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I'm so sorry to hear about your SIL Babydust

:hug: to you and your family x

Sarah xxx
babydust my heart goes out to you all :hug: :hug: :hug: im so so sorry xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning everyone

Babydust, I am so, so sorry to hear about your SIL. Try not to worry yourself about your period type pains, it's probably down to stress. :hug: :hug:
Hun thats what we are here for,if you are having a pants time its best to get it off your chest :hug:
Oh poor you babydust, that's the last thing you want when you've had such bad news, unfortunately little ones are too young to understand what's going on around them, so just carry on as normal.

After my afternoon in hospital I got home with my DD and all she wanted to do was scream and scream, it just made me feel more stressed after my horrible afternoon. But like I said she is just too young to understand what had happened!

I'm afraid to say that I am getting way too fat after way too many chocolates over the weekend. I got spoilt rotten and was given 4 boxes of chocolates as well as my mum making me a gorgeous chocolate birthday cake. I had a really lovely weekend which went way too quickly after my horrible week. Although after my fall I've felt such a small amount of baby movement which worried me, luckily last night the baby decided to have a kick fest which was reasurring.

Gonna have to dash as I have to leave my desk, building work!!!!
Im sorry your having a hard time with your dd BD! :hug: Things must be so hardfor you right now! :hug:
I had another stressful school run this morning! Dillon couldnt find his shoe or his tie! :wall: Lucy forgot to pick up her cardigan on the way out (after me repeatedly telling her to put it on) they ALL forgot their reading folders and homework! :wall: :wall: And at this school you cant just go back with it and give it in at the office! "They dont do that" dickheads! Sorry I hate the school! I went to pay the remainder of my sons trip today and apparently " the lady who deals with it isnt in so come back tomorrow" wtf? Surely anyone who works in the office can take the money!? They dont take dinner money, they dont take trip money unless the specific person is in, they wont pass on work and information properly! I have to pay the rest of this trip by wednesday so what if the lady is off until Friday? Does he not go?! I have a good mind to not pay it now and make them wait! lol Assholes! :evil:
Oh Im sorry! I feel my BP rising and I go all dizzy and stressed when I go near that school! I so want to change them to another school :( One that is friendly and welcoming and knows what they are doing!
My 9 year old son who is gifted in maths has brough home maths homework and it has questions like "what is double 110?" WTF he did that in year 2! Seriously! He is in year 5 but did year 5 work last year and now he is doing year 2-3 work? BUT.... I cant get in to see the stupid teacher?! I cant get passed the gate in the morning and she doesnt always come to the door at home time!? It feels like we're not allowed any contact with the teachers what so ever?! I only got a glipse of what the inside of the school looked like the other day because i had a meeting over josephs trip?! Its just crazy!

OMG Im still going on? Geez Im sorry for moaning on about something so not important to you all! :hug: :hug:
*needs a punch smilie to aim at the school for Lea*

What a bunch of numpties!!! Is there any way they can change hun? Or are you like us where I live and stuck with the school in your catchment area?
Thanks hun! :hug:
Its annoying! I could change them to another school which is a better primary school in all honesty but then they would have to go to the highschool that is connected to it which is CRAP seriously lol the highschool is like full of ASBO kids and bullies and you know all the horrible kids in the area go there (including my lil sis :rotfl: not shes not bad lol but all her friends are lol)
If I keep them in this school, they get to go to one of the best in the area?! Its so annoying! I would prefer a better highschool but cant cope with this stupid primary hahaha
I could just move completely?! I quite fancy Torquay lol
Bah thats rubbish!! Yea upsticks and move to Torquay! Not that Ive ever been lol!
You deffo wanna avoid asbo school!!
I can come there and shake my fist at the primary school whilst giving evils....Im sure they'd shit themselves and behave!!
ninjawomble said:
Bah thats rubbish!! Yea upsticks and move to Torquay! Not that Ive ever been lol!
You deffo wanna avoid asbo school!!
I can come there and shake my fist at the primary school whilst giving evils....Im sure they'd sh*t themselves and behave!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
You always have a way of cheering me up hun! :hug:
Went to Mothercare this morning to buy my nursing bras... now I'm a big gal up top so my centre of gravity is not great at the best of times.. now add a large baby belly... now add the fact that all the bras for bigger boobies are on the bottom shelf and what do you get?

