Honestly, I am gonna have to have words with you lot, I just can't keep up!
Choc -

on your LO not being breech anymore - lets hope he doesnt turn around anymore!
Rach -

on 32 weeks and I am v. jealous of your cinema! sounds great!
Ninja - oooch, back spasms dont sound nice! I dunno how you cope with seeing your OH so little
Lea - hope the scan went ok
Hen - hope you're ok

Levi is a cool name
Kmac -

quiet days are normal, apparently, at this stage. My LO has had two crazy days of not keeping still at all but today seems much more chilled, still the odd poke here and there but I think a certain someone may have finally found a comfy position to lay in for a few hours!
PS Step away from google - thats a minefield and you will end up scaring yourself silly with all the crap you find! Oh, and I am the same with the choccy stuff now - I couldnt go near it in first tri as I just didnt want it at all, think Im making up for it now though.....

I've already had a load of maltesers, and I've got some mars planet thingys for later (well....they were on offer, I couldn't not buy them could I?

Hugs to everyone
Thank crunchie its friday!