Chat thread!

Hi Ladies!!!!!

Hope you are all feeling ok today.

There's a rant coming - I need to vent a little but feel free to scroll down and miss it :rotfl:

I've been to the anti-natal day clinic today as not felt James at all today and barely anything yesterday. Wasn't intending to go there but was in town anyways and by lunchtime had begun to get worried so thought I'd go along and see if they'd check me out (as my MW told me off for DIY Midwifery last week by using the doppler but not phoning hospital!). Got to the day clinic, explained that no movements, high blood sugars, 2x increase of insulin in one week, FooFoo pain and feeling generally yuk. Told them I didn't have my notes on me as wasn't intending to come in in the first place and was asked to wait. Got called in and told that because I didn't have my handheld notes they wouldn't put me on a monitor to check for heartbeat/movements and could I go back and collect them then come back again (I would have to walk 2+miles each way as had 2 panic attacks on bus yesterday and wasn't gonna risk that again!).
I can't believe they refused to check my baby was alive or dead just because I didn't have my set of notes with me when they have computers in every room and my main notes on site to access! I came out, left a hand written note for my MW and then the OH insisted we went and complained to the Patient Advice & Liason Service, who gave us the complaints procedure and emailed my MW to let her know we had complained and that I was very upset. Got back and doppled my tum to find movements low down in belly but ones I couldn't physically feel myself so feel happier knowing he's moving in there. Phoned day clinic as requested and she told me to still come in to be monitored, I told her I couldn't physically make the journey again as would have to walk and explained why I couldn't use the bus and she had the cheek to say that she was marking me down as REFUSING TREATMENT!!!!!! :rotfl: I have to rest for 2 hours and phone in again with an update at 5.30pm.
Just had my MW on the phone asking me what happened and apologising for the service I received (or NOT). Had to describe what the MW looked like and I think she is going to report her to the senior manager. She is going to speak to someone so that if I still haven't had movements later I can go into the labour ward and be check out there instead of the day unit. She is also going to find me in Anti-natal tomorrow and make sure I don't get any grief from anyone because of today. She still wasn't too happy that I 'doppled' but understands why I had to do it today.

I get to see james on the 'belly telly' tomorrow and I'm hoping that he's turned as I do feel different and that would account for the difference in amount/types of movement felt. 4wks to go!!!!! :D

Sorry about the rant, you can look again now lol

Sarah xxx
hi all think i might be coming back into the land of the living :cheer: this is the first morning in nearly 2 weeks that i dont feel quite so bad :pray: that it lasts
got a scan 2moro cant wait for that and i think its leas anniversary 2moro too hope you have a good one lea :hug: xxx

choc sorry you had such crappy treatment yesterday hun hope alls ok today and baby moving well :hug: xxx

bex sorry to hear about DD toe :hug: hope its better soon the reason they are not allowed to put plasters on is in case they have an allergic reaction i know from work we are not allowed to offer them to customers if they cut themselves its a health and safety thing :( a stupid one lo lxxx

hen good luck with trying to get baby to turn round hun the last thing you want is a back to back ouch :( get crawling misses :hug: xxx

hope everyone else is ok :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning all,

Chocoholic - I can't beleive your hospital, that is just so ridiculous, (WTF) their priority should be you and the baby, not having some bloody paper notes, your doing the right thing complaining, what they did is just out of order, just say something had been wrong and they'd just sent you home!!! I'm glad you could hear him on the doppler. Hope your next appointment goes well. :hug: :hug:

Rach - Glad to hear your starting to feel better, hope the boys behave for the scan tomorrow.

Lea - Happy anniversary.

