Chat thread!


Ellie Ive added you hun :cheer:

Lea, hope you are ok hun :hug: If happens again deffo ask doctor

Millie, heres a :hug: for your men trouble

Rach, hope you are ok hun :hug:

Henn, how did MW go? :hug:

And :wave: to anyone I missed!
Evening ladies :wave:
Mw says baby is not really back to back now but sort of half way round so i guess thats better.
I am exhausted today, i went to the CAB at 11.50am and got out at 3.45 straight to my mw appointment then had to go shopping so now feel shattered.

i hope i sleep well tonight as my back is killing me :roll:

Too braindead to reply to each of you sorry so a big :hug: for each of you :hug:
liza hope your hot water got sorted hun :hug: xxx

lea that turn doesnt sound good hun def phone doctor if anything else happens :hug: xxx

millie know how you feel im forever chasing my o/h around trying to get him to do the things i cant :( bloody men xxx

ninja :wave: hope youve had a good day hun xxx

hi to everyone else hope your all well and ok xxx

well i dont know whats wrong with me think my hormones have really gone up the spout :( been feeling pretty lousy all day and then 5 mins before o/h went to work i burst into tears :cry: luke has gone to his dads for a few days as its half term and his dad has the week off and o/h working nights and i just got completely terrified of being here on my own with christopher especially knowing that the babies could come any time now :shock: im getting so panicky in case i go into labour while im here alone :( just spent the last hour on the phone to my sister crying and moaning im not even half ready for xmas ive got less than 6 weeks now before my section date im never going to be done ready :( and o/h is so useless with things like this if im not ready god help us all :( wish i could bloody stop crying and just get on with things xxxxxxxxx

not been on facebook today but if anyone wants to add me lea has me on her facebook which will be the easiest way to find me lol if youve added lea obviously its rachel harris so if you add me il accept when i get on there in the next day or so :hug: xxxxxx
Aww Rach :hug: , Im sure everything will be ok..and as for Xmas do it all online!! Thats what Im doing!
Ive added you to Facebook too hun.

Hope you feel a bit better soon :hug:

Henn,glad bubs is on the move for you! Hope your back gets better, I sympathise completly!! :hug:
Thanks ladies! I had another rest lol and something to eat and apart from the heartburn Im feeling a lot better and nothing weird has happened since so touch wood it doesn't again lol

Liza Im sure everything will work out well for you and hope you will be able to sell the house soon! :hug: LOL that pic of me is what someone else added after photo shopping! Unfortunately its not really me :( lol Good luck at MW tomorrow!!

Ninja :wave: Hope you ok hun!?

Hennaly Yay on babs not being back to back completely now!! Its funny actually I got up this morning to her moving round and I think Lola is now at the side !! :think: Lets hope they both move to the front in time for labour!! :cheer:

Rach :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope your feeling less stressed and upset soon! Hopefully you will do what I do and get all stressed and panicky for a couple of days then be ok! :hug: :hug:
Hi All x

Hope all ya girlies are fit and well

:hug: :hug: :hug: to you all xxx

I've got a bit of a sore throat and cough so went docs today and am now on anti biotics (apparently not gone to my chest yet - but I ain't taking no chances!!) I've had swollen feet for a while and she took my blood pressure which was 153/95 (which is high for me) so been told to rest for next few days and get checked at anti natal on Thurs (I reckon bp was high cuz she didn't use a large cuff - thats what tends to happen with me at hosp with new mw's).

Although I've had sore throat etc for near 10days now (without any meds cuz of preg and diabetes) now the OH has caught it off me and has a serious case of 'Man Flu'... he has bought half a chemist and when he thinks I'm in earshot is moaning deleriously :rotfl:

Hoping that bubs is no longer in the breech position on Thursday but not gunna hold my breath as just doppled myself and his heartbeat is still higher than my belly button (which ain't a good sign)... may do some hanging upside down/on all fours in a last ditch attempt at moving the lil beggar!!!

Got my rock show on Saturday - Only 4 days and counting.... Can't Wait!!! :dance:

Catch ya all in the morning ladies

Sarah xxx
:wave: Morning! Bliddy hell how freezing is it out there? at least Ive got heating, OH is sleeping outside all this week (that'll teach him to join Army :lol: ) Bless him.

Choc hope you feel better soon, this sore throat thing is doing the rounds at the moment :hug:

Have slept rubbish, my back is so sore and now am officially walking like an old lady. I cant leave house, and am literally doubled up in pain :( , I really dunno how Im go another 6 weeks,or even up to 42 weeks :shock: The pain is so bad. I have sciatica normally but now this is in a league of its own!
As well as that my hips and pelvis are killing me :cry: Im so fed up of being in pain.

