Chat thread!

oh dear think we are all on a mega downer this week :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for everyone think we could all do with some the later stages of pregnancy dont seem to be agreeing with any of us :shakehead:
dont know if its the change in weather or what but my spd has been really bad since the weekend i have a job to walk i dont think it helps that your supposed to keep your legs shut as much as possible lol but my belly is so big now its physically impossible for me :oops: when i sit on the sofa i have to sit with my legs open and rest my belly on the sofa or it near enough cuts off the circulation to my legs :oops: doesnt help that i was overweight before i got pg (size 18/20) :( sorry enough of my moaning am now off to sit like a buddah (sp) on my sofa :rotfl: xxxxxxxx
Hey ladies :wave:
Choc good for you complaining! How silly to even put anything on the bottom shelf for pregnant women! :wall: You would think Mothercare of all places would have thought about that!

Thanks for the hugs Rach and heres some for you :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope your SPD gets better soon hun! The weathers been really sunny here today and yesterday?! Which is odd lol but not complaining! :D Do you not think that boys are so hard to buy for at xmas?? My lads are now 8 & 9 and I struggled this year! I got them both a bike and Joseph a DS and Dill a PS2 (as they broke their last one early this year and cant play on their games) and really thats all they are getting!? Maybe some small things and clothes etc! So hard! Lucy is so easy and cheap! Make up, pens, colours, pads, stationary etc so easy and cheap lol!
Good luck with the test tomorrow! I hope its over quickly! I think its rather dangerous telling a pregnant person not to eat!? :? I know they have to but still dangerous!

Bexie hi hope your ok!?

Chok hi hope your ok too!?

NW lol on the bordom eating!! I feel bored and I have things to do!? Its so annoying!

Hen hope your feeling better!?

Im knackered and off to bed now! Been feeling weird all day?! Kinda low in spirits but not sad? I think Im got to stressed this week over a lot of silly things and its wiped me!
Night everyone! :wave:
lea i totally agree with you on boys being more difficult :( i havent a clue what to get the older boys they will be having their main pressies luke is having a new tv and dvd player for his room and daniel is having an xbox 360 other than that it will be bits and bobs and clothes im completely stuck xxx

well got to get ready to go now and im not happy this morning really feel like shit and need a cuppa desperately felt like having 1 this morning and phoning the hossie and saying i was ill but i know its no use as they will just book me in to have it next week so just as well get it over with now :(
hope everyone has a good day xxxxxxxxxxx
Ah Rach, have some of these :hug: :hug: I know what you mean about not being able to function properly in the morning without any brekkie. When I had my c-section, the night before I made sure I had a massive meal and as soon as I came back from theatre they brought me a sandwich, I need my food to function, otherwise I get the shakes. i hope it all goes well for you today and they don't keep you waiting too long.

I'm stuck with Christmas presents this year as well, even with my DD who will be 22 months, and she should be easy!!!! I want to buy her a present from the baby also so might get her a pop up play tent, what do you think? I was thinking of getting her a dressing up outfit, but might leave that for when she's 2. She's got loads of toys, but hardly plays with them for any amount of time. I think I need to do a clear out.

I don't know what came over me this morning, as I was driving to work i started thinking about what it'll be like when I go into labour, next thing I realised I was puffing and panting like I was in labour and my eyes were full of tears, what a sight, I'm glad i was on my own :rotfl:

Heard this morning that a good friend of mine is emigrating back to Canada, so I'll have two good friends over there, felt a bit sad that she won't be here when the babies born to meet them, but I can understand why she's going back, she really misses her family.

:wave: :wave: to everyone else, hope you all have good days.

