Chat thread!

Oh gosh I cant breathe!!
Right, Hello to everyone! Felt better before and took the kids to see HSM 3 which was ok although babs wouldn't stop moving and seriously hurting me and we were sat so close to the front as it was crammed that it looked weird lol! Wish I could have just watched it on Disney like the other ones hahaha :lol:

Ninja I will go look at the baby names now!
ChoK I know what you mean about the painful movements and was also wondering today when she is going to calm down a little lol! Shes Hyperactive!! hahaha
Liza glad the sessions are helping! I didn't call the acupuncturist and have the MW tomorrow lol but I cant see much point in going now with me being 6 weeks?!? :think: I will ask her tomorrow!
Rach Gutted on no scan pics :( Just as long as you can still post the pics when they are born I will be ok! ;) Its not long off now!! :cheer: :cheer: Glad your not stressed and yay on the shopping!! :cheer:
Kmac I know what you mean about being tired! I wanted an early night but haven't had one lol as Im still here posting at near midnight hahaa :lol:
Morning ladies

I've been checking you all out on Facebook and it's weird how your all so different from how I imagined.

Liza - Love the house in France, you should let it out for holidays while your trying to sell it, it looks beautiful and so, so big.

Lea - Too many photos to look at, but I did see some lovely ones of the kids, they're gorgeous.

NW - Great photo's too, I'm glad you added me as a friend as I couldn't find you. I replied to your name thread. I was thinking about it this morning and I love both names, but I think I prefer Isla as it is a bit more unusual, although Evie is a gorgeous pretty name, I know loads of Evie's, but no Isla's. :D

KMAC - You look nothing like I imagined, the wedding photo's are beautiful, you look stunning.

:wave: to everyone else.

I'm still feeling lousy, before picking my DD from nursery yesterday I went to Morrisons to pick up some basics and I just felt so weak, like I was gonna faint, I couldn't wait to get out of there! I went back this morning to complete the shop and it was easier but still tough. My smelling senses must be really strong at the moment, while I was on one aisle there was just me and another guy and all I could smell was his ultra bad breath, then on another aisle all I could smell was another man's BO, I could have been sick it was horrid. Not what I needed when I'm feeling this rough already. I bumped into friends at nursery and it seems like everyone has been wiped out with this bug I've got. I swear my bump has got smaller since I've been ill. For a while I couldn't se my feet if I looked down, but now I can. I'm not too worried though as I'm still feeling movement.

Hope your all well. See ya Becks x
morning all :wave: ive accepted the new ones on facebook whove added me although i wasnt quite sure of the one lol yep kmac it was you hun :rotfl: i was looking and thinking hmmm who do i know from scotland and i was looking at the name and thinking maybe its kmac lol as i know babydusts name is clare (i think) lol its so weird seeing everyones pics as not one of you look like i expected you to nearly every one has different colour hair from what i imagined for a start lol nice to finally put faces to the names :D xxx

kmac sorry your so tired hun know what you mean about this thread think we are all struggling to keep up with it now lol xxx

lea :hug: sorry you cant breathe hun hopefully baby will start moving down soon and you will have a little more room we have just had a new cinema and entertainment complex open in town im desperate to go was a bit worried as didnt think it would be roomy enough but have had some money off coupons in the post off them showing it all and it looks fab you can pay extra 50p for a giant bean bag seat or an extra pound for a huge luxury leather seat with more leg room etc so we are considering getting a babysitter and going to see the new saw film :D xxx

bexie sorry your still feeling poorly hun try and rest up and let yourself recover :hug: xxx

well im not feeling too bad this morning had a bit of a shock moment when i realised im going to meet my babies in just over 5 weeks :shock: whats that all about ughhh where has the time gone didnt i just join 3rd tri only last week???? cant believe i will be 32 weeks 2moro :shock: :shock: :shock: nice chill day at home AGAIN today lol its freezing cold and raining so sofa and a book for me today
hope everyone else is ok and having a good day xxxxxxxxxxx
forgot to add lea we have a digital camera so there will def be photos of the babies we just cant get the scans on here i suppose o/h could try and take photos of the scan pics with the camera and see how they turn out will get him to have a go on the weekend :D xxxxxxxx
:wave: Hiya

:wave: Rach, just over 5 weeks for me too, bloddy scary!