Anyway, enough moaning :lol: , hope you are all well, and that the rest of you are avoiding the sore throat bug!

Hiya to your beautiful bumps! :wave:
Ninja i ca really sympathize, im just the same and if i stand up for more than a minute i get really faint and wobbly.

Morning to you all :wave:
Morning everyone :wave:

Just been for my antenatal check at the dr. Nice as he was, he was a bit useless. He put me down as 34 weeks when I am 33 (my preggo brain didn't realise until after!), didn't measure bump, had a good feel around and said he "thought" baby was cephalic. But at least the wee wee was fine and we heard the HB. Thank goodness I'm going to the midwife next time, I don't know why but I just trust them more than the GP!

I went to pregnancy yoga last night and all the way through baby was still and quiet but afterwards seemed to think it was her yoga session. Owwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! I thought she was going to break through! Still am much happier when I can feel her than when I can't, so not complaining.

Hope those of you feeling poorly are feeling a bit better - here's a :hug: but not too close, i don't want to catch it for my final 2 weeks at work :rotfl:
NW - totally sympathise, my scitica was killing last night after yoga - I had to roll off the couch and crawl into the kitchen :rotfl: actually the crawling into the kitchen was over the top, I was trying to elicit a sympathetic response from OH!! :rotfl: Didi it work??
Hey all

Didn't make it on here yesterday and me and OH came down with the sickness bug that DD had last week. I am feeling so lousy. At one point I had my head down the toilet, with Phoebe screaming at the door to come in, my OH must have opened the door for her as she toddled over to me and just started stroaking my head, very sweet. Still feel really rough. Went to the doctors yesterday and she has signed me off for two weeks which is a blessing as I feel so exhausted.

Sorry feeling a bit lazy so didn't read all the messages, just scaned them, did notice a few of you are on facebook, so will add you as friends if that's ok.

Right I'm off to lounge on the sofa in front of the telly. Hope everyone else is feeling well

Becks x
hey all :wave: well guess whos ill again :evil: bet your all sick of me moaning by now lol well this week i have a runny nose headache of doom and a sore throat and am already wondering what will strike next week :think: oh well with a bit of luck i will get all the illnesses out of the way before babies get here so i wont pass anything to them :D new creams are definately working :cheer: which is good i had a phone call this morning off argos to say they are delivering the cotbed i ordered on friday afternoon (was supposed to be another week or 2 yet) which is the last thing i was waiting for to make sure we are all ready for when the babies arrive so by the weekend we will be ready :cheer: BIL has ordered my mamas and papas pushchair which he is picking up next week and bringing down when the babies arrive so all done :dance: oh and finally had a letter saying they have sorted my maternity allowance and the arrears will be in the bank on friday :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: woo hoo so not a bad day all in all :D xxxxxx
ive accepted all those that have added me to their facebook accounts :D xxxxxx

bexie sorry your feeling so poorly hun glad the doctor has signed you off work hope your feeling better soon xxx

millie know what you mean about the doctors i prefer the midwife at least thats all they do so they usually know what they are talking about xxx

morning hen hope you are resting hun xxx

ninja :hug: i can totally sympathise with you today hun between the spd and the sciatica im wondering if il ever walk properly or sleep painlessly again :( hope you get a better nights sleep tonight use plenty of pillows to help hun i sleep with 4 under head (heartburn) 1 under belly for support i behind my back to stop me lying on it 1 under my feet and 1 inbetween my legs its getting ridiculous theres hardly any bed left for o/h lol but it does help :hug: just think 6 weeks is not that long we can do it and it will all be worth it in the end xxx

choc sorry your not feeling well hun :hug: make sure you get plenty of rest and hopefully blood pressure will come down xxx

lea feeling a lot less stressed this morning i think it was just sheer panick at being on my own hoping it doesnt happen again tonight xxx
Hi everyone! :wave:

Choc hope your feeling better soon! :hug: And your BP drops!

Donna I hope your sciatica and SPD gets better or at least eases a little for you so your not in that much pain till babs is born :hug:

Hennaly I hope your faintness and wobblyness gets better too! :hug:

Millie15 Midwifes are better then GP's as they know what their talking about lol and GPs well dont hehehe (well they dont have the training lol) my doc is lovely but for anything preggo related I rely on my MW too :D I hope your sciatica eases too :hug:

Bexie Im sorry you had the bug and hope you better soon :hug:

Rach I hope your feeling better too :hug: OMG thats everyone on here feeling ill or in pain!? :shock: Yay on getting the cotbed and Yay on the cream working and the MA arrears and pram! :cheer: :cheer: Although your poorly lots of exciting stuff to take your mind of it a little! :hug:

I feel crappy! Just exhausted! Bit of a runny nose so must be getting a bug also! :( Not looking forwards to that! Going to jump in the shower now see if I feel a little better!
Hello all :wave:

Just a quick hello, just back from my reflexology appointment, and even though it hurt like hell Im sure its doing some good :D

Im also suffering from blocked sinuses and bad sore throat definitely something going around, Im struggling on though :) !

