Thanks for the hugs ladies!
Im just being silly really and stressed over labour again! I was ok for a while but now theres a lot of things worrying me! I think its because I cant take my anti anxiety pills that it keeping me awake etc but Im so scared of labour again now!
I was ok when I was told I should have an epidural! Felt like I knew what I was doing a bit more but now? Now im concerned I wont be able to push baby out without the pain! I know people say they try and get it so it wears off a bit before hand so I should know when to push but I have trouble with pushing the babies out even with the pain helping me lol! Its always hours long and I always get totally exhausted! I was ok (ish) with the idea I may need to have an assisted delivery with the ventouse or forceps but when the MW mentioned that if baby is back to back and struggling to come out they would take me to theatre and have to use the forceps to turn baby it just has me freaked! I dont want some metal clamps twisting my babys head!
Im going to ask the MW if I can insist that if that if that should be the case, as Lola keeps spinning back to back, that I would prefer a c-section! Then Im worried that it would be scary to go off for one after labour like that so could I ask the MW for an elective section to prevent all that to begin with
But I know they wont do that! Im just being a drama queen and like i said, I know I wouldnt feel so anxious if I could take the pills I should but I cant! So it really doesnt make things much better kwim?!
I just know that there wont be much chance of me being able to push her out alone without the pain etc! I dont know! Im just hoping I feel better and the anxiety goes! Very very soon lol! I have gone from wanting her here now to wanting a 80 week pregnancy lol!
Im just being silly really and stressed over labour again! I was ok for a while but now theres a lot of things worrying me! I think its because I cant take my anti anxiety pills that it keeping me awake etc but Im so scared of labour again now!
I was ok when I was told I should have an epidural! Felt like I knew what I was doing a bit more but now? Now im concerned I wont be able to push baby out without the pain! I know people say they try and get it so it wears off a bit before hand so I should know when to push but I have trouble with pushing the babies out even with the pain helping me lol! Its always hours long and I always get totally exhausted! I was ok (ish) with the idea I may need to have an assisted delivery with the ventouse or forceps but when the MW mentioned that if baby is back to back and struggling to come out they would take me to theatre and have to use the forceps to turn baby it just has me freaked! I dont want some metal clamps twisting my babys head!

I just know that there wont be much chance of me being able to push her out alone without the pain etc! I dont know! Im just hoping I feel better and the anxiety goes! Very very soon lol! I have gone from wanting her here now to wanting a 80 week pregnancy lol!