Phoebe's toe is still bad, when we got to nursery it was still bleeding through her plaster, so I asked if they had a disclaimer to say I was happy for them to put a plaster on her, eventually after phoneing around all the other classrooms they said it was ok for them to put one on her!!! I didn't want to have to drive back down to nursery and put another plaster on her, for her to get all upset again. They said when I picked her up yesterday she was really sad for the rest of the day after I'd popped in to put a plaster on her!!! Sometimes i think we're living in a world gone mad, you have to be so bloody careful about everything just in case someone wants to sue you!!
Babydust one of my sons was b2b and thank goodness he turned himself coming down the shoot :D i hope this one does the same if not before, my back is in half and all fours is ok so long as hubby isnt around :roll:
bex sorry DD toe is still bad hope it heals soon for her poor little mite :hug: xxx

babydust hope you have a fab time in spain hun MIL just got back from benidorm today and she says the weather over there is lovely and hot glad things are getting sorted at home too hun xxx

hen my oldest was back to back which ended in me having a very painful and long (37 hours) labour and badly tearing on way out :( plus a very odd shaped head (flat on top and pointed right out at the back) for my son for 1st few days of his life and poor thing had a black eye when he was born :( he looked like hed been in a boxing match bless him xxx

well am up and about but still dont feel like doing much and stayed in my jamas all day lol got to find some energy from somewhere as luke is going away for 4 days 2moro with his father and ive not packed for him yet xxxxxxxxxx
ooh forgot to say had my glucose tolerance test results back today and they came back normal :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: 1 less thing to worry about :D still waiting for my 28 week blood results although im at the hospital 2moro so will probably ask then xxxxxxxxx
Glad to see your up and about Rach, no fun being ill :hug:. Also good to hear that you glucose levels are normal :cheer: . Hope you son has fun at his dads, I bet it'll feel quiet without him, mind you Christopher's still there to keep the noise alive :lol:

Babydust, lucky you, another hoilday, have a fab time, it's come at the right time, what with the mess in the bathroom. Glad that they will be starting work in a few days.

Can you remember recently Rach (I think it was you) mentioned a pain in your foo foo (what else can I call it, without getting all crude! :rotfl:) I just had the pain again, but worse than before, it stopped me in my tracks, it really hurt, the pain has gone now and it didn't last long, but longer than it's done before. Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who said you bloom in pregnancy, I've seen sight nor hair of it, just sickness, loss of appetite, constipation, lots of weeing, aches and pains all over, increase in appetite (eat like a pig now, making up for two months worth of not being able to eat!), constant worrying that all is ok with the baby. Only 10 more weeks to go, I am determined to have this baby on or before my due date so will be trying all the natural inducing methods, except the castor oil, read one thread and really didn't like the sound of the squits and stomach cramps!!!

I was just thinking, it's weird how I feel like I kind of know you all on here, so have an idea in my head of what you all look like, but I bet you look nothing like I imagine, I think it was you Lea that I imagined to have blond hair until I saw one of your snaps where you'd had your hair done and realised you had dark hair!!!!

Lea - Hope your not missing Joseph too much, you've been quiet for the last few days, hope your ok. :hug:

see ya girls Becks x
im having a growth scan at 36 weeks so they will check then, i tried all 4's today, big mistake, my St Bernard thought i was playing with her and all 12 stone of her bull dozed me to the floor :roll: , i told her 'no' and put my front end on the sofa with my head and bless her she came next to me and put her head on the sofa, we must have looked like twins from behind :lol:
Hi girls!

Had my 34w growth scan and check up today. James' head and leg is well within limits but he's got a bit of a podgy belly (Just like his Mummy!) The little darling is STILL BREECH and shows no signs of turning.... in fact the Sonographer stated that he was actually resting his head on the placenta like it was a pillow... talk about making himself comfortable (thats just taking the p*** now!).

The consultant told me that I may have to consider a C-Sec if he doesn't turn and I have another scan at 36w where they will see how he is laying and whether they can manually shove him round!

I asked my consultant about the FooFoo pains and apparently its natural and its just pressure or changes within the cervix, but not connected with Braxton Hicks or contractions. I also asked her if I should spend some time on my hands and knees to help encourage James to turn but she said it does nothing and not to bother :?

