Chat thread!

Morning all you achey ladies, your not alone, I'm walking like an OAP on a bad day, hunched over, I need a bloody walking stick. My line of balance is all out too, I fell out of the shower last night, luckily I din't hurt myself, just left with a sore bum, what am I like, falling over last week, then falling out the shower. What a sight!!!!

Babydust, it sounds like a right result your bathroom having to have the tiles replaced, espicially if you didn't like them. And a week in the Hilton with no cooking, cleaning or ironing, lovely.

This weekend has just gone too quickly. On Friday night my DD came down with a fever and on Saturday she had a really heavy cough and cold and her poor little eyes were all swollen and watery, she looked a right mess, poor thing, luckily yesterday she seemed better, still full of cough and cold but well enough for a day at the beach. We drove down to Llangranog and had a fab afternoon just watching her play with the sand, then having a little paddle in a rock pool, she fell over and was stuck in the middle having a little cry, it was quite funny watching her though, we had to take her trousers and just let her run along the beach in her nappy, luckily the weather was warm enough.

I think we may have decided on names for the baby. When we were expecting Phoebe we wrote a list, anyway on the bottom of that list we added names for this baby. A couple of the names that my other half said he absolutely hated last time round he has now decided he wants for this baby. So at the moment it looks like (drum roll.............................)
Laila for a girl and Jude for a boy. Still need to agree on middle names, I want Welsh middle names and I like Eira for a girl (translates as snow) which I thought was nice for a Christmas baby and I like Gethin for a boy, but OH say's that's a big no, no, he wants to name it after his dad who's name is Maldwyn, I hate the bloody name and I'm sure his dad doesn't like me, so feel a bit put off naming my child after him.

Lea, don't worry about your son, he'll have a great time and he'll be back home before you know it. :hug:

Sorry I haven't responded to everyone personally, feeling a bit lazy, but hope your all well :wave:

Have a good day

B x
Morning girls :wave:
Still half asleep so here is one big :hug: for all of you :D
I guess i will have to make a mw appointment today as missed last weeks, well my mw was on holiday and she knows i wont see anyone else so it was her own fault for making me an appointment with someone else anyway :shakehead: i have had the same mw for 20yrs im not changing her now, mind you i have started to think i dont want her to deliver this baby as i knw her too well :think: , she was mw with all the others but didnt actually deliver any of them.
Anyway have a good day im off for a lie down all that energy eating breakfast has worn me out :oops:
:wave: hi all hope everyones ok :hug: xxxx

well just got home from doctors and now wish id gone last week have a bad chest infection and the pain in my belly is definately a pulled muscle doctor was lovely and has given me antibiotics for the infection plus some codeine medicine to stop me coughing while my muscle heals and some ibugel to rub into my belly to help with the pain so maybe i will finally start to get better in a day or 2 :pray: i really didnt think there was much point going to the doctors as didnt think they would give me anything so pleased i went now i couldnt go on like this any longer oh also got very high temp so got to take paracetamol plenty of fluids and plenty of rest xxxxxxxxx
Poor you Rach, hope all those medicines start to make you feel better soon. :hug:

I think I'm possible coming down with something, feel really hot today, and have the start of a cold, probably caught it off my DD. :(
Glad the doc was helpful rach - hope you stat to feel better soon. That probably explains why you have been feeling a bit down too
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope you don't come down with anything Bexie :hug:

My midwife..grrrrrrrr :evil:
Everytime I go to see her Im made to feel like Im wasting her time. I NEVER ask her for anything, never express any niggles I may have, but she just makes me feel like she dont want to be there :roll:

All I did was ask her if she could tell the position of bubba (because I'd just like to know what bits sticking outta me lol), before I could finish sentence.." Oh we dont do that" she snaps :roll:
I know it sounds silly but she gets my goat!!!!

Anyways my wee wee was fine, blood pressure is spot on and Im measuring right.
Oh except she said " oo you are measuring 33 weeks, you dont look THAT huge" :| EH? Im 33 weeks this week, am I gonna have a humungoid growth spurt? Once I helped her find my pubic bone (isnt that HER job?), it showed Im measuring 32 and a bit which is spot on.
Bubba got miffed at all the prodding and went mad during the doppler (think bubba feel as peeved as mummy lol) and heartrate measured from 150-180.

Sorry just needed to rant and get if off my chest, no-one else seems to understand lol
Hope you all well, and the poorly ones are feeling better :hug: :hug:
Hi Ladies!!

