Chat thread!

aw rach :( that sounds very scary!! I'm really glad they have stopped. Did you call the mid-wife? I'm afraid I have no advice as this is my first, but I hope everythings ok and sending you lots of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

:wave: to all

it's all been a bit stressful our way atm..
since moving back in with my parents, my stepdad has taken up smoking again, and is refusing to go outside when he smokes because its cold :wall: :wall: this is really getting me worried obviously for bubs!
when he was asked flat out if he intends to smoke in the house when the LO is born, his response was "don't pressure me, the more you do, the more I will do it!" arggghhh :evil: :evil: this makes me so damn angry! he's so selfish.. doesn't he understand the risk involved? endangering an innocent child's life!! :x :x :x
the only good thing is that he now only smokes in 1 room and supposedly opens the windows to ensure the room is ventilated, but I keep on smelling smoke so its clearly not working! :(

we want to move out, but our financial situation is just not permitting! the job market is nowhere what it was a few months ago. poor OH is having a horrendous time trying to get a decent job,
then on the other hand, he's now decided he wants to buy a Wii off his mate! I don't know what goes through men's heads sometimes... :wall: :wall: :wall:

anyway ramble over :)
hope your all good and well ladies
Hi ladies! Will do a proper post in the morning but though I would pop on and say hi before i go bed! Knackered now but the party was great!! :D I will tell a bit more about it tomorrow lol!
Dont forget clocks go back at 2am!
morning all thanks for your replies nothing else has happened since but think it shook us all up a bit and o/h has been a lot more considerate since helping more round the house etc babies were on top form yesterday and didnt stop all day long which is really unusual so dont think they liked the contractions much either and i was very tearful yesterday bursting into tears every 5 mins im all of a sudden extremely hormonal :( xxxxxxx

babydust :hug: must be very hard hearing DD talk like that its such a cruel world when children have to know so much at such a young age :( hopefully she will be better when the baby gets here and she realises that it doesnt always happen :hug: xxx

christina sorry your stepdad has that attitude maybe he will change when the baby arrives :hug: xxx

lea hope you had a good night :hug: xxx
:wave: hiya everyone hope you are all ok :hug:

:hug: Rach, hope it all settles for you

:hug: Babydust, hope you are feeling better too

:hug: Lea hope you are ok hun

:hug: Christina, sorry bout your stepdad hun :wall:

:hug: Choc, sorry bout all your anxiety attacks hun

Well Im all alone again :roll: OH is away now for two weeks :shakehead: so am just gonna sit around getting fatter and being bored :( Thank god for you lot! :cheer: :cheer:
Morning all :wave:

I tried putting a post on on Saturday to you Rach, but my silly PC jumped screens so lost what I'd written!!!! I hope you haven't had any more contractions. Just take it easy, no rushing around, feet up, remote control at your side, drink on the coffee table, let eveyone wait on you hand and foot. Let those boys of yours cook for a while longer, as much as we all want to meet them, we would all rather wait a bit longer. :hug: :hug:

Lea - Hope you had a good party and aren't suffering too much for it now.

NW - Sorry to hear your on your own again, "message to the forces - send NW OH home"

Babydust - That must have been heartbreaking to hear your DD say that. Glad your ok though.

Christina - I hope your stepfather changes his attitude before the baby arrives!!! :evil:

We had a quiet weekend, felt ill all day Saturday so lazed around the house, yesterday drove to Welshpool and did a spot of christmas shopping. We had lunch there also, I've decided now that I can't cope with Christmas shopping in the shops, so it's all going to be on-line, I was exhausted and my hips and back were killing me!!!!

Had some great news yesterday, one of my work friends had her baby boy on Saturday morning, he weighed 5 lb 7 oz, everyone is over the moon for her and her husband as they lost their daughter last christmas, so it's been a really tough year for them and she has obviously been really worried throughout her pregnancy after loosing her DD. He was 5 weeks early, so really he is quite a good weight. I can't wait to meet the little fella. I'm hoping once she's home and settled that me and my DD can pop in for a visit. I'm curious to see how interested phoebe will be with a newborn.

Hope you all have good days.

B x
Forgot to say that i couldn't get to sleep last night as I started stressing about childcare arrangements for when I go into labour. The only family we have locally is my mum and I won't let her look after phoebe after her dog tried to attack her, also she has a foster child who needs routiene and needs to be in familar surrounds so they wouldn't be able to come to our house to look after Phoebe. I don't know what to do. Phoebe has never spent a night away from me before. It's really stressing me out. I know we need to put some arrangements into place as the time is getting closer. My OH suggested that he stay at home with Phoebe and my mum come in with me, but I really don't want my mum there, I want my OH to be the one to share that special moment with me. In some ways I imagine that my mum would be a stronger birthing partner than my OH, but I don't want my mum there I want my OH (me and my mum have a bit of a complicated relationship - it's gone downhill slightly since I had my DD!!)

