Chat thread!

hennaly said:
Lea m your birth is gonna be a pushover dont worry, you will look back and wonder what all the fuss is about :wink:
:lol: :pray: :pray: :pray: Hahaha
Cant believe you have been up and mopping already?!!? OMG Im just recovering from taking kids to school!! In the CAR hahhahaha
:wave: Henn, gawd your better than me for doing housework :oops:

:wave: Lea, Henn is right, Lola will prolly be one of those "bar of soap" babies..pop!

:wave: Choco, bless yer hun,hope you didnt hurt yourself!!

:wave: Babydust, was thinking of you and your family :hug:

:wave: Rach, hope you manage to get some rest hun

:wave: Bexie, hope you feel better soon hun
Hi all

well managed not to fall through the bed last night but did have a restless night and OH said I was crying with pain evey time I tried to move/turn over. At one point he went to put his arm around me and I screamed and nearly karate chopped him. I don't remember it but bet it gave him a fright :rotfl:

Had my midwife round today.. my little 'darling' is STILL breech at 35wks :wall: He must just be sooooo comfy in there that he's in no hurry to move!! So now I have to wait another week and have a scan to see if he has moved and where he has his legs (legs are important when deciding whether they can manually jiggle him round apparently). I am now measuring 43w pregnant by the tape measure (thats 35w baby growth and 8w pre-preg tummy so all in all still on track) :dance:

Right I'm off to raid the fridge and veg out before the 11yo gets home and beats me to the yoghurts!!!!

Sarah xxx
Just thought I would pop in and say hello :wave:

So good to see you are all well.

Lea M - Cannot believe you are 35 weeks :shock:
Bexie - I promise to start texting soon and will be the perfect text buddy when Im needed in a few weeks :D
Rach - hope you had a wonderful PJ day......and are feeling better :hug:
:wave: To everyone else!!

Im just glad to be in Tri 3. Feeling a bit down today, DH started his new job on Mon, so been away all week. He was supposed to be home at 8pm and now wont be back til gone 10.30pm....ho hum

For the next 6-9 month he is going to be away Tues, Wed and Thurs everyweek and the days he works from home he will have a phone stuck to his ear from 8am til 8pm...... (severe case of deja-vu is setting in) so am trying to find some things to keep myself occupied and will hopefully meet some new people - live in a tiny village and having lived in France for a year, we dont know anyone in the village and its a bit lonely with just the dog for company :(

Anyway moan over, Im normally such a happy soul :D

Look forward to hearing everyones news and hope you are all well :hug:
Hey Liza (Elliebelle)

Great to see you on the chat thread. As you know I'm not so great at texting myself. (Message to self "Must text more") Really glad to hear that you DH has got a job, shame he has to work away so much, at least you'll have some money coming in. I'm sure once your LO arrives you'll make friends in your village, when you have a baby everyone wants to know you. I didn't really know anyone in our village before our DD was born, but now I know loads of people, just throw yourself into all the baby groups you can, you'll soon make friends.

It's weird coming on here in the evening, we've been without a computer for so long now I feel like a new woman, we've even moved into the Noughties and gone on Broadband!!!!

Right I'm off now to watch Never Mind the Buzzcocks, sleep well girlies.

Becks x
Lea, Henn is right, Lola will prolly be one of those "bar of soap" babies..pop!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Bar of soap baby hahahaha

Choc glad you didnt fall through the bed hun! Hope you have a better night tonight though! :hug:

Liza :wave: Yay on being in tri 3!! A little village sounds lovely I want to live in a little village! I hope you make friends soon and dont feel so lonely :hug: Yay on OH starting his new job! :cheer:
Bexie Yay on broadband lol! :cheer:

Im off to bed soon! Babs is wiggling like crazy and I have bad heartburn (have had is constant for 2 days and I mean constant! Nothing has even eased it a little! :() but knackered now haha
Kids break up from school tomorrow! :cheer: Oh and cheeky stupid bloody school went a cashed a cheque that they "lost" that i orginally paid for deposit for Joseph trip! £50! Im so mad! I wont get it back now either till at least after the hols but as the school is run by a bunch of ass's, I can see me having trouble with them! :evil: Luckily I have my receipts still!
morning all well looks like yesterday was just 1 of them bad days am feeling better today :cheer: ooh just realised im 31 weeks today too :cheer: i feel a seperate thread coming on :rotfl:

lea glad your feeling a little better about the whole labour thing :hug: sorry the school are being an arse :( typical when its half term as well xxx

bexie :cheer: yay on broadband and being able to get on a pc in the evenings xxx

liza :wave: hi hun nice to see youve joined us in 3rd tri at last :hug: good to hear o/h has work sorry that this means he will be away a lot but you have us to chat to and dont worry like bex says you will soon meet new people :hug: xxx

choc glad to hear you had no falling through the bed episode :rotfl: know what you mean with the pain when turning over all you can hear in our bedroom all night is ow ow ow ow ow
my neighbours must wonder what the hell im doing :rotfl: xxx

ninja hope your ok hun :hug: with you living so close we will have to have a meet up for a coffee when these babies are born and we are both settled :D xxx

hen you were obviously feeling very energetic yesterday :shock: want to share your secret? my house is starting to look like a tip :( xxx

babydust glad the funeral went smoothly hun thinking of you and your family at such an awful time burying my baby Jamie was the hardest thing ive ever done in my life :( xxx
is it possible to run out of tears??!!!! :think:
im sick of crying all the time but things are getting so desperate here financially etc i dont know which way to turn, i cried this morning as i had no money to give my son for rag day, luckily i found a bit of change i didnt know was there so he was none the wiser butn i just dont know how much longer this can go on for, im really pissed off that i cant work :wall:
babydust said:
:hug: hennaly i know exactly how you feel :hug: i think everyone seems to be struggling just now :hug: dh is self employed and has always had a good income from contract work but it seems to be drying up just now and i dont know from week to week if he will have work. i am not even able to get maternity allowence or bennefit because he works.

yep same here, we put in a claim for tax credit and was told we would get it but because my ex husband has put a claim in too for children that dont even see him they have said i wont get a penny :evil:
babydust said:
:hug: hennaly i know exactly how you feel :hug: i think everyone seems to be struggling just now :hug: dh is self employed and has always had a good income from contract work but it seems to be drying up just now and i dont know from week to week if he will have work. i am not even able to get maternity allowence or bennefit because he works.

yep same here, we put in a claim for tax credit and was told we would get it but because my ex husband has put a claim in too for children that dont even see him they have said i wont get a penny :evil:
well girls did another long post in reply to hen and babydust at about 10 this morning and got the bloody error page again :evil: i should know better by now not to even try between 9 and 11 in the mornings :doh:

babydust sorry about your bad weather hope it settles soon :hug: love the name you chose for the baby :D xxx

hen i know its difficult hun try and keep your chin up and not get too stressed its not good for the baby :hug: :hug: :hug: im sure you will soon get back on your feet when the baby arrives :hug: xxx
thanks Rach :hug:

oh and i got sick of that happening to me so i now right clic and copy my message so i have it to paste if it happens. :wink:
Hiya Ladies,

Sorry to hear your skint Hen, I know how much of a worry it can be. Can't beleive your ex claiming money for kids he doesn't even see, you should report him!!!

Babydust, love the name Zak Anthony, good choice.

:wave: to everyone else.

Well after logging off PF last night with the intention of watching Never Mind the Buzzcocks i heard Phoebe crying so made my way up to check on her and I was greeted by the strong smell of vomit. She was caked in it, poor little munchkin, so we had a team effort in bathing her and changing her bedsheets, washing them, we then had a repeat session an hour later, so I slept in her room as we were worried that she may choke on her own vomit! I had the morning off work to look after her and she was a little delight, really happy and sweet, so I thought it must of passed, then while I was sat on the sofa she looked at me with a worried expression on her face, so I picked her up for a cuddle on my lap, next thing, she had vomited all over us both!! All I could think was how do I manage to get off the sofa without it all falling onto the sofa and carpet. The house just stinks now. Luckily only a small amount of sick got on the carpet and sofa. Sorry if this is all TMI.

First time mums - you've got all this to come :lol:

I think this sickness bug is sweeping the area as I phoned my mum to warn her not to come round and she told me that her foster son also has the bug and Phoebe's not even seen him for over a week.

