aw rach
that sounds very scary!! I'm really glad they have stopped. Did you call the mid-wife? I'm afraid I have no advice as this is my first, but I hope everythings ok and sending you lots of these
to all
it's all been a bit stressful our way atm..
since moving back in with my parents, my stepdad has taken up smoking again, and is refusing to go outside when he smokes because its cold
this is really getting me worried obviously for bubs!
when he was asked flat out if he intends to smoke in the house when the LO is born, his response was "don't pressure me, the more you do, the more I will do it!" arggghhh
this makes me so damn angry! he's so selfish.. doesn't he understand the risk involved? endangering an innocent child's life!!
the only good thing is that he now only smokes in 1 room and supposedly opens the windows to ensure the room is ventilated, but I keep on smelling smoke so its clearly not working!
we want to move out, but our financial situation is just not permitting! the job market is nowhere what it was a few months ago. poor OH is having a horrendous time trying to get a decent job,
then on the other hand, he's now decided he wants to buy a Wii off his mate! I don't know what goes through men's heads sometimes...
anyway ramble over
hope your all good and well ladies

it's all been a bit stressful our way atm..
since moving back in with my parents, my stepdad has taken up smoking again, and is refusing to go outside when he smokes because its cold

when he was asked flat out if he intends to smoke in the house when the LO is born, his response was "don't pressure me, the more you do, the more I will do it!" arggghhh

the only good thing is that he now only smokes in 1 room and supposedly opens the windows to ensure the room is ventilated, but I keep on smelling smoke so its clearly not working!

we want to move out, but our financial situation is just not permitting! the job market is nowhere what it was a few months ago. poor OH is having a horrendous time trying to get a decent job,
then on the other hand, he's now decided he wants to buy a Wii off his mate! I don't know what goes through men's heads sometimes...

anyway ramble over

hope your all good and well ladies