Yup me on the floor in Mothercare like a beached whale having to be hoisted up by the OH (very ungracefull and undignified) :oops:

Thank God I wasn't shopping on my own else I would have had to crawl to a shop assistant to ask for help getting me up off the floor :rotfl:

I did tell the shop staff and they are going to let the Manager know I have complained lol.

I'm traumatised I tell ya!!!

Sarah xxx
:wave: hi all

babydust here if you need to talk hun im so sorry for everything you are having to go through at the moment :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx

choc :hug: poor you struggling well done for complaining though :clap: xxx

lea sounds like the school is more like a bloody prison :( sounds like you need some hugs today :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx

bex glad you had a good birthday hun xxx

ninja :wave: hi hun hope your ok xxx

hope everyones having a good day ive been out doing a little bit more xmas (sorry for swearing hennaly :oops: )shopping mainly for christopher lol think its about time i started on the older ones trouble is christopher is easy to buy for as hes only little but the older boys have practically everything already :( so im going to be really stuck what to get them xxxxxxxxxxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
Went to Mothercare this morning to buy my nursing bras... now I'm a big gal up top so my centre of gravity is not great at the best of times.. now add a large baby belly... now add the fact that all the bras for bigger boobies are on the bottom shelf and what do you get?

Yup me on the floor in Mothercare like a beached whale having to be hoisted up by the OH (very ungracefull and undignified) :oops:

Thank God I wasn't shopping on my own else I would have had to crawl to a shop assistant to ask for help getting me up off the floor :rotfl:

I did tell the shop staff and they are going to let the Manager know I have complained lol.

I'm traumatised I tell ya!!!

Sarah xxx

What a sight I'd love to have been there. :rotfl: :rotfl: I'd have been on the floor with you laughing, then we'd have both needed hoisting up. I can barely put my socks on now, let along look at the bottom shelves!!!
:( just remembered i have to go for my glucose tolerance test in morning :evil: thats me ill all day 2moro not allowed anything to eat or drink except water from midnight tonight im useless without a coffee in the morning :( and cos im up about 6 il be starving by time its all done last time i had it done on christopher by time i got out of the hospital and had a coffee and something to eat i had a bad headache felt dizzy and sick and had to lie down the rest of the day :( i am so not looking forward to it plus i have to be at the hospital by 8:30 which means leaving the house by 7:45 :evil: hoping they will take the 1st lot as soon as i get there so 2nd lot should be done about 10:30 and i can be in the hospital canteen eating brekkie by 11 :pray: oh and to top it all off i have to have all my other bloods done at the same time as my midwife didnt do them last week just wrote in my notes asking the hospital to do them this week :( wish me luck xxxxxxxx
:wave: Hey Bexie!!

:wave: Hey Choklatemunky!

:wave: Chocoholic, I now have images of you on the floor in Mothercare.. bless yer but :rotfl:

:wave: Rach, good luck for your GTT tomorrow, hope they sort you out early, I know how crap it can make you feel :hug:

Im so bored, now Ive finished work, all Im doing is eating.
OH was back from Iraq for a week now the Army have sent him on a course for five weeks :roll: Im gonna go insane with boredom, or end up skint from all the spending....
Hi all :wave:
sorry im feeling very lazy so just gonna send :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to all of you.

Well as far as getting dressed goes i have mastered the art of lasooing my knickers on quite well although i did get my big toe caught on the edge the other morning and did a 'CHOCOHLIC' on the bedroom floor :wall:

Been a big achy today so gonna go veg out for a bit :(

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