They put me on the ctg monitor but James had the hump by then as he'd been scanned for 20mins then doppled then shoved on the ctg so he gave the MW hell by moving everytime she found his heartbeat.

I told the doctor I had a free afternoon today and did she fancy doing a quick c-section but she refused :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
Hello everyone!! :wave: Sorry I have been so quite recently I don't know whats up with me?! Just feels a bit weird!? Maybe a bit of stress with Joseph being away and my friends son has to have angioplasty tomorrow morning! (hes only 4 :() and also in lot and lots of pain!? Just a crappy weird week but feel a bit better today!! Joseph home tomorrow too! That's good!

Thankyou Rach! How sweet of you to remember its my anniversary tomorrow! :hug: 10 years!! Yay like a life sentence lmao!

Im so glad your feeling better!! :cheer: Im so glad your test resluts came back ok too!! :cheer:

Hennaly this LO keeps going back to back! But then spins around again! I have noticed that with her, its as simple as if I lounge about and slouch she goes back to back, if i get moving about (which tbh is rare lol with the pains) like when I was painting her room etc she came back round! I decided she can stay back to back until near due day then i will paint some more or something :lol: :lol: :lol: Ha on your dog! She looks like a beauty on your pic! :D

Bexie thankyou! I sorry about your daughters toe :( I hope it feels better for her soon and glad it wasnt broken! My kids school were like that with the plasters! I gave them permission to use plasters but still on some occasions they didnt?! Silly!
I have been reffered for acupuncture for the foo foo pains!! :shock: Well its for the SPD really but because the MW thinks its linked to the SPD ( I think like the doc said, ligaments far to soft so not supporting babs enough causing pain) so its a last ditch attempt at something to try and help! Cant walk most days now without tears in my eyes or angry as hell because of the pain lol :lol: Though iam wondering if they should have offered me crutches first? What do you think?! Should cost them less and may work better?! :think:

Babydust Im not in my 2cd or 3rd pregnancy lol (4th) but I have had weirder cravings this time! But also some of the same! OMG I want some olbas oil!! :shock: Oh that is a smell i can need! I have needed to smell things alot more this time like petrol and bitchumin etc lol! Ash trays you know, normal stuff ;) hahaha

Choc are you ok with a section? Im glad he is in the range!! :D :cheer: Thats horrible! I cant believe she wouldnt even just check him to make sure he was ok! :hug:

Well update on me? Stupid function room we have booked for our anniversary party (that is on the 25th as we couldnt get a room until then) has cancelled on us! :shock: :evil: 9 days before?! :wall: I was just freaking out before! So mad! Sent out invites and booked a DJ and everything! Luckily, my aunt just by chance phoned up another room and they said they were fully booked! Then double checked and realised that someone had just cancelled their party on the 25th!? :shock: Funky that isnt it?! I think its fate! Its cheaper too! lol Just got to mess about telling everyone now! And getting extra money back off the first room for compensation for the invites etc!
Had MW this morning! Everythings ok! No protein in my wee! :cheer: lol she is sending me for accupuncture as I said and :pray: it helps! lol
:cheer: hey peeps!!

Hope you are all feeling better now!

Just thought Id pop in and say hi! :hug:
:shhh: :shhh: :shhh: just popped in to say hi! :wave: :wave:

not to long till i'm over this side of the wall! eeek! hope you are all well! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxx
Skuse the language ladies.............

Fucking ******* bollocky wanky pissy stupid goofbay arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

I put in 2 snipes last night for items i really wanted but they fininshed at stupid o'clock in the morning so i put snipes in and this morning they both ended with no bids becuse goofbay couldnt get a responce from ebay :evil:
:wave: everyone,
Sorry Ive not been very good at posting in here, although I do often read this thread it seems that I get interrupted before I decide what to post.... :oops: Must try harder!

