Chat thread!

Hey everyone :wave:

Feel like I'm falling behind a bit on here. You know it's too long since you posted when no-one says hello!! :shakehead:
Anyway, it's my own fault for not posting!!

I'm going to be struggling a bit to reply to everything people have said - I'm sorry :oops:
I am so tired. We were away to in-laws at the weekend, work was a nightmare today, then I did the tesco shop on my own. My bump was wriggling and squirming all the way round and I had to keep stopping. It's a bit sore now. :( Have brought the bags in but need to unpack them and get dinner on, not sure when DH will be home. :( I just need a hug :( Feel a bit tearful, don't know why.

Someone said in their post it all seems more real now. I know what you mean. I met a friend for coffee while we were away at the weekend and she said "the next time I see you, you'll have your baby!" I was like :shock: :shock: Aargh.

Will come back on later if I feel more cheerful!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: to all!!
Hi ladies!! :wave: Gosh soooooo many posts!! 2 new pages of them hahaha
If I miss someone out of something Im sorry Im just being able to go back as far as the topic review lets me lol!

Hennaly, I dont have quite as much baby clothes as you lol but I have kinda banned myself for a while! I mean she has 19 newborn t-shirts?!?! If shes 10lbs she wont even wear one :shock: lol

NW - Glad your MW seems nicer!! Maybe it was a show put on for the student :lol: Yay on everything being ok and babs being head down!! :D :cheer: Sorry OH is away again! :hug:

Millie15 Yay on getting the week off!! :cheer:

Babydust thats great on the insurance!! Hope you get some good things with the extra money :cheer:
Boo on the crutches but I hope they help! :hug: You just reminded me actually I havent phoned the acupuncture person?!! LOL Best do that tomorrow!

Liza :wave: Hope you ok? Yay on the nursery!!

Bexie I hope you can find someone to help you out when you go into labour! :hug: Must be a horrible thing to be worrying about! Im sure Phoebe will be ok with your friend! Its only for one night (if it is the night) YAY to your friend and moving up the ticker!! :cheer:

Rach :hug: Im sure Christopher will be ok hun! :pray: The cream works! Eczema sounds horrible! Im so lucky!

Chok Oh gosh I hope they sort out the paypal mess and Amazon stop messing you about!? Boo on your broadband!! :evil: Not Virgin is it?!Sorry your boss is being crap! And Im sure what you do have already for babs is enough hun! If you have all the main essentials then you will be fine! :hug: I hate days like that! :hug: :hug:
Damn clicked the reply button before I had finished hahahah

Christina Boo on waiting at the docs! Im going to check out freecycle! I always say I will but forget lol!

Kmac lol I havent posted for just one day and people stopped saying hello hahaha Hope your ok and belly isnt too sore after shopping!! :hug:

Well I have a bad craving for chocolate so bought like LOADS at tesco but havent ate any because I cant deal with the heartburn it will give me lol!
Any of you who are my friend on facebook I have posted a few pics of my party so you can nosey if you like! I look like crap lol! So pale and sickly! Im thinking maybe I should wear some fake tan or something?! Ive never been one to need a tan kwim but now I see how ill I look all the time and compared to others i think I should add a little for a "healthy glow" lol
(If your not my facebook friend but are on facebook you can add me Leanne Mottershead :D )
Im knackered tonight! I hate when the time changes? I think its so much later than it is lol!
:wave: everyone

well, after posting this morning I have pretty much just slept all day!!! must have needed it :lol:

Lea - I've had a craving for chocolate as well. want to ring OH to tell him to get some on the way home but his phone is sitting here next to me. told you he wasn't with it!!
kmac - yeah people keep saying that to me as well, but it still seems so far away. the last 2 weeks have gone really fast though, so fingers crossed so will the rest
christina - you've just reminded me about freecycle - I'm going to check it out after this!
bexie - hope you get something sorted for Phoebe. must be such a pain trying to sort that out :hug:
chok - not surprised you're stressed - how annoying - hope you get it sorted :hug:
rach - hope your creams work - I haven't even got excema and my tummy itches like mad - must be awful for you :hug:
NW - glad your MW app went well, I have one with my GP on Weds. last time tummy was measuring bigger so I'm hoping that trend has stopped!!
EllieBelle - yep, my OH has just got in tonight and is about to go off do some more work - although he is going to change the cat litter before he does so not all bad!!
babydust - so sorry to hear about your crutches - you poor thing! :hug:

phew - hope I managed to grab a quickie with you all there. this chatting is exhausting. but I do like it :lol: :lol:

Off to graba few mins with OH before he disappears again
see you soon
millie, glad you managed to catch up on some sleep :sleep: I hope you feel better and more refreshed...

lea - aww sorry to hear about the heartburn from the chocolate, that sucks! nothing should put you off eating chocolate :x
lea m said:
(If your not my facebook friend but are on facebook you can add me Leann Mottershead

Oo can I?
You are all free to add me too, Donna Stewart (my profile pic is black/white, with OH, Im on the right with blonde hair) :lol:
Thanks for the hugs girls.

I stared at the shopping bags on the floor for a while, then texted DH to say I had ground to a halt.
He texted back telling me to leave eveything until he got home, which made me burst into tears. :oops:
but then i got my ass in gear, unpacked the shopping, and managed to have something resembling dinner ready for him getting back. SO it turned out ok in the end!!

Does anyone else find their bump moving quite uncomfortable? I am finding it a bit painful. I don't get such big kicks now, it's more like squirming with smaller prods or kicks. My MW told me to expect that, but I didn't expect it to hurt :( It kept stopping me in my tracks round Tesco.
What's everyone else experiencing?

kmac said:
Does anyone else find their bump moving quite uncomfortable? I am finding it a bit painful. I don't get such big kicks now, it's more like squirming with smaller prods or kicks. My MW told me to expect that, but I didn't expect it to hurt :( It kept stopping me in my tracks round Tesco.
What's everyone else experiencing?

Yes! Ouch!!! My left side is sore from the prodding!
ninjawomble said:
lea m said:
(If your not my facebook friend but are on facebook you can add me Leann Mottershead

Oo can I?
You are all free to add me too, Donna Stewart (my profile pic is black/white, with OH, Im on the right with blonde hair) :lol:
LMAO :rotfl: I cant even spell my own name lol! I edited my post its leannE lol with an e on the end! :wall:

Kmac my belly hurts all the time when she moves! It has for a while now (Im guessing because my muscles must have been crap lol) but yeh since about 25 weeks shes been hurting with her movements!
And she still does big kicks?! :roll:
lea m said:
ninjawomble said:
[quote="lea m":1jzg6h2z](If your not my facebook friend but are on facebook you can add me Leann Mottershead
LMAO :rotfl: I cant even spell my own name lol! I edited my post its leannE lol with an e on the end! :wall:

Preggers brain!! :rotfl:
ninjawomble said:
lea m said:
ninjawomble said:
[quote="lea m":190o4ow9](If your not my facebook friend but are on facebook you can add me Leann Mottershead
LMAO :rotfl: I cant even spell my own name lol! I edited my post its leannE lol with an e on the end! :wall:

Preggers brain!! :rotfl:[/quote:190o4ow9]

:oops: :oops: Thank goodness for preggers brain hahaha
Wow its cold this morning :?

How is everyone?

Ive got a MW appointment today, i couldnt for the life of me remember when i had made it for so rang them yesterday and apparently i left last time without making one so got one for today :doh:

I really want a big bus to run my ex over now how bad am i :think:

Hope you all have a good day i will be back later to check up all you all :wink:
kmac :hug: :hug: :hug: not forgotten you hun :D im just getting squirming now rather than kicks and some of them are really painful :hug: xxx

lea will have a look at the photies later when i get on to facebook i did the same with the chocolate on the weekend bought loads as i was fancying different things and ive not touched it lol :D xxx

ninja will add you later too xxx

hen its bloody freezing here too hun :( xxx

millie glad you caught up on some sleep hun i did the same yesterday lol xxx

christina :wave: xxx

chok :wave: xxx

bexie :wave: xxx

sorry i know ive not commented on everyone but its been so busy here i could only go back so far :( hope everyones ok will try and keep on top of this thread today i think lol
well i had a much better sleep last night if its down to the cream or pure exhaustion i dont yet know guess time will tell lol xxxxxxx
Morning ladies....

Hope you all had a good nights sleep (I would have done if my DH hadnt snored constantly all night), anyway he packed and left for his 3 days away this morning, so will see him late on Thurs now!