Oh I'm so confused I just don't know what to do. I've been offered a c-section as I had one with Phoebe and going down that route makes everything a lot less complicated, but to be honest I don't think I could cope with the recovery and not being able to pick Phoebe up for cuddles, not being able to drive and so on!!!!

Oh god what do I do :( :( :(
Good morning ladies :wave:

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend?

Bexie - Yay not long to go now!! I shall keep my mobile well and truly charged :D
Lea - Party sounds lots of fun, hope you are recovered now.
Rach - Sounds like you definitely need some more PJ days, and hope you are feeling better and contractions have stopped!!!
NW - Hope the next 2 weeks fly by for you! Heres me complaining because my DH is away 3 days a week :oops:
Choc - Sorry to hear you are having anxiety attacks, and hope they settle down soon (go and treat yourself to a huge chocolate cake or tub of Ben & Jerrys!!) :hug:
Christina - Hope your SF decides to quit smoking in the house soon - can your mother not lay down the law? I can sympathise with the whole job scene. Thank goodness my DH managed to secure a great position and started last week - unfortunately he is away 3 days a week, but at least we have a good, steady income now - so I shouldnt complain!
Babydust - Hope you are ok and lots of :hug: :hug:

:wave: to anyone I missed!!!

Had a great weekend - went shopping with DH on Sat and stopped for lunch in Nando's - I was in my element as their self serve drinks machine serves crushed ice on demand - so was going back and forth for ice, and eating it with a fork (you can get away with anything when your pregnant it seems :) )

Yesterday DH & I worked together and painted the nursery, and DH dragged all the furniture upstairs, and put the lot together - so the nursery is painted and fully fitted (cotbed, wardrobe, changing unit, toy box and shelving) - just needs all the finishing touches now (we work well together as a team and transformed many a room in a day before)!! It looks so lovely, and cant wait to finish it all off now! Still got so many things to buy though!

Have a great day, off to the vets with my dog now.......she has got to have her stitches out as she was spayed last week :D
Morning girls :wave:

Its official im ban from buying any more baby clothes, i have filled half my wardrobe and the baby unit which has 4 large and 2 small drawers oh and one of my big drawers and one of hubbies :oops: , i really have now started sorting bits out and selling them on so i just keep my favortie stuff. :oops:

I hope you all had a good weekend :D
:wave: Morning!

Midwife rang me this morning to arrange my 34 week am in waiting for her, she said anytime till 12 :roll:
Bet she will be on her usual top form today :roll: Only glad its a home visit as I dont think I could drive today, scaitica bad today. Should really ask her why I havent heard about antenatal classes really :lol: supposed to have started 2 weeks ago..this baby will be off to Uni by the time they send me any info!

:hug: Bexie sorry bout your stresses with your Mum, and yay for your work friend, that is a good weight! Bless.

:hug: Ellie, aww dont say that hun, ANY time away from our OH is crap :shakehead: and yay for the nursery!!

:hug: Hey Henn! Aww its so tempting buying baby stuff, I got bubs xmas outfit from M-care yesterday..its gorge!

Hope you all have a lovely day, and hi to your beautiful bumps!
Hello ladies!
I don't usually get chance to chat but it's half term - hooray!!! Off work for a week and then only go back for 2 weeks before mat leave starts so I'll be popping up more often! That said - I have a list as long as my arm of things I need to do when mat leave starts - she better not be early - I'm too busy!! lol

Just reading those of you with OHs away.....I feel the same at the moment. Mine is here in body but has exams in a week so in mind is somewhere else. I haven't seen him for two weekends as have been away and during the week he's locked away in the spare room studying. I know it's only another week but it's hard. I iwsh we could go shopping and to Nandos!! :(

I know I could have it worse - I have so much respect for these people doing it on their own. I have no family near me so that's quite hard, but at least I will have OH back in a week or so!

Moan moan moan......

Actually I am really in quite good spirits - half term and everything. Am having a PJ day today then will get on with all my jobs etc tomorrow after a rest! That said....I don't think there is any food in the house - OH left to himself this weekend and didn't even manage to get cat food!!! So I may have to pull some clothes on, brush my hair and go to Tesco! :roll:

Anyway hope everyone is well this morning and getting some nice sunshine like we are here
Millie I can sympathise, my DH works away 3 days a week, every week, but works from home Mon and Fri and he might as welll not be here as he works from 8am til late........I think its harder when he is at home to be honest - as least when he is away, I know we cant chat etc and I can get on with my own stuff for a few days!