Rach, Glad you went to the doctors Honey and at least you now know why you feel so rough and hopefully it won't be long before you feel better! :hug:

NW, What DOES your MW do???? ffs I thought it was part of their job to monitor the position of the babies, mine certainly does. It takes about 2 minutes out of her day so it's hardly gonna make her late for her next appt :roll:

Hope you other ladies are having a good day :hug:

My sister phoned me today because she'd read her stars in the newspaper and it apparently said that "a new arrival would be bringing the family together" and "and important link with a name beginning with the letter J" so she phoned to see if I was having contractions yet... :rotfl: She wants me to email her a picture of me while pregnant... WTF? I still look like me just fatter ffs :rotfl:

I woke up this morning with lots of plans but as usual have barely got off my backside to do anything... I have repacked my hospital bag 3 times this afternoon... it doesn't all fit however hard I try so I either have to get a new bag or wear my pyjamas under my clothes when I go in to save me packing them :doh:

I have my appointment with the Cons. Anaesthetist tomorrow morning to discuss options for labour... going to request a mini bar and a large chocolate gateaux... failing that will ask about tens machines and gas and air!!!

Catch ya later girlies,
Sarah xxx
Hey all! :wave:
Rach Im glad you now will get better! :hug: Next time go docs sooner!!! lol

Bexie I fell yesterday! Dont really know how? :think: Just fell forwards into the wall! I felt the wall touching the fine hairs on my cheek I was that close to smashing my face into it! :shock: But now the pain in my pubic bone is horrendous and not letting up at all! :(:(:(:(
Beautiful names you have picked hun!! :cheer: Hope you dont get poorly! :hug:

Hennaly hope you got an appointment with your MW this time!

Kmac hope your well?

NW Im sorry your MW is a div! They dont check the position?! Is she crazy?! Oh I would hate to have to see her! Can you not see another one?

Choc LOL at your sis! :D Funny that though with the stars! I had my app with the Consultant anaesthetist today! She has recommended I have an epidural just incase! So thats ok! Made my mind up for me lol!

Well Joseph went this morning! I was ok (ish) didnt cry lol didnt want him to get upset! I bet he is having such a great time! I hope so :pray: :pray:
Morning ladies!!

NW - your MW sounds terrible!? ine checks baby's position - I thought they were supposed to??

Lea - hope you are feeling better. And I bet Joseph is having a great time!

Choc - hope your appointment goes well!!

As you can see I am up rather early this morning. I have been awake since 4am. And it took me ages to get to sleep in the first palce. :evil: I wake up every time i turn over as the bump is a bit uncomfy then I spend ages lying there until I feel it move. Poor thing never gets any peace from me!! I decided I may as well get up and catch up on some emails and stuff. Have loaded up the washing machine but will wait until DH gets up before I switch it on - don't want to give him a fright!!

We have our first ante natal class today. I am just desperately hoping there are some nice people there. I don't know anyone locally and I'm worried I will be lonely when off on mat leave. How sad am I? I have instructed DH (he is just coming to first class as he is off this week too) not to let me throw myself at anyone begging them to be my friend.

I think, seeing as i am up so early, that a trip to Mothercare is in order. We still have to get a mattress for the cot. And also a bath - although I wondered if you really need a bath?? i suppose it's easier than leaning over ours.
Mothercare is next to B&Q you see and DH has some DIY in mind so may as well make the trip more exciting!!

One of our cats is being quite funny. He is obviously wondering what I am doing at this time - he is totally staring at me and making funny noises! Bless.

Anyway I feel a bit light-headed now - maybe it's lack of sleep?? Thing is if I go back to bed I'll probably stay there til lunchtime..........

Hope you ladies are all ok......

Morning Kmac, i hope your antinatal goes well today, i still cant decide if im going to bother with them, i know it means i meet other mums but i dont know if i want to as they will all be so much younger than me :?

MW appointment today at 3pm.
Baby seems to really be spreading himself about now, he was mostly down my right hand side up till now but he seems to be taking up 2 parking spaces since the weekend :roll:

Have a good day girls :wave:
Morning all

NW - I can't beleive your midwife, she sounds like a right cow, it's part of her job to tell you the position the baby is lying in. I'd be tempted to ask for another.

Kmac - When I was pregnant with my DD I hardly knew anyone in my area apart from colleagues. Since going to the classes I've made some good friends, I threw myself into any baby group I heard of and it was worth it, about 5 of us use to meet up regulary, unfortunately as I work full time I don't see them all now as often as I like, but I'll be back on maternity leave in 7 weeks so I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone again. My classes weren't that great, but I kept them up just to make some friends and it really paid off. It's so much easier to make friends when you've got a little one I find. Hope you have fun there tonight.

Hennaly - Hope you MW appointment goes well.

