Chat thread!

:wave: Kmac, Ive had quiet days all the way through :roll: Little bugger knows how to worry me!! We are actually having a quiet day today, but as long as Im feeling something I tend not to stress too much :hug:

:wave: Henn, thats a lovely name hun!! :cheer:

:wave: Lea have fun at the party!! And wave hello the Lola for me!
Honestly, I am gonna have to have words with you lot, I just can't keep up!

Choc - :cheer: on your LO not being breech anymore - lets hope he doesnt turn around anymore!
Rach - :cheer: on 32 weeks and I am v. jealous of your cinema! sounds great!
Ninja - oooch, back spasms dont sound nice! I dunno how you cope with seeing your OH so little :hug:
Lea - hope the scan went ok
Hen - hope you're ok :hug: Levi is a cool name
Kmac - :wave: quiet days are normal, apparently, at this stage. My LO has had two crazy days of not keeping still at all but today seems much more chilled, still the odd poke here and there but I think a certain someone may have finally found a comfy position to lay in for a few hours! :)
PS Step away from google - thats a minefield and you will end up scaring yourself silly with all the crap you find! Oh, and I am the same with the choccy stuff now - I couldnt go near it in first tri as I just didnt want it at all, think Im making up for it now though..... :lol: I've already had a load of maltesers, and I've got some mars planet thingys for later (well....they were on offer, I couldn't not buy them could I? :rotfl: )

Hugs to everyone :hug:
Thank crunchie its friday!
MMMMMMMMM chocolate...............
I need some now!! Going to have to call shop on the way to my mums and get some lol!
Kmac quiet days are totally normal especially more towards the end! Obviously if your very concerned at any time call you MW or hospital but if your feeling some movements then babs will be ok! :hug:

NW thanks hun!! We're going to the party in a min when the kiddies get back from trick or treating with my niece and cousin lol!

Chok scan was ok and everythings fine just like I thought!! :D :cheer: I posted on another thread!!

Right ladies have a good night and Happy Halloween!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
:wave: Chok, sorry we are chatting a lot lately arent we? :lol:

:wave: Lea, yay for the scan!! Knew she would be fine, :cheer:

:wave: Baby&I, happy halloween to you too! :twisted:

Im sat in watching crap telly, and treated myself to chips from chippie! Didnt ignore trick or treaters in end..felt guilty, so got lotsa sweets and answered door most of night. Although some were way too old to be trick or treating :shakehead:
ninjawomble said:
Although some were way too old to be trick or treating :shakehead:

Thats so annoying isnt it!? Some teenagers come here with just a mask then come back after swapping the masks or moan if you give them sweets because they wanted money for fags! Gets me so mad! :talkhand: We have a policy of only giving sweets and only if they have made an effort!!
I know! Proper chavs they were too!! :wall:

OO well done you are wearing a plastic mask that prolly cost you a quid, with your shell suit, and you want money? Jog on mate!!

Although I had some right little cuties come to door, that had made a real effort so they got more sweeties. :D

Bugger if Im handing out cash though, sorry. Not for just knocking on someones door!! Mmm I might try that one :think: :lol:
I was only gone for a day and so much new information!!!

Just wanted to say hello :wave:

Lea - So glad the scan went well, and everything was ok!
Choc - SO glad baby is now behaving and has decided to turn :cheer:
Hen - Levi is a fantastic name......
Rach - YAY to 32 weeks, cant believe how fast time is flying by for you!!
NW - Sorry your OH is away again.....I can hardly cope with the 3 days a week mine is away, although feels like he is away 5 days.......he works at home Mon and Fri his mind definitely isnt at home, its on his work!! :(
Bex - Hope you have managed to sort out some one to look after your DD......

Im off to see my girlfriends a nice 2.5 hour drive ahead of me, and wondering how long I can drive without needing a pee?! 3 of us are pregnant (my best bud is just 2 days ahead of me :D ), and 2 of them I havent seen in nearly 2 years (due to us living in France for a while), so cant wait for a girlie catch up........staying over and heading home tomorrow so wont be around on PF for a whole 24+ hours :shock:

Bye for now :wave:

Have a great weekend ladies and catch up with you all soon.
:wave: ladies - I know I am sneaking in a little early but just wanted to direct all the exchartstalkers to the thread in off topic - there maybe some news you will want to hear about :D

I'll be here for real in a few days but until then :hug: to you all

Jane x
Just a quickie to say hi to all you ladies!!!

Went to my rock show tonight and it was fab! Never had so much rocking and rolling in my tum as I had tonight... During a bit of the show when we were all up and dancing and singing to bat outta hell I got a bit of a twinge but don't think it was junior trying to make an appearance just yet - OH is on red alert though lol bless him!

Hope you girlies are all having a fab weekend!

Sarah xxx
Hello!!!! I made it to tri 3!!

Thought i'd pop in and say hi :wave:

will catch up on all the posts when I get a to get some eggs from the shop to make some yummy scrambled eggs on a muffin...and maybe some square sausage for a roll.... :shock: god i'm a fatty!! :D :D :D

hope you are all well........ :hug: :hug:
morning girls :wave:
im going to buy a new mattress for my pram today, this one seems to have become all squished whilst being stored :roll:
Levi has spent the morning break dancing his way round my womb, im sure he has more than 2 arms and 2 legs :wall:
Have a good day and i will catch up with you all later :D
Hello everyone :wave: am feelin a bit fed up today - there was loads of people symptom watchin on the 37+++ thread n loads of them have gone n jumped queue and had their babies and there's me n pie n peanut n ally still waiting ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh i gonna stamp my foot lol s'not fair!!!! :rotfl:
Hope everyone doin ok anyways :hug:
Loadsa Love Sarah x x x x
Hi everyone!! :wave:

ROM nice to see you :wave:

NW hope your good??

Choc yay on having a good time at the concert!! :cheer:

LisaS Yay for being in tri 3!! :cheer:

Hennaly your little boy so looks like a Levi! I should have had a 4D scan too then I could see if little missy looks like a Lola lol!

Fly :hug: :hug: How far over are you now?! I hope things get moving soon for you and Pie & Peanut! I was late with all my others but didnt come on here then so didnt see queue jumpers lol but i can imagine its frustrating when your just waiting! :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think I could sleep for England at the min! Sooooo sleepy all the time! :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
Well only just over hun - my ticker was a few days in advance of my edd from teh midwive - which was yesterday.. havin a stretch n sweep on wednesday if still waiting ;) x x x
Well fingerscrossed you wont need it but if you do fingerscrossed it works!! :cheer: :cheer:
:wave: Fly, hope things get moving soon

:wave: Choc, glad you had a great time!

:wave: Lea Im the same on the sleepiness thing!

:wave: Henn, aww to Levi breakdancing :lol:

:wave: Lisa, yay welcome to tri three! :cheer:

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