Lea - Have added you to facebook, and look forward to seeing the party photos once you "accept" me :lol:
Hennaly - Good luck at your MW appointment today, and your ex sounds like a right arse!!
NW - I tried to find you on facebook, 16 pages later I still couldnt find any black & white photos under the name of Donna Stewart????
KMAC - Im a bit behind you all, but also get some nasty punches/headbutts generally directed straight at my cervix, which are agony.
Rach - hope the cream works well, and you feel better soon.
Bexie - Your friend sounds like the best bet.....I know it must be so hard to leave your DD, but then its for a good reason! Im an only child too, so I know what its like to have no family around.
:wave: to everyone else

Im waiting for the boiler man to arrive as our hot water stopped being hot over the weekend......and luck warm baths are no fun at all!!

If anyone wants to add me to facebook, Im Liza Narracott (there is only one of me, so very easy to find).

Just cant decide what to do today, my dad and stepmum gave me a cheque last week and told me it was for baby things and now I just want to shop!! Thinking I should probably use it for the pushchair though, as it would buy us something really lovely!! All that said Im absolutely shattered today, so the thought of lounging around in tracksuit bottoms is also really appealing....I just cant seem to make decisions anymore :)

Catch up with you all later
:wave: everyone. Hope you're all ok this morning!
I'm feeling better after my day of sleep, although did end up having big row with OH last night because he's so preoccupied that the only 2 little jobs I'd asked him to do (things I can't, like the bin and cat litter) he kept starting and then disappearing leving them half done. Bloody men!!! Grrrrr.......! anyway, today is a new day!

kmac - yes I don't get little punches so much more squirms and wriggles. Sometimes they are really uncomfortable! This morning I have woken up to a totally lopsided belly - she's shifted all over to one side - it's so funny! :rotfl: I would post a photo but camera's out of battery... :doh:

elliebelle - hope you get hot water soon - ours has been erratic for weeks and I love my baths
rach - glad you got a better nights sleep
hennaly - good luck for your app
lea - :rotfl: you muppet!!! :rotfl:
Hey everyone!! :wave:

Hennaly lol on the bus! Your not bad hun and you know you will get away with it while pregnant!! ;) hahaha

Rach I hope its the cream thats letting you sleep better hun! :hug:

Liza I just logged on Facebook to accept!! :cheer: I had a quick nosey at your pics of France and OMG your house is my dream! Absolutely gorgeous hun! And your wedding looks beautiful! Your dress was to die for lol! (though I remember reading about it in another section and I think I may have literally died at the cost of it all heehee) I love that pic on the swing!! :hug:

Millie15 glad your feeling better and boo on OH! They are such pains arent they?!

I had a weird turn before, went very dizzy and breathless and my heart was racing and palpating like I have never known! Left me not being able to move off the sofa for about 3 hours! If it happens again Im going to call the docs! :think:
lea m said:
Liza I just logged on Facebook to accept!! :cheer: I had a quick nosey at your pics of France and OMG your house is my dream! Absolutely gorgeous hun! And your wedding looks beautiful! Your dress was to die for lol! (though I remember reading about it in another section and I think I may have literally died at the cost of it all heehee) I love that pic on the swing!! :hug:

Thank you so much hun, I just wish we could sell the damn place now (its on with about 5 Estate Agents), its becoming a huge burden and one of the reasons we were so worried when we got back to the UK and DH couldnt find work - as the mortgage is huge!!! It needs a huge amount of renovation and doesnt have proper heating so last winter was sooooooooo cold!!!!

Yes wedding was a little pricey :oops: (I will never forget one min of it though), at the time we were both working stupid hours and were doing well.......amazing how quickly things change, but then we decided to take a years sabatical and werent expecting the huge recession in the UK...... :( Life is so different now, and struggling to pay 2 mortgages and pay off credit cards and overdraft - but ho hum we will get there in the end.......!!

Your photos are fab too, your children are just gorgeous, and your party looks like it was great fun!! Love the photo of you in your gold belly dancing outfit - you look amazing :D

:wave: Good evening to everyone

Feeling quite lonely tonight, DH away now til Thurs and these dark nights take some getting used to!

MW appointment tomorrow, they seem to come round really quickly these days!

Hope you all have a great evening :hug:

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