Chat thread!

Thanks for the hugs ladies!
Im just being silly really and stressed over labour again! I was ok for a while but now theres a lot of things worrying me! I think its because I cant take my anti anxiety pills that it keeping me awake etc but Im so scared of labour again now!
I was ok when I was told I should have an epidural! Felt like I knew what I was doing a bit more but now? Now im concerned I wont be able to push baby out without the pain! I know people say they try and get it so it wears off a bit before hand so I should know when to push but I have trouble with pushing the babies out even with the pain helping me lol! Its always hours long and I always get totally exhausted! I was ok (ish) with the idea I may need to have an assisted delivery with the ventouse or forceps but when the MW mentioned that if baby is back to back and struggling to come out they would take me to theatre and have to use the forceps to turn baby it just has me freaked! I dont want some metal clamps twisting my babys head! :( Im going to ask the MW if I can insist that if that if that should be the case, as Lola keeps spinning back to back, that I would prefer a c-section! Then Im worried that it would be scary to go off for one after labour like that so could I ask the MW for an elective section to prevent all that to begin with :( But I know they wont do that! Im just being a drama queen and like i said, I know I wouldnt feel so anxious if I could take the pills I should but I cant! So it really doesnt make things much better kwim?!
I just know that there wont be much chance of me being able to push her out alone without the pain etc! I dont know! Im just hoping I feel better and the anxiety goes! Very very soon lol! I have gone from wanting her here now to wanting a 80 week pregnancy lol! :lol:
Oh and also, when they use the ventouse or forceps, they have to put you legs in stirrups dont they!?? What about my SPD? Its such a stress to me at the min! :(
Aww hun, I understand :hug:

The MW will be able to tell you when to push and how much..I know its harder to tell but half the time they dictate the pushes anyway.
Lola may turn just in time for labour anyway hun :pray: , so you may not need to worry about forceps. Ask your MW to advose you on positions/exercises to help move her, and make sure it doesnt affect your spd too much. :hug: :hug:

You are not worrying unduly, not having your meds is a massive pain in harris for you, but we are here to listen to your worries :hug: (my advice may be crap but I try :lol: )
Awwww thanks hun! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Your advice isnt crap! And thanks for reading and posting! Do you think if I insist that should they need to use forceps to turn her, that I want a section instead, they would?! If they just said that to me I would feel much better knowing that they arent going to yank on her little head! I dont mind if they use them to help her out if she is on her way but just not the turning bit?!
Its always worth asking hun! You know what they are like though, they will try to avoid a c section as much as possible. But its your baby and your labour at the end of the day.
Forceps sound scary, but my mum informs me I was a forceps baby, and needed to be turned with them (sounds like I was born awakward and remained that way lol), and said it wasnt so bad!

Do you have a MW appointment soon? Write all these fears down now, and go through them with her. That way its written down which I find helps when Im stressing, and you wont miss anything. :hug:
Yeh thats what I have done! lol so I dont forget (although not likely) another thing that worries me is withthe SPD I thought you cant use stirrups?!
I honestly think Im freaking out because 1) I need my pills lol and 2) I dont deal with change all that well and I have had 3 labours that were painful and the same kwim? I had G&A and Diamorphine with them all but this time its going to be different lol so I have a panic! Im pretty sure I will be fine nearer the time! Next week I'll be back to wanting her to hurry out lol!
I know what you mean about them not wanting to do a section if they dont have too! Costs more and can cause more problems but I just hate the thought of her being turned! But as you were a "turned baby" lol and you were ok I guess thats helps to know so thankyou again hun! :hug:
i had bad spd with my last but it wasnt recognised as such then but i can honestly say it didnt affect my labour atall :D
hennaly said:
i had bad spd with my last but it wasn't recognised as such then but i can honestly say it didnt affect my labour atall :D
Did you have to have stirrups? Im just worried about them putting my legs in stirrups and it not hurting because of the epi but then that wearing off and me being in bad pain :( Im just an excess worrier today lol! :lol:
i didnt need stirrups, what makes u think u will need them?
I had an epidural but didnt need any assistance etc.
lea hun please try not to worry easier said than done i know :hug: i had really bad spd on jamie and to be honest i forgot i had it when i was in labour which only lasted 4 hours and a pushing stage of about 6 mins i had an epidural on luke so didnt know when to push but they had a monitor attached to me so they knew when i was having a contraction and told me to push they did warn me that i might have to have forceps if i couldnt push him out but just the thought of that was enough for me to push like mad and id been in labour for over 36 hours at that point the pushing stage still only took just over 30 mins and he was back to back im sure whatever happens hun you will be fine but please dont bottle up the way you feel nobody will think your silly we all have our worries and we are all here for the same reasons and if we cant talk to each other about it who else do we have at least we all understand each other :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx

babydust i will be thinking of you and your family today :hug: hope the funeral passes as peacefully as possible :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx

ninja cant believe how close you are :D i live in cwmbran about 30 mins away from neville hall :D xxx

hen hope those knees are not too bad :hug: xxx

well girls still refusing to speak to o/h its just not worth the aggro :rotfl: nothing much planned for today just playing on the pc and chilling at home and maybe some ironing if i can be bothered :rotfl: hope everyone has a good day xxxxxxxxx
:wave: Lea, hmm not sure about the stirrup situation.... best ask MW