:wave: Lea, maybe you will get an early night tonight...but this place is too addictive :lol:

:wave: Bexie, thanks hun, Im still umming and ahhing at the names :roll:

Ive woken up with a bit of a sore throat today :( , who gave it me? :lol: just hoping it doesnt get any worse!
This sore throat fairy is a bitch!!
ninja sorry the sore throat fairy got you hun :hug: hope your feeling better soon xxx

babydust poor you having to see that mess in your house :( im sure it will all be ok soon :hug: will def try the camera thing with the scans :D get on facebook mrs :D xxx

off to cook sausage and mash with onion gravy mmmmmmmm having a really bad craving for it which is really unusual for me as i normally only crave cheesy things lol xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Ladies

Had Anti-Natal and scan today - OH's ex had finally agreed to let his daughter come to a scan (think the solicitors letter had an influence there though lol) and both the kids loved seeing their lil bro on the 'belly telly'.

And guess what.....

He's no longer breech - at last!!!!!

So planned c-section has now been 'unplanned' and induction is now the way forward... at my appt next week they will give me a date for my induction and they said I'll have had him by 38 and half weeks!

:pray: that James likes being upside down and stays that way!!

OMG - I just realised I'm having a baby!!!!!!!! :doh:

Love to all Mums and bumps
Sarah xxx
:wave: babydust, soz bout the mess hun

:wave: Rach, can I come to yours for dinner? Sounds lush!

:wave: Choc, YAY to James being a good boy!!
ninja it was lush but im regretting eating it now as i have severe heartburn prob from the onions :( xxx

choc good to hear baby has turned round and you may not need a section now :hug: wow only a few more weeks for you hun how exciting :cheer: lovely for the kids to see james on the belly telly :D xxx
Hello everyone!! :wave:

Bexie thankyou for the compliments on my children!! :hug: I was the same in tesco as you were in morrisons! What is it with supermarkets lol! :think: It was horrid today! I must have looked bad too as people asked me if I was ok! lol

Rach I want to come to your cinema!!! :shock: OMG that sounds fantastic! 5 weeks!!! Woooooo HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol and I also always put my scan pics up with my camera lol! I have loast my lead to the scanner month and months ago?! I have no idea how lol so I always take a pic of a pic!

NW I hope your sore throat gets better hun! :hug:

BD I hope they hurry with your house and its all good when you go home!! :hug:

Choc YAY on James not being breech anymore!! :cheer:

I had a horrid time out shopping today (as I said above about tesco) just dont know if its normal!? I mean I know its normal to be breathless and dizzy and have fast HB but to make me feel physically ill like this?! Though would help if i remembered to tell the MW when I see her lol
As I said in my post she is measuring small! I will let you all know what they said when Im back from myscan tomorrow but Im not worrying! I will worry enough if they say something is wrong so not much point worrying before! And I really just think she is hiding lol! She feels so big!? Its weird! lol She feels big but my belly just isnt lol!
Morning ladies :wave:

I have been up since stupid o clock because of my husband, its a long story but however much i love him im not sure i can stand one more day of him :wall:

Anyway short and sweet as feeling really down now so just hope you all have a good day and weekend :hug:
lea the new cinema does look lush it opens today i think or the cinema part does apparently there is going to be bowling place there 3 grills (hoping one of them is a burger king :pray: ) a childrens play centre some sort of night club place not sure what else but its huge its going to be great when its all done weve never had anything like this in cwmbran before :D our old cinema we called the flea pit :puke: horrible dingy place with no room and only 3 screens.
wish someone had told me about the photo of the photo thing before lol would have saved loads of stress with my scanner lol. hope everything goes well at the scan today for you hun will be looking out for a post when you get back :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx

hen :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry your feeling down hun and have had a bad night hope you and o/h sort things out :hug: xxx

