Morning ladies,
Loads has been happening so, so much t catch up on.
Kmac - Sounds like a great shopping spree, I need some serious retail therapy but I just haven't got the energy to march around the shops. Me and OH are going to go to Shrewsbury at the begining of December to start our christmas shopping, but I'm dreading it already as I know I'll be wanting to stop for a rest every 5 mins and he'll be getting all impatient as he hates shopping. That's great getting a free meal at Wagamamas, when they opened in Bristol one of the girls I worked with left to work there so we also got a free meal, it was lovely.
NW - What a drama with the fridge, I'm glad your dad was there to help out and I'm glad you weren't seriously injured. Poor you suffering with siatica (did I spell that right?)
Lea - Glad you had a good anniversary and that Joseph is home safe and sound.
Chocoholic - I was like that watching Coronation Street, sobbing my heart out, I'm glad my OH wasn't sat besides me, he'd have been like "for god sakes woman it's not real"
Rach - Wow you've got a date for meeting your boys, that'll be here in no time. that was one thing I liked about have a c-section with Phoebe, knowing the exact date I was going to meet her.
I'm sure I've missed people out so sorry, just feeling really tired at the moment, I could climb straight back into bed if I wasn't at work. I cut short my stay with my friend who is over from Canada by a day, they had a constant stream of visitors, including me being there all the time, so just thought they would like a bit of a break (otherwise they'd never want to come back to old blighty for a visit). Also the sleeping arrangements were a bit stressful. PUt Phoebe to bed at 7pm in their room, then at 8pm they put their daughter to bed in their room, then when we all went to bed would get Phoebe out of her travel cot take her into the lounge where I was sleeping on the sofa bed, Dave (friends DH) would then bring Phoebe's travel cot into the lounge, Phoebe would then wake up at stupid o'clock so would bring her into bed with me and she'd fidget loads making sleep impossible. God I am so bloody tired. Had a horrible drive home last night from Weston, the rain was just constant!!
Thought of you Rach as I drove through Abergavenny past Neville Hospital (I'm think that's where your having your boys - unless they have another hospital)
Went into town yesterday with my friend and came over all funny in Mothercare, thought I was going to vomit at the checkout, it was like my morning sickness had returned!!!
Gonna have to go now and actually do some work, much rather go to bed though - boo hoo.
See ya