oh dear think we are all on a mega downer this week
for everyone think we could all do with some the later stages of pregnancy dont seem to be agreeing with any of us
dont know if its the change in weather or what but my spd has been really bad since the weekend i have a job to walk i dont think it helps that your supposed to keep your legs shut as much as possible lol but my belly is so big now its physically impossible for me
when i sit on the sofa i have to sit with my legs open and rest my belly on the sofa or it near enough cuts off the circulation to my legs
doesnt help that i was overweight before i got pg (size 18/20)
sorry enough of my moaning am now off to sit like a buddah (sp) on my sofa

dont know if its the change in weather or what but my spd has been really bad since the weekend i have a job to walk i dont think it helps that your supposed to keep your legs shut as much as possible lol but my belly is so big now its physically impossible for me