B x
Ohh Rach and you will have 5 boys to buy xmas prezzies for soon! :shock: :shock: :shock: (lol I know how that feels too! Joe has 4 sons from his previous relationship so we usually have 6 boys to buy for! :roll: Luckily this year them 4 want money so thats easy enough lol)
Good luck today hun! Hope they get it done fast! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Bexie I think she would love a pop up tent! :D I know Lucy would have back then! (and still now actually heehee) and I think you should get her dressing up dresses too! :D I love them and Lucy has always loved them! We get her one or two each year lol!
LOL on the labour thing :lol:
I heard this morning that my brother isnt coming back home from Tenerife! :( Im glad for him but sad too! But I see it as an excuse for a holiday! :D Though Canada is a bit different to Tenerife hey?! :hug:
:wave: am laid up in bed due to back pain :roll:
Just got a delivery note (think cotbed, mattress and moses basket have arrived) but left it all with my elderly neighbour across street. Now how the hell between the pair of us are we meant to carry it into my house? Is is so hard to re-attempt delivery :roll:
I havent got up and sorted yet so will wait ill later when my other neighbours about, maybe he will help :think:

Now the next thing is...are any of you superstitious, are you putting your nursery furniture in house? Most of my babys stuff is at my parents house (but they live an hour away, so not really practical for delivery day :roll: ).
Shall I start bringing stuff to my house? Im too superstitious for me own good I think...although I wasnt until other people started mouthing off with supertitious tales about having stuff in the house :roll:
hi all im home :cheer: awful test out of the way :D feel like total crap now though but they were waiting for me when i got to the hossie and did the 1st lot of blood straight away so 2nd lot were done just after 10:30 and i had a cheese roll and coffee in my hands by 10:45 :D at least its over with now roll on next appointment which is a scan on friday of next week :dance: xxxxxxx

babydust good luck with your scan this afternoon hun hope all goes well :hug: lucky you going away again :D wish i was lol sorry DD is still having trouble settling into school :( hope she settles soon xxx

bexie lucky you being fed after your section i wasnt after having christopher :( i had to wait 4 hours before i was even allowed a cup of tea then only tea and water till the next day and they finally brought me some toast at 6 am id had nothing since 5pm 2 days before i was bloody ravenous :( xxx

lea how nice holidays in tenerife :D pity you wont see so much of your brother but free hols :cheer: xxx

ninja sorry your laid up with back pain hun hope it eases soon :hug: what a nuisance for you with the cot :( im sort of half and half with being supersticious (sp) im sure thats spelt wrong lol some things i think you need to get ready but others i wont lol the pushchair is staying at my BIL till i get home from hossie with the twins but most other things are here as i kept them from having christopher :? it seemed a bit silly to take them away only to bring them back lol xxx

hope everyones having a good day im off to feed christopher and then hopefully have a lie down if the little menace will let me :roll: xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi ladies!!
Babydust Im glad your in better spirits hun :hug: Good luck with the scan! YAY :cheer: I don't know about the boys kicking thing :think: This LO has been kicking me so hard it hurts since about 24 weeks!! :shock: :shock: And shes a girl! Maybe a mule?! lol yay for another holiday you lucky thing!! :D

Ninja that's pants that they have left them over the road and your going to struggle to get them!! :talkhand:
Im not superstitious! I have everything here and did with all my others too!

Rach Im glad the test was over quickly!! :cheer: Yay for the next scan!!
Lol I wish free hols! Hes only 21 so will probably be getting a room somewhere so unlikely he would be able to put us up for the week!! Unless we all slept on the floor :think: heeheehee

Im so tired again! Need to sleep lol but as odd as it sound I cant be bothered to go sleep lmao! Too much effort and it annoys me! lol
Still waiting for my pram :( Should have come by latest today but now it should be tomorrow or Thursday latest! Yet somehow I feel that it wont come by then either! :think:
Afternoon ladies

Rach - I'm glad it all went well at the hospital and they saw you quickly. Hope Christopher lets you have a snooze. :sleep:

Ninjawomble - Yay :cheer: for receiving all your baby stuff, hope your neighbour can bring it round to yours. I was never superstitious about having stuff in the house for the baby. Most of our stuff is still left over from when we had Phoebe, so I just need to dig it out, closer to the babies due date.

Lea - Shame your brother isn't a millionaire living in Tenerief, now that would be nice, still might be worth a visit out there to see him at some point, I'm guessing your not aloud to fly now! :?, I would love a holiday at the moment, we had booked to go to Gran Caneria at the begining of December before we realised I was pregnant and we were all so excited, but obviously had to cancel, being pregnant is way more exciting than a holiday :cheer: , although I wouldn't turn my nose up over a week in the sun!

