Chat thread!

ninjawomble said:
Im waiting for my Dad to visit for a few days to keep me company, as I cant do a great deal due to my sciatica, OH is working away every week until November, and Im missing him really bad :(

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Chok that does sound crap!
Rach just a quick question (I always feel naughty posting here :wink: ) but where are your scan pictures - have I missed them? You must know your twins public await their new images! :rotfl:

:wave: to everyone else!

Just on quickly - I am SO tired. I got virtually no sleep at all last night as my bump also felt weird - I don't know what the heck baby was doing but it was mighty uncomfy!! Was back to work today after holiday week :(

Might just go and lie down for a bit....
Hope everyone is ok :hug: :hug:
sorry girls bad weekend with other half being a total f*****g c**k and ******************************************************************
bleep bleep bleep ooh i wish i could scream all that out loud :rotfl:
scanner not working properly yet again and lazy *************** bleep wont take the time to sort it out because of course theres too much to do like play call of F******** duty on the F*******g xbox which this morning has broken and of course its all my fault as per F*******g usual :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

appologies for the outburst just had a pig of a day cant stop crying and wanting to take a sledge hammer to o/h head :evil: blood pressure is sky high im sure and my excema (sp) has flared up all over my arms and legs (probably due to stress) roll on bed time me thinks maybe things will be better 2moro :pray:
as for the scan photos sorry again that i live with a complete ********* ****** if i could afford a new scanner at the moment id get one but with xmas and 2 babies on way i cant so hopefully o/h will get his finger out of his lazy arse and do them as soon as possible xxxxxxxx

hugs to all :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry again for the long abusive rant am off back to the sofa for a cry now to realease some of my rage before i do something stupid like look for the sledge hammer :rotfl: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
OWWWWWWWW!!!! :evil:

I was putting stuff in the freezer, and my sciatica twinged...I stood up in pain, smashed my head on the bottom of the open fridge door, which then fell off and knocked me to floor.
My poor Dad was panicking so much as I went all faint with the pain. Bubba started kicking like crazy and I was lying on floor under fridge door sobbing :roll:

I now have a massive lump on my head and a spanking headache :cry:

Bliddy fridge door is all smashed up, and its brand new :cry:

What a day :roll:

Heres a :hug: for you Rach, hope tomorrow is a better day (and I sympathaise with the call of duty thing :wall: )
Rach and NW - have some of these
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sounds like you need them!
Oh girls :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im sorry your all having a bad day!
Kmac hope the sleep helped!
Rach Im sorry OH is being a pain! Just you rant away hun! :hug:
Ouch NW! I did a very similar thing a few years back with the kitchen cupboard door! I put something in the top cupboard then bent down to put something in a bottom cupboard and whack, seriously hurt so can imagine it being worse being a fridge door! That and the fact your fridge is now broken! :( :hug:

Hope your ok Hennaly!? Im staying on the sofa for the rest of the night and not talking to OH just in case lol! Maybe wrap myself in cotton wool heehee
thousand appologies for yesterdays outburst girls :oops: feeling very shamefaced about it today :oops:
think me being hormonal and tired and o/h having an extra lazy weekend really didnt mix well im so glad hes nights so ive not got to speak to him at the moment :( didnt get up this morning till he came to bed :lol: and im going out later when he gets up and not coming back till 5 mins before he has to leave for work think some space is needed lol
good news is i am definately getting better still coughing a bit and still got the pulled muscle in my belly but am now sleeping about 7 hours through the night instead of 3/4 which is all ive had the last 2 weeks still broken sleep of course due to toilet runs :rotfl: but thats not going to get better till the babies are here its so good to finally be feeling better i really could see no end to this illness cant remember the last time i was this ill :(

ninja poor you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: hope your feeling a little better today that must have hurt :( xxx

san scan photos as soon as poss hun sorry :hug: hope you are ok xxx

lea hope your feeling better hun :hug: xxx

hen hope your ok hun xxx

kmac hope your ok hun xxx

choklatemunky sorry your class was rubbish hun :hug: hope your ok xxx

i know ive missed loads but still half asleep :rotfl: hope everyones ok :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
Morning ladies,

Loads has been happening so, so much t catch up on.

Kmac - Sounds like a great shopping spree, I need some serious retail therapy but I just haven't got the energy to march around the shops. Me and OH are going to go to Shrewsbury at the begining of December to start our christmas shopping, but I'm dreading it already as I know I'll be wanting to stop for a rest every 5 mins and he'll be getting all impatient as he hates shopping. That's great getting a free meal at Wagamamas, when they opened in Bristol one of the girls I worked with left to work there so we also got a free meal, it was lovely.