:wave: Rach, Ive been to Cwmbran loads :D

:wave: Babydust, sending you my love today hun :hug:

:wave: Hen, hope you are good hun
Morning ladies

:hug: :hug: Ah Lea, sorry to hear you feeling stressed over labour, I think all the girls have given you great advice, you just need to voice your concerns to your midwife, at the end of the day they are there to support you. :hug: :hug:

Babydust, I hope the funeral goes ok today, I'll be thinking of you.

:wave: to everyone else

I am feeling crap at the moment :puke: feel like I have returned to tri 1/2 with morning sickness. I came home from work yesterday and just went to bed, had a terrible nights sleep, DD woke at around 12.30am and just wouldn't settle, eventually brought her into bed with me and OH moved to her room and god did she fidget, she was awake until about 5am, I feel like the living dead this morning. We got up at 7.30 and I've just dropped her off at nursery for the day. I stopped off on the way home at Morrisons and had a severe sugar overload and brought a Battenberg, a chocolate brownie mud cake, my favorite hot chocolate and the ingredients to make a chocolate torte (does anyone get the impression that I might be a chocoholic!!!!!). I also brought crumpets, always good to indulge in when you feel rough.

Right the next step for me is up and off to bed to catch up on some much needed sleep. Here's :pray: that my DD sleeps better tonight.

:puke: :wave:
:wave: all, gosh you lot chat so much its hard to keep up!
I cant remember who said what now!

I've had a pants start to today.....I couldn't get to sleep last night at all! so Im knackered and I got up later than usual (I always get to work early as its easier to park then), so I was running behind a bit but not going to be 'late'.

My car had been in the garage for an MOT and Hubby picked it up last night on the way home from work....(his colleague drove the work van home) and I couldn't find the car keys this morning so I guess he still has them - he didnt answer when I rang him to ask if he had them and I don't have a full set of spare keys. Ok I thought, I'll go in his car as I have spare keys for that - and I got in and started driving down the road, Id gone no distance and the car was pulling really bad to one side so I parked it up again and got out to look as I thought it felt like it might be a flat tyre - it was! No chance of me doing anything about 2 cars, and not one that I could use to get to work! so I had to walk in - it's not miles and miles but cos my womb is so high up (for those of you who don't know I was growing up instead of out for weeks and at twenty something weeks the MW said my womb was at the height it would have been for someone 32 weeks - so now I am getting on for that goodness knows what it's like now) anyhoo, cos its so high, I get breathless really easily so walking long distance is not easy at all!

I get into work ok, but worn out, and then go to fill up the kettle, stooped over the low sink, then when I stand up I hit my head on the shelf on the wall which chuffing hurt!

I thought to's gonna be one of those days!

Hope everyone else had a better start to today...... :hug:
You lot should wear hazard warnings on your heads :hug:

I had a lovely row with my hubby and eldest son last night, im so sick of being piggy in the middle of them, my husband is great so so bloody stubborn he wont back down even if he is being unreasonable :evil: but my son was very stroppy and got real pissy but i can understand why so i dont know what im supposed to do :wall: i have spent the morning crying my eyes out and have a huge sick headache.
Thank You all so much! :hug: :hug: :hug: I feel so much better now!
Hen I was worried about them using stirrups because they said I was more likely to need assisted delivery but as you have had lots of babies and lots of epi's and not needed one, I now feel like there's a pretty good chance I wont need one! :hug:
And if I do, then Babydust my labour will be just like yours with your DD and you have made me feel so much better about it so thankyou for posting that! Now I feel like its not so bad if they need to turn her and wont hurt my SPD for after birth :hug: And rach, with all my 3 I got to the point where I felt like I couldn't go on! They mentioned assistance and I just did it some how as I didn't want assistance so maybe it will work that way again with me?! I feel now like I dont know why I have been so worried and scared!? Its not really me, its my crazy brain lol! I wish I could take my tablets and then I would be fine lol!
Babydust, thinking of you and your family today! :hug:
NW hope your ok?
Bexie hope your feeling better! :hug:
Chok what a pain with the cars!! I get very breathless too :hug: and ouch on your head!
Hennaly I agree either warnings or helmets hahaha sorry your stuck in between your hubby and your son! Must be a hard situation! :hug:
Hi Ladies!!