Babydust - Lucky you having another week away, how jealous am I? I heard that boys were lazier than girls so you felt less kicks, obviously not true, judging by your little fella. I'm hoping that I go early with this one as I want to try for a VBAC and I'm certain if I go over they will start suggesting another section and I want to avoid that route, more so cos I want to be able to pick up Phoebe for cuddles once the LO arrives, I don't want her to feel excluded. Reading one of your posts it sounds like both your girls were early so you might be in luck and be able to wear that bridesmaid dress. :D

I am aching loads today, I'm alright when I'm sat down but as soon as I stand I end up hunched over with back pain, my hips are quite sore too, not bad enough for a trip to the docs though. Although I should go (Warning TMI) as i think I have an anal fissue, every time I go for a number 2 I bleed loads, I don't think it's piles!!! It's an ongoing thing really which I just think the pregnancy has agrevated. Perhaps the doc could sign me off for a few weeks :cheer:, now that would be a result!!!!
well they say the sun shines on the righteous and its pissing down on my house so what does that tell you :oops:
:wall: @ mothercare.
they delivered the moses basket, stand and cotbed mattress...but NOT the cotbed :roll: ...Ive tracked my online order and its says its been dispatched with all the other stuff.
Might wait it out and see if its delivered over next couple of days before I ring them..Im way to hormonal :twisted:
Do they EVER get anything right? :wall: :wall:

Sorry needed to rant!! :oops:
Awww babydust that is such a cute pic!! :hug: Maybe you will go at 36 weeks then and he will be 7lb something? :cheer:

Bexie I would love a holiday too! Im desperate for one actually! We were going to go back to Rome in June when I "planned" to get pregnant in July lol! I think we will visit my bro next summer now! :( I know how you feel with the aches! My tum is aching again! All day! Cramps and them stretchy pains again at the bottom, mixed with the horrid twinges in my cervix etc! Not good lol

Hennaly :rotfl:

NW stupid mothercare! i havent ordered anything of them but alot od women on here over tiem have said how crap they are! :roll: I would have been on the phone straight away tbh!

Well Im going to re-pack Joseph trip bag (he goes next monday! Im so nervous now) and repack my hospital bag/s (cant decide whether to cram it all in one like I usually do or have two seperate bags for me and babs?!) I might paint a cupboard and move it into my bedroom (its in Lola's room at the min but shouldnt be) do some washing!? What else can I do!? Im so damn bored all the time! Bored and achey! Not good! Joe keeps telling me to lie down but I hate that! So boring hahaha
Lea... make sure Joseph takes the right bag on his school trip won't ya as I don't think he'd find nipple cream and breast pads too useful!!! :rotfl:

I can't decide whether to pack two bags either (one for me and one for baby for a longish stay) or pack a different two bags (one for labour/first 24hrs hozzie stay and one almost identical for next couple of days at hozzie)

Got my tickets for the rock show we are going to (at 36w +2d) and theatre have said I can take my labour bag and they'll keep it in office when show is on just in case :rotfl: May do the second bag packing option as easier to take just one bag to the concert and if I don't go into labour can repack the bags or just take both as they are when I do go in!

Decisions decisions

Sarah xxx
Lol you know, for a second last night I did think that as the bag I would use for baby is identical to the one Joseph will be taking!! lol
I wanted to go see Bryan Adams on the 30th Oct! But never got tickets and really cant afford to now :(:(:(:(
morning all just a quickie ive got an absolute stinking cold :( so am gonna spend the morning on sofa xxxx

lea i seen bryan adams a few years ago he was ace if you get the chance to see him go for it :D xxx

choc i would pack another 2 and leave them at home that way its ready for o/h to bring to you if you need it and not in the way of the stuff you need if your only in for 24 hours xxx

babydust what a cute scan pic hun :D glad alls ok xxx

ninja sorry mothercare cocked your order up hope the rest of it arrives soon and hope your backs a bit better today xxx

hen hope the weathers better for you today hun it was same here yesterday pissed down all day :evil: xxx

bex i would def get the bum thing checked out hun just in case :hug: hope your aches and pains are not so bad today xxx

hope everyone else is ok :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
hi everyone :wave:
Thought I had best check in and say hello!!
I have been reading everyone's posts although at this minute I can hardly keep my eyes open so will only be able to remember/comment as far back as the topic review thing goes!

