Chat thread!

Hi All!

Haven't been on much the last couple of days as been feeling a bit low so thought I'd stay away for a bit.

Had MW round yesterday - Got told off for not ringing anti-natal on Wed when I didn't feel any kicks - told her I'd doppled myself and found his heartbeat and afterwards he had started to move and got told I wasn't allowed to do any more "DIY midwifery" :rotfl: She now says my hosp stay may only be for about 4 days so I feel a bit better about that. It's just so that they can do blood sugar checks on James because of my diabetes and as soon as James gets the all clear I can bugger off home :dance:

Am now measuring 41wks pregnant :rotfl: (Which is technically spot on as I've always measured 8wks ahead).

I had horrendous toothache last night, screaming and wailing like a banshee, set off a panic attack and Chris was rubbing my back and telling me to breathe.... anyone would think I was in labour if they had seen us!!! Been dentist today for yet another temp filling (hope this lasts til James arrives as don't fancy toothache AND contractions together!!!!

I've been having those FooFoo pains too, feels like someones shoving a corkscrew up me Fluff usually only happens when I'm walking though (maybe it's James trying to dig his way out!!)

Got some nipple cream the other day.. made me laugh cus in French it says "Creme pour mamelons". Cream for me melons? How appropriate!!! :rotfl:

I'm off to pack another labour bag now... Looks like I'm moving out at this rate lol.

Catch ya laters
Sarah xxx
thanks fly and choc :hug: feeling a bit reassured now might be my 4th pregnancy but they have all been so different and ive never had this before :D xxxx

choc sorry you been feeling so down hun and sorry youve had toothache :hug: :hug: :hug: hope your feeling better soon and :rotfl: over the nipple cream xxxxx
:wave: hey peeps, memories too frazzled to rememeber what you all said so a big :hug: for all of you!

Been out buying stuff for my hospital bag coz Im getting too big too quick and wont be able to make it round town soon, so getting it done early. Was soooo uncomfy going round town, felt like bubs was really low down and just "stuck". Went for a coffee, and bubba did an almighty flip, the relief was instant!! :D
Bought a wedge cushion for my back due to my sciatica, which is actually helping , although I did have Mum massaging my back while I was on all fours when I got in from town as the pain was horrible :(
My oh is back tonight for the weekend :cheer: so cant wait to see him!!

Hope you are all ok :hug: :hug:
Hi ladies!! :wave:
Thanks everyone who commented on my pram! Im so excited about it still lol! :hug:

Rach Sods Law says you will be ill when you really dont want to be :hug: Hope your feeling better? I haven't ever thought my waters we going to break (I have no idea about that too! Had to have mine broke each time) but I get that horrid pain like something being shoved up there! :( ALL the time! I cant walk anywhere, a lot of the time I cant even sit properly! I asked the doc yesterday and she told me it was because of the SPD! She said because the ligaments are so soft the hips cant take the weight so the baby (babies in your case lol) are just putting all their weight on the softer bits! :( So not going to get much better till they are born :(

Hen I hope the rash goes without any problems! :hug:

Babydust that's crappy about your bathroom! :( I hope they find something better to do it! :hug:

Bexie Im glad your MW app went well!

:wave: Fly! Hope your well?!

Choc glad your wont be in hospital for too long! Sorry about the tooth ache! :(

Well ladies I had another unproductive day doing feck all! Im so bored tbh! I just want some chocolate and lucozade! And some bread! lol Im so stressed now over Josephs trip! He goes on Monday! Its Friday today!? How comes this has come by very very fast yet I STILL have 7 weeks left of the pregnancy?! I guess I just cant focus on much else?! I keep re-packing his bags and going over everything and poor boy must be wondering if its all worth it lol! It will be! I know he will have a great time and I keep telling him so but constantly like "You have to listen all the time, follow instruction precisely!" etc etc lol Im knackered actually! lol
Aww Lea its like some weird time zone weirdness isnt it. Time goes quick for everything else, except your pregnancy!!
Hope Joseph has a good time :cheer:
Oh and I love your pram too, mines so boring in comparison lol
Thanks hun!! :hug:
I somehow missed your last post? Very weird :think:
Im glad babs moved and gave you relief! My LO moves and it just hurts lol! :lol: Im sorry you had to get your mum to rub your back but hope the wedge helps more! :hug:
YAY on OH coming back again! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Yay to you BD!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Staying at the Hilton for a week without having to clean, iron and make meals! Then also getting new tiles! :cheer: Who would have thought that having a leak in your bathroom would be so great hahaha
And yeh Choc will have her baby early! Shes queue jumping lol!
QUEUE JUMPING????? Who me? :oops:

As if I would do a thing like that.... :fib:

The reason I'm measuring as 41wks is purely because I'm a fat chick (even without the pregnancy). When I was first measured I was showing as 8wks ahead and every time since then I have still measured 8wks ahead.. So technically the baby is growing inside at the correct rate, therefore no need to have him early on those grounds.

The Consultant doesn't want me to go any further than about 38wks because I am an insulin dependant diabetic and the baby could grow bigger because of that. Although at my growth scans all shows well so far :D Have another next Thursday YAY!

You girls are a curse do you know that? Ever since the posts regarding the FooFoo pains I've had them non stop :wall:

Got my pyjamas in the post today to go in my hospital bag... I did buy some last week but when I got them home they didn't fit (I'm Kylie Minogue's spirit wrapped up in dawn French's body but completely in denial :rotfl: ) So gonna unpack and repack my bags tomorrow (that's all your fault Lea :moon: ) :rotfl:

Righto I'm off to bed now (OH thinks he's on a promise tonight but he's in for a shock if he thinks I'm letting him anywhere near my FooFoo - it'll be cordoned off with that "police line - do not cross" tape) :rotfl:

Night ladies x

Sarah xxx
Oh Sarah you poor thing have a :hug: for your foo foo ,:think: im so not sure this is normal behaviour but you girls really do have some sort of influence over me not sure if its good or bad :?