Lea - Sorry to hear you fell as well, hope the pain eases off soon for you. I hope Joseph is having a whale of a time on his trip.

Chocholic - Ooh let's see if the stars come right and your little one makes his appearance.

Another crappy day at work, I'm really desperate to start my leave now, but want to save as much of it to have with the baby. Work is doing my head in at the moment, we have a bolshy boss who takes the mick and a head of department who you can never pin down to discuss or sign anything!!! Only 7 weeks left, wahey!!!!

Hope you all have good days.
Gosh! :shakehead: why are some midwives so evil? They act like they've been forced into the job. Well that's what it seems like to me anyway.

Thankfully, mine is quite good, even though i've had three different ones (oh i dont know).

Anyways, if i were u NW i would either complain to her or ask for a new MW. That's not on. Grrrrrrr. :evil:

Kmac: Hope you find some nice friends. I moved from brummyland to london 10 months ago and I still havent made any friends. At one point i was begging DH to get me a pet fish cos i was so bored at home. I'm not too sure about antenatal classes either. I think i'm just being lazy actually :shhh:

Oh, and hi everyone else :wave:
I'm back from the ante natal class!! I quite enjoyed it actually. And best of all there seemed to be a few ladies there who i think I would get on quite well with. Hopefully we get more of a chance to chat next week! Yay! :cheer:
:wave: hi all still about still feeling crappy so been resting loads it hurts my belly to be on here so just nipping on to say hi and hope everyones ok :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Morning all,

glad your ok Rach, i thought of you this morning when I woke up, realising you weren't on here at all yesterday, hoped your were just off with the flu rather than anything else.

Poor you babydust, they can't expect you to wait until November to have the work down, espicially when you have a history of having your babies early. Once the LO arrives I'm sure you'll want to be surrounded by your home comforts. perhaps you should get a letter from your doctor or midwife saying how important it is that the work is carried out sooner rather than later. Also it's no fun living in a building site while your waiting for the work to be done!!

Kmac, really glad you enjoyed your class, that's great that you've met some women you can see yourself being friends with, one of the girls I went to antenatal with, we've arranged for our daughters to have a joint second birthday party at soft play, there is two weeks between them. I don't think I could cope with a party at my house with an (approx) 8 week old baby.

Hi to everyone else :wave:

We had a bit of a mini drama last night, as I was driving home I was looking forward to my tea and thinking of having a nice hot bath once I'd put Phoebe to bed, anyway about a mile from my village, I saw my OH in our other car parked on the side of the road waving at me, so I pulled over and he told me Phoebe had had an accident so we had to take her to A & E, so I parked up joined them in the other car and off we went. The poor little munchkin had managed to pull off an end panel in the kitchen which landed on her big toe and it just wouldn't stop bleeding, it looked really swollen. We were really lucky, they saw us straight away and we were out within half an hour. We were a bit worried that she may have broken her toe, but she was fine, I think it looked worse than it was. I've had to put her in sandles today, not ideal when it's wet, but shoes would have put loads of pressure on her throbbing toe. I was worried that she would scream and scream when they saw her, but she was fine and just flinched a bit when they checked her over. They were really sweet as well, as we were leaving they gave her a teddy to take home with her. I'm sure this will be the first of many trips throughout her life to A & E (like most kids!!!)

Hope everyone has a good day. B x
Bexie give poor little Phoebe a hug for me :hug:

Hope you are all well today :D

I went to my midwife yesterday only to find the sneaky mare had 2 weeks off not one so i saw a different midwife in the end anyway :roll: to be honest she was lovely and let me wee on a stick instead of a bottle so thumbs up to her :D baby is now only a week ahead of size but i seem to be the only one who isnt bothered anyway (special treatment my arse :moon: ) i still have to have a growth scan at 36 weeks but will just enjoy it as a scan :D , little monkey has gone face up now which i guessed it had, it occasionally turns bum up but spends more time back to back with me :doh: so looks like i will be crawling round on all 4's from now to try to flip him over and if it doesnt work will be going for a bit of acupuncture :D
Ah thanks for the hug for phoebe Hennaly.

Nursery called me about an hour ago to say that her toe is still bleeding and to ask if they could clean it up, but that they weren't aloud to put a plaster back on it. What........................................ :wall: I asked why and they all shook their heads and said they had no idea, all I can think of is if it brought on an allergic reaction. It's just ridiculous I think, so I had to drive down and put a plaster on myself. Normally when I leave her at nursery she is fine and happily goes off and plays, but when I had to leave just then, she just sobbed, it broke my heart, I just wanted to take her with me, my little munchkin. I hate to leave her upset, I called up when I got back to nursery and she's fine, but it still upsets me leaving her like that. :(

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