Just think though one more week and he will be all yours again!!

Im just relieved my DH refuses to work weekends, although in the past he has still been on conference calls at 1am in the morning!!!

Bexie - :hug: - do you have a sister etc that could come and spend some time with you, or do you have a good friend in the village that could help you out, maybe with a child that Phoebe gets on well with? I wouldnt want my mother to be my birthing partner either - like you I dont have any family nearby, but then I dont have the worry of another child when I go into labour - just a dog and 2 cats :)
:wave: Millie

:wave: Babydust

Hope you are both well :hug:

MW has just been and blimey she seems to have improved now its getting closer :shock:
She had a student with her, and we went through my birth plan, she was happy as Im so straight forward lol (active birth,stay home long as possible, exercise ball in delivery room,gas and air, no epidurals thanks).
Bubs is head down :cheer: , but free, but thats fine. Heartrate was good, and growth was fine too :cheer:
As for me my blood pressure was great and my wee wee clear :lol:
So feeling a bit better now. Although the student practiced palpating the bubba, and blimey didint she hurt me!! Bubs was quiet through the whole examination...quite chilled really :lol:
Now Ive had this appointment its all feeling more real..... :shock:
EllieBelle said:
- :hug: - do you have a sister etc that could come and spend some time with you, or do you have a good friend in the village that could help you out, maybe with a child that Phoebe gets on well with? I wouldnt want my mother to be my birthing partner either - like you I dont have any family nearby, but then I dont have the worry of another child when I go into labour - just a dog and 2 cats :)

No I'm an only child, we have asked my in-laws, but they've said no (they live about 4 hours away, although they are visiting us from Christmas Eve until Boxing Day, unfortunately I can't predict my exact due date!!) One problem is that the baby is due so close to Christmas that a lot of people are away visiting family. (Baby is due on either the 25 - 27 December, depending on which scan I go from).

I have one friend who I could ask to be on standby, she has a little girl who Phoebe really gets on with, my OH (I don't really know why) isn't that keen on us asking her though. Not her in particular, I just think he worries about Phoebe spending the night somewhere else. She's normally really unsettled when we stay away from home. Perhaps I'll be lucky and go into labour on a day she's at nursery, start in the morning and have had the baby by her home time!!!! I should be so lucky!!! He suggested ladt night we take her into hospital with us, as if!!!!

NW - glad to hear your midwife appointment went better this time, she was probably showing off as she had a student with her. Did you find out about your antenatal classes?
:wave: hello all bloody hell you all busy chatting today :shock: will do my best to catch up xxx

ninja sorry your o/h has gone away again hun :hug: :hug: :hug: glad your midwife appointment went well and all is ok xxx

bexie lovely news about your friend having her baby :D dont blame you with the on line shopping hun its just too hard this time of year :( and yay for moving up a baby which means i must have too :cheer: if i had a different ticker lol sorry youve got the worry of childcare when in hossie its so hard with a little one im lucky as me and o/h have a lot of family in the same town as us so we are ok that way but im still getting in a state about leaving christopher ive never spent a night away from him and now im going to have to spend 3/4 :( xxx

elliebelle nice that you got the nursery done hun :D hope the dog dont mind having its stitches out too much :( xxx

hen no more shopping lol behave it sounds like you have the same amount as me and im having 2 lol :rotfl: and i think ive got way too much now so lord only know how much too much you have :hug: xxx

millie hope you enjoy your half term break hun and good luck to o/h with his exams xxx

babydust i dont blame you with the money hun i would have done the same :dance: why use it if you can get away with it sorry your spd seems to be worse i was the same on christopher and ended up on crutches it was so painful :hug: ive been pretty lucky this time and its not got that bad yet some days are worse than others xxx

lea hope your ok hun :hug: xxx

well another bloody trip to the doctors for me today god im sick of going there lately im not one to go to the doctor unless im desperate but after being up from 3:30 scratching my poor skin raw i was a crying exhausted mess this morning doctor was fab and gave me some different creams to try and promised if its not gone within a week they will get me an emergency appointment to see a dermatologist its eczema but its gone out of control and spreading like wildfire and my normal creams are not touching it :( they have promised to do their utmost to sort it out before i go into hossie :pray: so just hoping the new creams work xxxxxxx
:wave: all

Rach - that really doesnt sound nice hun :hug: I hope the new creams do sort it out

ninja - glad the m/w seems to have improved

Ellie - :wave: hope youre ok

Babydust - hehe sneaky you! but Im sure the money will come in handy! Sorry to hear you are in pain tho.

millie - never trust a man to do the shopping - they dont have a clue!