I cripled myself yesterday by simply doing too much and am now suffering for it, we went to babies are us and there were loads of pregnant ladies there all walking round looking great while there is me taking a step at a time hanging on to whatever is available thinking only 3 more steps till i get to the baby stuff :wall: im now in agony and will be doing noubt today :(

Anyway have a good day ladies (yes i do use the term loosly :wink: ) im off to feed the dogs :wave:
:wave: hi all still feeling crappy :( cold is drying up a bit but still coughing and having pain from pulled muscles its starting to get me down cant stop crying have slept most of the weekend away but am gonna try and get out this morning for hour and have some fresh air wandering round the boot sale with mum
as for the foo pains im wondering is it something to do with the spd as since it happened ive had awful burning pain in my right side of my foo :rotfl: but in the bone if you know what i mean and ive been limping more and having a lot more pain in bed when turning over :(
roll on friday so i can have a scan getting scared again now :(

hope everyones ok and having a good weekend catch up properly later xxxxxxxxx
Hi ladies! :wave:
Today I feel sick and achy and tired lol so not really in the mood to post! Cant I just have one day where i feel OK?! :wall:

Rach I hope you feel completely better soon (well as completely better as you can being pregnant and with twins no less lol)
:hug: :hug:

Hen I hope you feel better soon too! :hug: I know what you mean, I walk around school like a snail and "ouch ouch ouch" is all you hear yet I see about 4-5 other pregnant women there, with bigger bellies too smiling and walking normally? :wall:

Hope your ok Choc? Im going to re-do my bags again in a bit!
lea :hug: :hug: :hug: know how you feel hun spent the afternoon crying to my mum and all she said was its a bit soon to be getting depressed :( im so fed up with being ill :wall: wish i could sleep till i was better hope your feeling better soon hun xxx

hen :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry your achy hun know what you mean about the other pg women they are all happy and walking normally :evil: its so unfair xxx

choc sorry for bringing up the foo pains hope yours stop soon :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx

babydust hope your enjoying your stay at the hilton hun :hug: xxx

hope everyone else is ok im too miserable to stay on line dont want to bring everyone else down with me so :hug: :hug: :hug: to all catch up 2moro xxxxxxxxxxx
Aww bless you girls, you are all suffering!!

:hug: Rach
:hug: Choc
:hug: Lea
:hug: Henn
Hope you all feel better soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

And Babydust, hope you are enjoying your "holiday" :D

Oh has just left for week again :roll: , got MW tomorrow for me 32 week appointment....I dont like her :shhh: , so not looking forward to it.

Big hugs to you all :hug:
rach :hug: :hug: :hug: hope you are ok - it will just be your hormones messing you about. I have days too where i feel really miserable, and I get annoyed at myself cos I think I should be happy and excited!!

lea :hug: :hug: to you too. This pregnancy thing sucks!!!!

hen - hope you are recovering. I feel like I am going in slow motion most of the time now. like an old lady :(

babydust - hope you are making the most of your hotel stay!

Choc - hope the foo foo is behaving. I have only had occasional twinges down there so far.

Ninja - good luck at the MW tomorrow

:wave: to everyone else. Sorry if I have missed you out :oops:

I am on holiday now for the october week!! :cheer:
Celebrated by spending most of the day in bed asleep!! Also tried a bit of jiggling around wih DH (it has been a while :oops: ) but I have to say it hurt a bit down there - anyone else found that?? Oh well, more than one way to skin a cat as they say :wink:

Hope you are all ok and enjoying what's left of the weekend!!

kmac said:
Also tried a bit of jiggling around wih DH (it has been a while :oops: ) but I have to say it hurt a bit down there - anyone else found that??

YES!! I found this last night! :shock:

Hello by the way hun :D :hug:
Note to self.... DO NOT weigh self anymore :wall:

Three and half stone gained, with 8 weeks to go :roll:
How the FECK am I gonna shift all that???? :shock:

I was so proud of my figure before :cry:
Thanks for the hugs ladies! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Well I nearly fell over before and since have the most wicked pain again in my pubic bone! :pray: :pray: :pray: It gets better tomorrow! I was doing so well, I cant walk properly! Its horrid!
Baby girl has wiggled round somehow and isnt hurting so much at the min when she moves :cheer: So I can enjoy her movements more and she must love me and know how much pain I already have lol!
Joseph goes on his trip tomorrow! Im a wreck! I try not to be and my rational head says he will be fine blah blah blah but Im so jittery and cant concentrate and just a wreck lol! I dread what I will be like in the morning!? I forgot to buy a stamp for him (so he can post a postcard to me) and fruit for his pack lunch tomorrow!? :wall: I will have to go to the shops before school in the morning! That should be fun lol!

Rach I hope your feeling a bit better hun! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

NW hope your MW app goes well tomorrow and shes not so horrid lol! Try not to worry too much about your weight hun! Im sure it will come off again afterwards! Most other people find that lol! Just not me! :roll: (though I have illness that goes against me lol)

Kmac yay for the school hols lol! Sorry getting jiggy hurts! :hug: (and you too NW)
thanks everyone for the hugs :hug: im giving in today and off to see the doctor i cant take it no more dont know if they can even give me anything but at least il have tried :( got an appointment for 10:50 been ill for too long now and dont seem to be getting any better :cry: my chest is awful and the pains in my belly every time i cough are awful im getting more and more depressed every day and it cant be good for the babies :( will catch up properly when i get back from doctors xxxxxxxxxxxx

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