rach - hope your cold clears up quickly :hug:
chocoholic - your posts make me laugh :hug:
babydust - glad scan went well :)
ninjawomble - did your cotbed arrive yet?
bexie - hope your aches and pains aren't too bad? def see the doc if not though :hug:
lea - hope you have stopped decorating now!!

Sorry if I've missed anyone out. Hope you are alll ok. have some :hug: :hug: :hug:

I am ok.... had my MW appointment today and she seemed happy with everything. And I had written a list of everything I wanted to ask. It as a different woman from last time but she was really nice. One of the things I wanted to know about was birthing pools and if they are readily available - apparently there are 2 at the hospital so it's not guaranteed you get to use one.

I have been having problems with my boobs. They have been SO itchy and the skin is all broken round my nipples (sorry :oops: ) they are driving me mad. I saw a doc on monday - turned out she was a trainee and totally clueless. I showed MW today and she told me to see another doc so I have an appointment on friday.

I am getting quite fed up at work - I really need to decide for sure when I want to stop for mat leave. I'm still a bit worried about being on statutory pay for too long as we have a big mortgage etc and DHs promotion isn't totally confirmed - nothing in writing yet and not likely to be for a while - so there are a few things to consider.
I was kind of hoping the MW would tell me that there is a surge of energy likely to hit in time to propel me through to the end of term - but what she actually said was it's going to get worse..... :(

Sorry to sound a bit glum - think I'm just tired (for a change!!)

kmac :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry hun but it can only get worse now till baby gets here im exhausted and seem to spend a good part of every day crying now i would never be able to go to work is there any chance you can make work a little easier or do a few less hours??? maybe that would help in the short term :hug: xxx

well my cold is worse and has now hit my chest as well plus i think ive pulled a muscle in my stomach as every time i cough i get a burning pain near my belly button :( :( :( feeling very sorry for myself today :cry: dont know what to do im right fed up babies have been a bit quieter than normal too which is worrying me i know its probably as im not feeling well and weve listened to the heartbeats and all seems well guess im just panicking :( xxxxxxxx
Morning everyone

Hope your all well or as well as can be.

Rach, sorry to hear your feeling lousy, hopefully it'll pass quickly. I think having a cough and being pregnant is the worst thing, when I've had coughs with this pregnancy it's just made me retch, not nice!!! Glad the boys are still beating away in there strongly, sounds like they are just have a bit of quiet time. This LO was quiet over the weekend which worried me after my fall, but since Monday they've been at it all the time, even waking me last night, (a herd of elephants walking through my bedroom would struggle to wake me!! :rotfl:), so they were really going at it last night!!

Kmac - Sorry to hear your feeling so tired, same here, I keep on comtemplating going to the docs to see if they will sign me off, but I would feel guilty doing that as it means someone else is having to do my work! Now I'm just counting down the weeks until I go on leave, 7.5 weeks left, woo hoo :cheer: :cheer:

Babydust - lovely scan picture, glad it went well.

Lea - Take it easy, don't over exert yourself too much, put your feel up with a nice cuppa and watch a crappy film.

Ninjawomble - Hope the cotbed has arrived and your neighborns helped deliver it all over to your house ok. Is your OH gonna be home for when the baby arrives? I hope so. :)

Hope everyone else is well, sorry if I missed you out.

I have to be honest, I feel a bit out of my depth in tri 3 what with all these women having babies, it feels like its still ages off for me.

Not much else going on here at the moment.

Take care B x
Morning everyone :wave:

Does anyone have any tips on time travel please as i would like to skip forward about 8 weeks :D

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