NW - What a drama with the fridge, I'm glad your dad was there to help out and I'm glad you weren't seriously injured. Poor you suffering with siatica (did I spell that right?)

Lea - Glad you had a good anniversary and that Joseph is home safe and sound.

Chocoholic - I was like that watching Coronation Street, sobbing my heart out, I'm glad my OH wasn't sat besides me, he'd have been like "for god sakes woman it's not real"

Rach - Wow you've got a date for meeting your boys, that'll be here in no time. that was one thing I liked about have a c-section with Phoebe, knowing the exact date I was going to meet her.

I'm sure I've missed people out so sorry, just feeling really tired at the moment, I could climb straight back into bed if I wasn't at work. I cut short my stay with my friend who is over from Canada by a day, they had a constant stream of visitors, including me being there all the time, so just thought they would like a bit of a break (otherwise they'd never want to come back to old blighty for a visit). Also the sleeping arrangements were a bit stressful. PUt Phoebe to bed at 7pm in their room, then at 8pm they put their daughter to bed in their room, then when we all went to bed would get Phoebe out of her travel cot take her into the lounge where I was sleeping on the sofa bed, Dave (friends DH) would then bring Phoebe's travel cot into the lounge, Phoebe would then wake up at stupid o'clock so would bring her into bed with me and she'd fidget loads making sleep impossible. God I am so bloody tired. Had a horrible drive home last night from Weston, the rain was just constant!!

Thought of you Rach as I drove through Abergavenny past Neville Hospital (I'm think that's where your having your boys - unless they have another hospital)

Went into town yesterday with my friend and came over all funny in Mothercare, thought I was going to vomit at the checkout, it was like my morning sickness had returned!!!

Gonna have to go now and actually do some work, much rather go to bed though - boo hoo.

See ya :wave:
bex sorry you had to cut short your visit but the sleeping arrangements didnt sound the best :hug: yes thats the hospital we are going to :D neville hall dont think there is another one out that way its great having a date :cheer: 6 weeks 6 days and counting :dance:
hope you get a better nights sleep now you are back home :hug: xxx

babydust i was wondering if you were home yet :hug: sorry you had awful weather :( and you are so tired have some :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry also that your DD is poorly hope shes feeling better soon if i was you id leave the bed till o/h can do it :puke: i would have to lol couldnt cope with that xxx
:wave: Hey Bexie, hope you geta better sleep

:wave: Hey Lea hope you are good

:wave: hey Babydust,hope your DD gets better

:wave: hey Rach, Neville hall is down road from me, god I spent everyday there for 3 months when my dad had a car accident (they live in swales), gotta take my mum there for an appointment next month.

Today I will be mostly keeping away from fridges :oops:
ninja :shock: where you live hun? didnt realise you were close by :D glad to hear you are staying away from fridges today :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
Hello ladies :wave:
Well i am determined to turn this baby round the right way so will be spending the day on all fours, (hope they dont notice in pc world later) my back is killing me now and i know its my own fault he has turned as my sofa is too comfy and i spend too much time sprawled out on my back on it so no more comfortableness for me :wall:
I hope you all have a good day :D
Hey everyone!! :wave:

Rach dont apologise lol! We all need a vent every now and then! :hug: Yay on feeling better!! :cheer:

Bexie sorry you cut you visit short but I can understand why! I hope you get to catch up on your sleep! :hug:

Babydust sorry about the crappy weather! :hug: Hope you still managed a nice holiday though! :hug: sorry your little girls are poorly! :hug:

Yes NW keep away from fridges hahaha :lol:

Well Im having a stress day today! (and night last night!) you will probably think me silly if I told you what about lol so I wont bore you with it(its about labour)! I just feel so so stressed and jittery! I feel like I dont know what Im doing etc and cant cope in that kind of situation! :(
I hope I can get some rational thoughts going through my head later! Though I fear it may take me seeing my MW (which is next week) to help! Then again she might not even be able to help either?! :? Dont know? Maybe I will ask you ladies what you think after all haha
Hi hen! :wave: We posted at the same time heehee I hope babs turns for you! Thats now another one of my stresses! :wall:
hen pad those knees up hun or you will get carpet burns :hug: hope baby turns for you soon xxx

lea why so jittery hun have i missed something? you know im thick and it can take me a while to catch up lol sorry your so stressed :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
Aww Lea whats the stress? It wont be daft..(you should see the things that run through my hed daily :lol: ) :hug:

Henn a very gentle :hug: for your back, hope you feel more comfy very soon

Rach, Im in Herefordshire, Nev Hall is about a 20 min drive, my folks live in Brecon (where I grew up)

Ive started me xmas shopping today :cheer: , only did an hours shop and Im fooked :shock:. thats why I gotta get it done early before I grow to whale like proportions!!!!

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