Off to see my MW in 20 mins, and then need to walk the dog when I get home otherwise she will be bouncing off the walls - and then might just have a long soak in the bath (water now hot again :cheer: ), and play with my bath sponge (yes my other addiction after ice) :rotfl:

Great to see everyones photos on facebook - what a beautiful bunch of ladies you all are!!!

:wave: Bye for now!!
Blimey us lot can chat! :shock:

:wave: Ellie, hope your bad throat clears up :hug:

:wave: Lea, oh no! Hope you are not getting this bug aswell! :hug:

:wave: Babydust, sorry your antenatal appointment was a bit crappy :hug:

:wave: Rach, sorry you have the bug too hun, hope it clears quickly :hug:

:wave: Bexie, sorry you are feeling poorly too hun :hug:

:wave: Millie, lol at LO doing her yoga!!
Oh and today Im stressing bout baby names,Ive posted in the baby name section..can you please pop in and tell me what you think? :pray:
Honestly, you lot can jabber for england!
I've totally lost what is happening with who now....and LO isn't helping my concentration and appears to be trying to break out thro my tummy! I thought movements were meant to get LESS pronounced now.......someone obviously forgot to tell my baby that! :lol:
choklatemunky said:
Honestly, you lot can jabber for england!
I've totally lost what is happening with who now....and LO isn't helping my concentration and appears to be trying to break out thro my tummy! I thought movements were meant to get LESS pronounced now.......someone obviously forgot to tell my baby that! :lol:

Do ya know, I was thinking this myself last night :lol:

Hope you are well hun :hug:
Yeah, ok 'part from being beaten up! haha
Im pretty tired now tho as its getting more difficult to get comfy at night - heartburn is deffo at its worst then and it just seems to be such an effort to turn over. I've said before tho I think its just getting me into the pattern of not much sleep as I know that's how it will be when LO makes an appearance!

PS I just went and looked at your names post.
babydust sorry your consultant wasnt very good why dont you phone your midwife hun and discuss it with her and see what she says :hug: xxx

lea hope your feeling a little better this evening hun :hug: xxx

liza sorry your not feeling well either hope your better soon :hug: hope your mw appointment went well as for the facebook pics lol mine is about 2 years old i look a lot different now :rotfl: you will see that when i post my birth photos :lol: but yeah your right everyone looks lovely can you imagine how beautiful all our babies will be :D xxx

ninja ive answered your baby name thread hun :hug: have you decided what you are going to do yet? xxx

choklatemunky :wave: nice to see you hun sorry your tired and baba is beating you up hun :hug: not much longer now and your beautiful baby will make you forget all about it :D xxx

hope everyone else is ok :hug: xxxxxxx

well ive had an okish day apart from the sore throat babies are moving loads which keeps mummy happy :D got mw coming on friday which will be good so i can hear the heartbeats even though i have the doppler im never 100% certain so its always reassuring when she comes got my next scan a week 2moro :cheer: although dont think you will be getting any more scan photos the scanner has completely given up the ghost now (it is 5 years old lol) theres no way im wasting money on a new one this side of xmas :shakehead:
done a little bit of shopping on line today which has calmed me down from worrying a little about xmas and my sister has promised to take me out on saturday to get a bit more done :cheer: so getting there slowly and i even managed to let poor o/h go off to work at 6 without breaking down and crying hysterically cos he was leaving me alone tonight :oops: :oops: :oops: and so far am not feeling at all stressed about it must have been my pesky hormones last night :oops: well im off now for the night gonna get christopher off to bed soon then have a nice shower put on pjs and curl up in front of the telly hope everyone has a lovely evening xxxxxxxxx
Evening ladies!
Hope everyone is ok / feeling better! :hug: :hug:
Just a quickie - I meant to go to bed nice and early tonight. And will be taking it apart to put the electric blanket back on before i get in - it is FREEZING!!!!!

Just wanted to say I have added you to Facebook if you mentioned it in the last few days. i sent a message with the request so you know it's me - except for yours rach, for some reason it didn't give that option.
I just felt a bit funny about putting my proper name on here in case someone I know sees me, although it's not as if it's a secret i'm pregnant!!!

Really tired, so not even going to attempt to comment on the loads of posts there have been - we must be entering a chatty phase!!!
Catch up tomorrow

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