well girls 32 weeks today :cheer: babies only have to cook for 2 more weeks and they will be classed as take home babies which i will be able to have at my own hospital instead of being transferred to a larger one :cheer: got midwife coming this morning and then cotbed being delivered this afternoon :dance: so busy day for me am now trying to find some energy from somewhere to run the hoover round and dress me and christopher before she arrives :( hopefully another coffee might give me a quick bit of energy lol didnt have too bad a night but babies were going beserk at 6 this morning and no matter how hard i tried to settle back down for an hour they were not having any of it the kicks were so huge they were shaking my whole body and really hurt :shock: and they didnt stop till i got out of bed think i have 2 potential kick boxing champions in my belly lol
hope everyone has a good day xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rach hun i will have everything crossed for the next 2 weeks for you, ooh im so excited for you :dance:
:wave: Henn, bless hun, heres a massive :hug:

:wave: Rach, ooo how exciting!!! I dunno how you cope with double the trouble, Im struggling carrying just the one bubs!!

Well Im still in bed coz my back in spasm, yay!!! :roll: Am planning on going no where today, and am not answering door to trick or treaters tonight :shakehead: , not being mean but cant I do the getting up and on sofa all time :(
OH is usually back on a Friday but not this week, wont see him till next Friday and Im fed up of it! During my pregnancy Ive seen him a grand total of about 8 weeks :shock:, and its finally getting my goat :lol:

Have a great day, even if its blooming freezing! Love to your beautiful bumps!
hen hope your keeping your chin up hun :hug: xxx

ninja sorry your back is so bad hun :hug: hope its better later dont blame you with the trick or treaters im lucky tonight as o/h is home so he will be doing the door runs lol xxx

well midwife has been :cheer: all great bp 120/70 urine clear babies HB were 135 and 147 nice and steady :D both still breech which as im having section anyway doesnt matter the only thing was i have oedema on the bottom of my belly but apparently thats nothing to worry about and is quite common and should go not long after having the babies :D been wondering why it had all gone a funny shape and felt tingly but was putting it down to my previous section till FLY did a thread on it but it has put my mind at ease now after talking to the midwife about it so all good and having a pretty good day and not feeling too ill still a little bit of a sore throat but not much :D xxxxxxxx

hope everyones having a good day xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi :wave:
Hennaly :hug: :hug: I hope your spirits are up later! (oh gosh that wasnt meant as a pun lol what a day to say that!? :shock: )

Rach fingerscrossed on the burgerking hahaha I love Burgerking! I always thought you liked stressing with the scanner?! heehee sorry hun I thought I had mentioned it before! :hug: YAY for just 2 more weeks!! :cheer: Im sure they will stay cooking until your section date! Its too cold for them to come sooner lol and they know it!! ;) My LO woke me at 6 and I couldnt get back to sleep till about 7 then the others woke me up at 8! Bit knackered but not so bad really! Yay on the MW visit!!

NW :hug: I hope your sciatica is better later hun and you can get out of bed! :hug:

Well Im off to the scan at 3.15 and later we're having a halloween party at my mams YAY I love Halloween!! :cheer: I will be on though to tell you what they said at the hozzie! Though Im still feeling ok with it all and dont think she is small! lol
You girls are great and i can honestly say have helped through this pregnancy no end :hug:
I think we have decided on the name Levi now but cant say for 100% :D
Oh I love Levi!! Dillon was nearly Levi but Dillon just won! :cheer: :hug:
Good luck at scan lea - like you say though, i'm sure it will be fine :hug: :hug:

I'm feeling slightly concerned as bump is being very quiet today - i have felt a few little movements just not nearly as much as normal. Is this to be expected as it gets bigger and runs out of space?? But it was knocking me really hard last night :think: I will NOT get myself in a big tizz just yet though - do you girls still have quiet days too?
Ooh - just felt a big twist and my belly moved :roll: typical!
But I still want to know, do you all have quiet days?? tempted to go and google things but will end up scaring myself.

Thank goodness it's the weekend. What are you ladies up to? I've not got much planned, hoping to just chill out and relax (once the house is cleaned and tidied!!).

Oh, and only 5 weeks of work left!! :cheer: (although that still sounds like quite a long time!!)

Think I will have a cup of tea, a choccy biscuit and a nice lie down now (although I have been nibbling on too many choccy things already this week!)

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