Chat thread!

Oh wow Rach I'm sooo glad that the scan and appt went well for you and it's great that you have a c-sect date just in case! Can't wait to see the pics - tell OH to hurry up lol :hug:

I'm feeling right mardy and impatient today lol.

Got the hump with the DSS today and cus I'm in a c**p mood I phoned the houses of commons and complained :rotfl: Extreme I know but I had already told the Npower woman to shut up and the Virgin Media man was told exactly how helpful I thought he was and couldn't risk a row with the DSS so asked for a complaints form and hung up... my lovely MPs office is going to 'liase' with them now so I do not get unduly stressed :rotfl:

There are women in the mat unit having there elective c-sections and I'm not one of them so I hate them all :moon: to each and every one of them!!!!!

OH had a novel idea of how we could possibly turn this lil bugger round last night... he doesn't like it when he's doppled/scanned/ctg'd etc and so he thought chasing him round my belly with the middle of a vibrating strawberry would do it (it's like a small vibrator that fits into a strawberry shaped sponge!)... don't think it worked - just made me boobies wobble a bit and annoyed me with the buzzing noise!!! :wall:

Did anyone watch the Paul O'Grady show last night? If you saw the Vampire show bit with Toyah Willcox and Steve Steinman bit then you saw what I'm going to see on Nov 1st :dance: WooHoo Can't wait!!!!

How is everyone else? Anyone else lost all sense of tact, patience and diplomacy since getting pregnant or is it just me? :?

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
don't think it worked - just made me boobies wobble a bit and annoyed me with the buzzing noise!!!

Sorry that just made me giggle for some reason......mind you I giggled when a man said willy to me the other day so I think I have just regressed to some sort of mind-numbingly stupid teenager who thinks things like that are hilarious!

I am definitely less patient (My DH is the least patient person in the world so it doesnt bode well if I am turning as bad as him)

N power wound me up the other day as some rep came round and was trying to persuade us to change providers and she wouldnt bloody leave no matter what my DH said to her - I was sitting all comfy watching telly and she just got my goat totally as she wouldnt listen to him so I got up and stomped to the door and started shouting at her - it worked though as she soon got the message! I blamed my DH for being too nice and not being forceful enough telling her we weren't interested - It put me in a right bad mood!
Hi everyone!!
Glad everyone is doing well!!

Chociholic - I thought of you today - I was in Mothecare and I needed some maternity tights. I have to get large ones or else they aren't long enough (no-one wants the crotch down by their knees!) and yes - they were on the bottom rail. I actually got them ok but i knocked about 10 other pairs onto the floor so I knelt down to put them back. Then realised I couldn't get up. :oops: :oops: A passing woman almost stopped :oops: but luckily DH was with me and he noticed in the nick of time and came to my rescue!! I almost said something at the till but didn't.

i have been naughty today girls. A serious spot of retail therapy. I honestly felt like I hadn't treated myself in ages, and I just went a bit mad :oops: DH didn't stop me as he says it will be one of the last times I can do that without feeling too guilty.

One of my purchases was a fab pair of winter boots - I love them!! They are Skechers which are my favourite type of shoe and I didn't realise they did boots!! We were at an outlet center (Livingston for the info of my fellow Scots!) and there is a whole Skechers shop! :D That was the most expensive thing I bought so I suppose I didn't go crazy but before we went out I won something on ebay which I was half heartedly bidding for but I got carried away at the last minute. And I really don't need it at all, I just wanted it - in my defense I got it cheaper than it is in the shops. It's an i-pod touch... hmm... i do feel a teeny bit bad about that but it will definitely be the end of splurges on myself!!

Oooh - I forgot the best bit. DH and I love Wagamama and one has just opened where we were today. It's annoying cos there isn't one in Edinburgh. Anyway we headed there for lunch - it turns out they don't officially open until tomorrow but today you could have booked in for a FREE meal!! Well, we hadn't booked but they let us in anyway!! So we got it for nothing - 2 drinks a main and a side dish each. We were well chuffed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND DH got a letter today saying he won £100 on the premium bonds!! So all in quite a good day! Better make sure we have a lottery ticket on tomorrow methinks!

Phew!! I am exhausted now!!

Rach - glad the scan went well!! You are lucky knowing what date things will happen on! I feel like i just can't plan anything - there is no point!!

Chok - well done for not decking the N-power woman. My patience level is definitely dropping which is not a god thing for anyone!! One of my pupils told me the other week I was too hormonal to be teaching - which is NOT true!!