Hen - naughty girl buying all those clothes! I bet we all have a bit of an excess in that department tho as its hard to resist!

Bexie - :hug: hope you work it all out

Lea, Choc, Christina - hope you are all ok

Did I miss anyone? :oops:

Well Im in a foul mood today :( - some muppet has managed to hack in and make a payment from my paypal account which I didnt authorise! so I have reported it but I don't know what else to do, if anything, but that's frozen til it gets sorted so I can't use it to buy stuff and also my credit card co have declined a payment on an internet purchase from amazon of baby things and when I rang up to ask why (have paid bill up to date and another thing I bought from amazon with the same card had gone through ok) I got some foreign woman who couldn't understand what I was asking - I just wanted to know why it had been declined but she started going on about having to have a password to access my online account, which is nothing to do with it at all, she put me on hold to transfer me to some other department, as I was getting pretty peed off with repeating myself, and after 10mins of being on hold they hung up on me! and I can't get through when I try to ring now..... :evil: so I don't know why I can't use that either!
- Our internet at home has only just got sorted as it took them ages to get it all set up when we moved, and now the bloody thing isnt working AGAIN! so I can't get online at home, which is just pants,
- work is doing my nut and I can't wait to finish now, Im getting so bored of it - my boss (who is also PG and its just the 2 of us here!) has been a bit rubbish and not answered my maternity letter/notice thingy to confirm my dates and has not confirmed how many days holiday I have which I am meant to be taking at the start of my leave so I don't actually have an official finish date yet (I have my mat leave date but don't know how much hol I can have in front of it)
- We went through the list at the back of the babies r us catalogue at the weekend to see what few things we have left to get....and shocked ourselves as there are SO many things we don't have and we really thought we had got most of the baby stuff now.... basically, all in all, I'm a wee bit stressed today!
rach said:
:im still getting in a state about leaving christopher ive never spent a night away from him and now im going to have to spend 3/4 :( xxx

I know what you mean, if I have to stay in hospital I know that i am going to miss Phoebe so much. Does Christopher understand that you are going to be having twins? I know phoebe understands me when i speak to her, but I'm not sure how much she understands about me being pregnant and that we are going to be having a baby. When she points out a "babi" her words, I say "mummy has got a babi in her belly" and sometimes she'll rub my belly, other times kiss it, but I have no idea if she really understands that this baby is going to be living with us. Have you done anything to prepare Christopher for the boys arrival and help him understand that the boys are on their way? Do you know what I am going to put a post on Ask a mum.

Hope your eczema eases up soon honey.

Ah Choklatmunkey - sounds like your not having a good day :hug:, hope you manage to sort the paypal issue.

:wave: all

ninjawomble - glad to hear that your MW appointment went well! its always nice to know that everything is fine!! :D
elliebelle - sorry that your DH works away from home so much :(
babydust - that really sucks, sorry to hear your in so much pain hun. is this SPD? i really hope it clears up a little...
mille - YAAY for half term, not long til maternity leave now!!

a little update...
had to wait an hour and a half waiting for my doc appointment this morning which was a right waste of time! I just needed to get something signed :wall: since then I have crawled back into bed and thought about all the things I need to do and am not doing, but I think sleep is a good idea :sleep:

on another note,
I am officially in love with freecycle! :cheer: I just started making use of it yesterday and managed to get a changing mat, baby bath and a carrier bag of clothes from a lovely lady :D was also offered a cot bed this morning, so hopefully will be able to arrange collection for that!
also fingers crossed, i found a pushcair being offered as well so that would mean we have everything for bubs apart from a few bits and bobs!! wish me luck getting them :pray: :pray:

hope your all ok :D
aw rach, sorry to hear about your ezcma (sp?)! I know how annoying and painful it can be.. I just wanted to sympathise :hug: I don't know what to recommend.. just make sure you don't put any products or anything on it, like soap or something, as that just flames it up more. I'm sure you know that anyway! I really hope it clears up :pray: :pray:
i hope your feeling better about being away from christopher.. :(

bexie - I really hope you manage to find someone to look after Phoebe. I really hope that Phoebe understands you are going to be joined by a new member of the family. I have no advice as to how to prepare or explain that to her, I'm a bit clueless :think: , but just wanted to wish you good luck...

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