hey all

well guess whos ill again

bet your all sick of me moaning by now lol well this week i have a runny nose headache of doom and a sore throat and am already wondering what will strike next week

oh well with a bit of luck i will get all the illnesses out of the way before babies get here so i wont pass anything to them

new creams are definately working

which is good i had a phone call this morning off argos to say they are delivering the cotbed i ordered on friday afternoon (was supposed to be another week or 2 yet) which is the last thing i was waiting for to make sure we are all ready for when the babies arrive so by the weekend we will be ready

BIL has ordered my mamas and papas pushchair which he is picking up next week and bringing down when the babies arrive so all done

oh and finally had a letter saying they have sorted my maternity allowance and the arrears will be in the bank on friday

woo hoo so not a bad day all in all

ive accepted all those that have added me to their facebook accounts

bexie sorry your feeling so poorly hun glad the doctor has signed you off work hope your feeling better soon xxx
millie know what you mean about the doctors i prefer the midwife at least thats all they do so they usually know what they are talking about xxx
morning hen hope you are resting hun xxx

i can totally sympathise with you today hun between the spd and the sciatica im wondering if il ever walk properly or sleep painlessly again

hope you get a better nights sleep tonight use plenty of pillows to help hun i sleep with 4 under head (heartburn) 1 under belly for support i behind my back to stop me lying on it 1 under my feet and 1 inbetween my legs its getting ridiculous theres hardly any bed left for o/h lol but it does help

just think 6 weeks is not that long we can do it and it will all be worth it in the end xxx
choc sorry your not feeling well hun

make sure you get plenty of rest and hopefully blood pressure will come down xxx
lea feeling a lot less stressed this morning i think it was just sheer panick at being on my own hoping it doesnt happen again tonight xxx