Bexie - hope you have fun with your friend. Puts me right in the mood for a hot chocolate!!

Right ladies - I'm off - I don't know what to do exactly but i feel a bit odd!! Maybe I need a lie down!!

Lots of love and :hug: :hug: :hug: to you all
:rotfl: :rotfl: a big LOL to chocoholic and hennaly your too funny! and chocmonkey, our tickers changed today :cheer: :cheer: i was exited too hehe. :wave: Lea hunny hope you feel better soon chick i was feeling a little off atm too probably just all the hormones and Rach, i am so so so exited for you!! your behind me but will have your little ones before me thats crazy and so exiting that you know the date they will be born and a huge congrats to making it this far and their weights are fab! :hug: :hug: sorry for rambaling lol im bored and looking at the mess of the living room i must get cleaned up :roll:
OMG what is it with pregnancy hormones and mood swings????

I've spent all week wanting to kill my OH (not for any particular reason, just because!) I watch 30mins of Coronation Street and spend the rest of the evening crying and saying to him "please don't ever die" :?

No doubt by tomorrow, murdering him will be back on my agenda! :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
I have nooo idea what you mean :fib: :fib: :fib: haha. so true iv felt the exact same!!! glad im not alone our poor hubbys :lol: !!
Hey everyone!! :wave:
NW hope you ok hun! :wave:

Lisa hi! :wave: Not too long now till you join us! :cheer:

Hennaly LMAO sorry but your funny! :rotfl:

Chok YAY on moving up the ticker! :cheer: LOL you should have seen me giggling away when trying to pick a butternut squash! :shock: I was like I was 13 again haha :lol:

Bexie the choccy sounds yummy can I come too!? heehee Me and Joe have been together 10 years today!! :cheer:

Rach YAY on getting the date of babies birthday lol! And Im glad everythings going well and they are very healthy weights arent they!? :shock: Excellent!! :D Sorry you had to wait so long !

Fly :wave: hope your well?

Choc I have been a right moody cow recently too! Cant help it! If Im not shouting Im crying lol! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoying lol!

Kmac yay on the retail therapy! I want some lol! Yay on the free meal too!! I want some of that too hahaha

Jess :wave: Hope your feeling better hun! Hope you got cleaned up lol (unlike me hahahaha)

Well Josephs home and we had a lovely romantic dinner for our anniversary and Joseph coming home at ............ MacDonalds!!! :rotfl: We let Joseph pick! As we have the party next week Im ok with that! (thought would have preferred a lovely steak somewhere!!)
I will post more about Joseph trip tomorrow! Im knackered! lol He said it was great though so thats good!
:wave: Lea

:wave: Bex

:wave: Choco

:wave: Hennaly

:wave: baby&i

:wave: Kmac

:wave: Rach

:wave: Chok

:wave: Fly

Hope you are all great today!! Ive been up since 6am as I literally got kicked outta bed by LO :roll: , then lo and behold as soon as I get up....bubba goes to sleep :lol: , lil bugger!! Sign of things to come!!

Im fed up as Ive just gone to get dressed and NONE of my maternity clothes fit :( , Ive spent the cash but my tree trunk legs and fat arse have overtaken them :o Waste of money :shakehead:
Now living in my grotty combats and OH t-shirts, ah well :rotfl:

Have a great weekend girls!! :hug:
well girls twice today ive done a really long post commenting on everyone and telling you all i was going to do some xmas shopping and twice when i clicked submit i got that general error page :evil: so ive given up on the long posts today
big hugs to everyone hope your all ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
perhaps i will have better luck 2moro :roll: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh god Rach i hate it when that happens, i have had a few forum issues today so pretty mch stuck with Ebay (oops!!)
I have had the most boring weekend, hubby is away at college so been 'all by myself' :(
Hope you have all had a good weekend :D
I had that problem before too!! :evil: Gets me mad! lol
Well I went on a tour of the maternity unit today! :cheer: So now I know where to go lol!
It was good! Cant wait to go in now! lol Made things seem a bit more imminent kwim!? I will be there within the next two month lol!
:cheer: woohoo, sounds good Lea! :cheer:

I havent heard off the hospital midwives yet about my antenatal classes or my tour...which makes me think my form got lost in the ever so successful hospital internal mail :roll: , will ask my MW at my 34 week appointment methinks :think:

God how scary is it that times flying by :shock: Im so not prepared!!
I just turned up for my tour :lol:
Nah they said just to do that! Any Sunday at 4! Funny though when I got there they thought the tour wasnt on that day! :think: Then other ladies turned up too lol! Weird hospital lol! You would think if they say any sunday at 4 then they would know it was on? :think:

With my others, I had them at a different hospital and knew it well so didnt do a tour but this time I had no idea! The last time I was there was when I was born lmao! OOh I even seen the room I was born in! The theatre! That was kinda odd lol!
Wow bet that was weird!
Ive never even been back to the TOWN I was born in never mind the hospital!! (parents lived in litchfield at the time , and for some weird reason mum got transferred to burton-upon-trent for my birth :think: )Heard it got pulled down anyways :roll:

Does the hospital and staff you are having Lola in seem nice?, I work in my hospital so I suppose I know what to expect :rotfl:
Morning girls :wave:
youve just reminded me i must ring for a hospital tour today, it will have changed so much since the last time i was there :think:
I had such pains yesteday if it wasnt for the fact i know im always either on time or late i would have said it was premature labour, i took 2 paracetamol and went to bed and actually slept pretty well and feel fine today thankgoodness :roll:
Hope you are all looking and feeling gorgeous today :D
:shock: oh my god its scary how close we all are now everyone talking about tours of the hossie eek :( midwife just phoned me from the hospital frightened me half to death she phoned at 8:15 and i instantly thought something was wrong as i was only there friday lol but it was just to confirm that my section has been booked for the 8th december and that the anaesthetist will try and see me when i go in at 33 weeks for my MRSA swabs and that i will have to have steroid injections in the week before i have the section apparently i will have to have 2 injections 24 hours apart just to make sure the babies lungs are fully developed before the section i was shaking like a leaf when i got off the phone :rotfl: everything seems so scarily real now
hope everyone has a good day :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Morning Ladies hope you all had a good weekend?

Well yesterday I didn't get up til after 1pm and tbh didn't bother getting dressed at all (for the first time in years!!!). I've had a rough couple of nights with Bubs getting in the most awkward positions possible and either waking me up with pain or making me feel I need the loo (when I don't :? )

I might attempt to write some sort of birth plan today while the OH is out at hospital radio and I might even do some housework (but there's more chance of Keanu Reeves knocking on my door and snoggin me face off there :rotfl: )

Have a good day!!!!!!!

Sarah xxx
Hi ladies!!! :wave:

Ninja the staff seem lovely!! I jhust hope they are the ones who are there on the day I go in lol! I will be expecting these lovely funny MW and get the witches hahaha :lol:

Hennaly glad we reminded you to phone the tour! And yes, Im looking gorgeous today!! ;) :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: As if! lol

Rach Im glad they were calling over the app.! Geez have they ever heard of a "reasonable time" lol hahahaha

Choc lol on the housework thing! I need to do things but Im just going to lie on the sofa for an hour! I had such a crap night last night! Knackered!
:wave: all!
Hope we are all doing ok - I am sleeping less and less I think as I wake up whenever I have to turn over or whenever LO moves about now (my belly makes the most ridiculous shapes these days!) ho hum guess its training for when LO is on the outside!

Went to the baby show on Sat and got a few things......I really need to actually write out what we have as sometimes its hard to think of what there is left to get......I think I'll get one of the mothercare (or similar) lists of things to buy and cross off what we have and see whether what is left is actually stuff we need or just stuff they suggest cos they want us to spend more money.....

Well my antenatal was RUBBISH last week....we literally sat squooshed into a room with not enough chairs (!) and the worlds smallest telly, sat through a half hour video about pain relief options (water, gas and air, pethidine or epi) then got told that was it if there weren't any questions..... it was so pants! I was expecting it to be a bit more involved, at least for them to show us what the gas and air mouthpiece looked like and what the epi needle looked like or sommink, not just some 80s women on the vid with BAD hair going on about how they found giving birth! I think its so stupid that depending on where you are in the country you get different antenatal care. Some people get 4 sessions dont they? that pony session is all my local NHS offer! I decided to buy antenatal in a box.....some DVDs that might actually have something useful on them and which I can watch when Im on mat leave or something......
:wave: Chok, that does sound rubbish, wish we could all get the same great care..mine sounds as crap as yours!

:wave: Hennaly, hope the pains are gone now, take care hun :hug:

:wave: Rach, gawd nice of the MW to scare the crap outta you at stupid o clock!!

:wave: Choc, sounds like ypur housework is gonna get done as much as mine is :rotfl:

:wave: Lea, sorry you had a bad night hun, hope you have a good day

Im waiting for my Dad to visit for a few days to keep me company, as I cant do a great deal due to my sciatica, OH is working away every week until November, and Im missing him really bad :(

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