Hope everyone is ok?
Im still measuring one week ahead - and I've just realised Im on the 2nd to last baby!!! When did that happen!!!!! :shock:

Hennaly - tut tut, so roooood! :rotfl:

Hey lisaspoon and ninja :wave:

Lea - hope the accupuncture helps :pray: and Im glad the whole party thing seems to have sorted itself out

Babydust - :wave: how are you doing?

Bexie - Im eating tons now too! Its getting stupid - although sometimes I think I am eating cos Im bored rather than cos Im hungry......ho hum, only a few more weeks of work and then no doubt I'll get worse, as I'll have even more time on my hands to be able to fill my face!

Rach - :cheer: on the glucose results

Chocoholic - damn that Dr and her refusal for your impromptu C-sec :shakehead: :lol:

Have I forgotten anyone - the review thingy doesnt go back far enough for me to see everyones posts I dont think?!
:wave: Hope your all well. Can't beleive how quickly today is going, yipee. One day closer to seeing my best bud who I haven't seen for 20 months or so, so as you can imagine I am really excited. Going to meet her 14 month year old daughter for the first time. Can't wait to see her and Phoebe together. She's also pregnant, (about 20 weeks I think), so instead of taking a bottle of wine to share as I normally would I have brought us both the nicest hot chocolate ever. Chocolat du moment (pure belgium hot chocolate) with marshmellows, how indulgant is that, I've brought her hubby a bottle of red to indulge in, so he can get merry while we can get fat!! Unfortunaltely my OH can't come down with us as he is a postman and he can't get the time off (their holidays work in a funny way)

Cholatemunky - I dread to think what I'll be like when I finish work, what with all that extra special yummy food around at christmas!!

Hennaly - what a pain with e-bay. Very funny hearing about your dog :rotfl:

Hey Lisa - Looking forward to you joining us here, not long now, I felt a bit out of my depth here at first as everyone's having babies, but I'm slowly settling in.

:wave: Ninjawomble - hope your well

Lea - Glad you've got your party sorted, how many years have you been together?

Chocoholic - Hope your LO turns for you. Having said that I had a c-section as my LO was breech and it makes everything so much easier to plan. I'm hoping for a VBAC this time though, if I manage it I'm sure I'll be screaming for a section again!!!

See ya B x
rach said:
got a scan 2moro cant wait for that .......

Hope it went well Rach - look forward to seeing the pictures.
:wave: hi all finally back from my scan :cheer: oh my word we were there for hours today :( our appointment was 11am and we finally got seen at quarter to 2 :( our consultant had to do 2 emergency sections so was 2 and a half hours behind
everything was brilliant the twins are doing fab :cheer: 1 is estimated at 3 pound 9 ounces the other is 3 pound 12 ounces :shock: cant believe how much weight they have gained in 4 weeks they also measured my cervix and said there is absolutely nothing going on there and that im highly unlikely to have them early :pray: although thats not a definate lol im booked in for MRSA swabs (have to have these done a month before the section in case )in 3 weeks and another scan and they have given us a date for the section :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: so all being well and they dont pop out early our babies will be born on the 8th of december :D mum was over the moon as its her fathers birthday he passed away over 20 years ago think i will be 37 weeks and 3 days so 7 weeks and 3 days to go :dance: :dance: :dance: trying to persuade the o/h to get the scan photos on here tonight but you all know what hes like it may be 2moro lol
hope everyones well will try and catch up a bit later xxxxxxxxxxx
Thats fantastic news babe - bummer you had to wait so long but great to hear the twins are doing so well and they are a fantastic weight :D well done you!!! :D x x x
:D Glad the twins are doing so well Rach - and how exciting to know there is a date that you will definitely meet your boys by :cheer:
Its a bugger that you had to wait so long at the hosp but Im sure the Consultant couldnt really avoid the emergencies - and I bet the wait was worth it really as you got good news! :hug:

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