morning all well looks like yesterday was just 1 of them bad days am feeling better today

ooh just realised im 31 weeks today too

i feel a seperate thread coming on
lea glad your feeling a little better about the whole labour thing

sorry the school are being an arse

typical when its half term as well xxx

yay on broadband and being able to get on a pc in the evenings xxx

hi hun nice to see youve joined us in 3rd tri at last

good to hear o/h has work sorry that this means he will be away a lot but you have us to chat to and dont worry like bex says you will soon meet new people

choc glad to hear you had no falling through the bed episode

know what you mean with the pain when turning over all you can hear in our bedroom all night is ow ow ow ow ow
my neighbours must wonder what the hell im doing

ninja hope your ok hun

with you living so close we will have to have a meet up for a coffee when these babies are born and we are both settled

hen you were obviously feeling very energetic yesterday

want to share your secret? my house is starting to look like a tip

babydust glad the funeral went smoothly hun thinking of you and your family at such an awful time burying my baby Jamie was the hardest thing ive ever done in my life