Take care everyone Becks x
:wave: Henn, sorry you are having such a crap time hun :hug:

:wave: Bexie, hope Phoebe feels better soon :hug:

:wave: Rach, yes deffo have to meet for a coffee, and I can meet those lovely little lads of yours! :cheer:

:wave: Babydust, hope you ok hun

:wave: To anyone I missed or anyone that drops in!

I rented my Tens machine today, as am starting to finally realise that in a matter of weeks I am gonna be having a bubba!!
Also popped to get a wedding pack from the place we want our slowly getting organised :lol: Just need to set a date!

Walked round town for hours withmy friend...and bump has dropped quite a bit! Has been lying transverse forever so am happy!!
Well what another strange day... been having anxiety attacks (mostly at night) as been stressed about this medical assessment the DSS wanted me to have today. Walked the 2.5miles to the medical assesment centre to be told that A/ their computers were down and there was a long wait and B/ that they can't examine me anyways because it's their policy not to do examinations on women over 34w pregnant!!! I told them it was an interview more than an examination because it's due to anxiety/depression but thay were adament that I didn't need to be seen and sent me away til after the baby has been born!!!! So then it was another 2.5mile walk home practically immediately.... I should have got some flamin sponsors and then at least I could have been walking for a purpose!! :rotfl:

On the way home an Asda delivery van driver decided to beep his horn to acknowledge a friend he'd seen walk by... unfortunately the van was just behind me when he tooted and I nearly had James there and then on the B***dy pavement.... so Asda got a snotty phone call from me asking whether the van driver had got his license from the DVLA or legoland :moon:

I need a severe dose of chocolate/ice cream/cake/anything else I can shove down my neck thats bad for me!!!!

All junk food donations greatfully received :hug:

Hope you girlies have a good weekend planned.. what you lot up to?

Sarah xxx
Hi everyone!! :wave: I have been so exhausted today that I havent even switched my PC on till now haha slept most of the day!? :think: Not sure why but I hope that I have more energy tomorrow with the party! :dance: Oh and I got the money back off the school straight away which was great! With all the problems we have had with them so far I was certain I would have trouble with them lol!

Rach YAY on 31 weeks!! :cheer: I cant believe how fast its going for you!!

Babydust I have palpatations and Im always breathless! cant wait to have babs just so that stops! :(

Hennaly :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope things get better for you soon hun! Having no money is horrid! :( Such a major stress all the time! I hate money! :evil: And its not right that your ex claims money for them! You should report him! I do the copy and paste thing too haha

Bexie sorry you DD is poorly! I hopes she better soon! :hug: :hug:

Ninjawomble yay on the realisation of you having babs soon heehee and yay on the wedding planning! Good luck with it hun! I loved it when we planned ours! It never happened lol (and now I hate the thought) but theres so much to do and plan its great! (I still have a wedding dress for sale!? ;) :rotfl: )

Choc lol on the phoning Asda! :lol: Boo on them making you walk all that way for nothing! :(
just a quickie this morning girls will catch up later when more awake :sleep: could sleep for britain today well we had a very scary night last night was watching eastenders and had a massive contraction all of a sudden out of the blue :shock: was nothing like the braxton hicks that i have been getting lasted over a minute had awful pressure down below and back ache and really bad period pain and couldnt even talk through the pain had another 2 while eastenders was on which panicked o/h so he started timing them and they were coming every 10 mins on the dot :( after 3 hours panic set in and i thought shit im going to have to go in to hossie as the earlier you go the more chance of them being able to stop it so had a bath (no way was i going in without 1 lol) poor o/h was running round like a headless chicken and then it all stopped from the time i got in the bath nothing and nothing at all since thing is if these were braxton hicks ive never had ones like that before the last time i had ones like that was in labour on luke and then on Jamie my BH are very uncomfortable now and do make me wince a bit when i get them but like i said a comfort thing rather than pain so i really dont know what last night was all about theres a few of us here who have had a few children perhaps one of you can shed some light on it for me xxxxxxx
Oh gosh Rach Im so glad they stopped!!! :shock: :hug:
They sound like real contractions to me too! BH arent supposed to be regular etc! But then they do say if they stop when you have a bath then its BH?! I have no idea? Mayeb they were different for you as you have twins?
That must have been scary and Im glad everything ok but sorry Im no help at all lol! :hug:
thanks lea thats good to know about them stopping when in the bath i think if it happens again i will head for the bathroom a bit earlier lol might save some worry :D xxxxxxxxx

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