Just a quickie to say hi and hope you're all well.

Went to see the special school today that hopefully David will go to for his secondary education... OH was won over with how practical the teaching is and was raving about it on and off for the rest of the day. Every year group goes away for a week every year (BONUS!!!!! :dance: ) There's only 12-14 kids per class and it's a technology specialist school which is fab! Now we just gotta hope he gets accepted (find out in Dec)

I've got Midwife tomoz - hopefully she'll squish my belly and tell me James is head down... if not i'm installing a sat nav :rotfl: Was making a cuppa earlier and got booted really hard just as i was pouring the milk into the mugs - it went EVERYWHERE! Flippin good job it wasn't the kettle I was holding else it would have been a trip up casualty!

Got my medical assessment for my incapacity benefit on Friday where they like proof that I'm a nutjob - the way my hormones have been the last two weeks I seriously doubt there'd be a problem with them noticing that I'm a 'woman on the edge' :evil:

The DSS mucked up my money after realising I'd had a crisis loan over a year ago and suddenly started taking large amounts of money out of my benefit, wouldn't listen to me when I phoned them and said put it in writing (by which time more money would have been taken) so I phoned my MP's office. Got a letter from the House Of Commons today saying they had written to DSS to investigate :D LOL never mess with a pregnant woman!!!! :rotfl:

Rolled over in bed last night (well kinda flopped lol) and fell through the bed again, OH is getting fed up having to screw my side back together every few days lol. Need to have this baby soon (before I'm demoted to a sleeping bag on the floor!!)

Catch ya girlies tomorrow, sleep well,

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
Rolled over in bed last night (well kinda flopped lol) and fell through the bed again, OH is getting fed up having to screw my side back together every few days lol. Need to have this baby soon (before I'm demoted to a sleeping bag on the floor!!)

Ah you never fail to make me laugh, hope you didn't hurt yourself. Hope your son gets accepted into the school you mentioned, it sounds great.

:wave: to everyone else.

I'm still feeling lousy, but I'm made it into work, not sure if I'm going to last the day though. Apparently a bug is going round my DD's nursery and all the staff are off sick, so I may be getting a call anyway asking me to pick my DD up. She's a right grump pot at the moment so maybe she's got the start of the bug also, she's whinging over the smallest of things and just crys to get my attention, it's very draining, she's either coming down with a bug or learning to manipulate to get what she wants, little madam!!!!

One of the girls I work with had her first scan yesterday and she was a bit worried as she's been feeling completely normal (no sickness, no nothing - lucky cow) and luckily it all went well, they even brought her dates forward a bit which is always good, so she'll be starting maternity leave earlier than origionally planned. She kept on saying that our boss would kill her when she told her she was expecting, but she was lovely, There is something in the air in this office, as it's been one pregnancy after another.

Hope you all have a good day

B x
:wave: morning all just a quickie off me this morning im feeling a little under the weather today bad nights sleep so going to curl up on the sofa today was supposed to have midwife today but just phoned and cancelled her till next week really didnt feel like getting myself and christopher dressed and the house tidy before she gets here :( think we need a pyjama day today hope everyones ok will try and catch up later xxxxxxxxx
Hey all! :wave:
I got a full nights sleep last night!? :shock: And I mean full as in didn't wake up once which is something I haven't done for years literally!
So thats good!

Choc I hope :pray: your son gets into that school! Sounds like a great school! :cheer:

Bexie I hope your DD doesnt get the bug! :hug:

Rach hope you feel better after a PJ day! :hug:

Babydust Im still thinking of your family :hug: Im feeling ok today! :D Thanks to all you ladies helping me out and making me feel better about everything! Seriously Im back on track and what will be will be attitude is back lol!
Morning girls :wave:

I got up and vaccumed and mopped right through this morning so now feel exhausted so have sat down to catch up with you lot :D

I was given another large amount of baby stuff yesterday so washed and sorted that out, picked out what i want and the rest i will sell on or put on freecyle depending how nice it is (does that sound aweful) :think:

Babydust im glad yesterday went ok under the circumstances :hug:

Rach i hope u manage to get some rest today :hug:

Bexie i hope none of you pick up the bug it can really drag u down :hug:

Choco have you thought of getting a bed guard to stop you rolling out :lol: seriously you be careful you dont hurt yoursel :hug:

Lea m your birth is gonna be a pushover dont worry, you will look back and wonder what all the fuss is about :wink:

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