought some pressies for friends kids. Also brought Phoebe a present from the baby. They had an Iggle Piggle (In the Night Garden) in the store and as soon s she saw it, her face just lit up in amazement and wonder so I couldn't help myself. So that's her sorted.
DD has been a real madam over the weekend and is learning quickly to be very cheeky and naughty, we went to a friends on Saturday and she just would not share toys, she would scream and shout until she got the toy she wanted, I'm hoping it's just a phase as it was realy embarassing. She's also started screaming loads just to get my attention, it's really draining and very tiring.
We're off for a scan tomorrow morning so looking forward to that, then we have a midwife appointment on Wednesday and then on Thursday Phoebe has an Orthopaedic appointment at Oswestry as she was born with a clicky hip (they are monitoring her till she is 13 years old), so all in all a busy week. (I'm suppose to be off work resting!!!)
Hope you all have good days and I'm throwing some labourdust your way Fly.
Love Becks xxx