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babydust that is such good news sounds like baby is a right little fighter great about the steroids too these will help baby if it does need to come early just think now every day inside mummy is a bonus and 1 day less that may have to be spent in scbu i will keep everything crossed for your SIL xxxxxxxxxxxx
Rach :hug: :hug: :hug: I can only begin to imagine how hard it is for you and Im so glad your going to be seen each week and you feel better!! Yay on a full nights sleep! Not had one of them for years!!

Babydust please please come to my house and do the baby's room!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: Why cant I get the umph to do it?! So weird?!
Im so glad to hear that about your SIL!! :clap: That is great news!! :cheer:

Choc Yay on the scan and LO not being too big! Lol on the friend!! heehe :lol:

Lisa Im so glad you found a house that would mean less disruption!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hen lol on the name thing! I hope you find one you all love soon!! xxx

Bexie that must have been so scary and you are not a wuss! I would be exactly the same! :hug: :hug: Im glad everything was ok hun!!

Well Wednesday night woke up with horrid pain in my hip and up my side! It made me cry out and even cry (the only other thing to make me physically cry is labour lol) it was horrid and I didnt know what it was so that made it a lot worse! i knew it wasnt SPD as it was completely different and no position made it better, just worse! (couldnt lie down) I had some paracetamol and it took the edge off enough to get a few hours sleep!
Any ways got up on Thursday and was in so much pain! Worse than in the night! OH took kiddies to school and I had a MW app so went to see her! Told her about it and she asked me to make an appointment with the doc for that morning! She tested my wee and it had ++ protein in it! Everything else was fine, baby didnt feel small to her now ;) though shes back to back at the min and took a while to get a slear HB but she did and everything was fine!
Saw the doc (almost straight away which was good) and he askedfor another sample and tested it and said it was an infection and also blood in there so kidney must be quite inflamed! (weird though as I had no fever, no stinging wee or pain etc) so he gave me antibiotics for 3 days and told me to take paracetamol! MW had told me to drink lots and drink cranberry juice too!
So thats me lol Just what I needed! More pains lol! Just glad its something easily treated! I was having panic attacks in the morning thinking that I was going to have to have that pain until LO was born lol!
It is odd though as i dont have a bladder infection!? Kinda worries me a little but hey as long as the pain goes!! lol
Bex you poor poor thing, i fell over when we were in spain but managed to stop myself falling on lumpy so i just felt a bit stupid but to land like you did you must have been so worried, im really glad everything is ok (anything for a sneaky extra scan :wink: ).

Rach these are for u :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

CHOCOHOLIC where are you this morning i need a giggle and you never fail me :D

Babydust what a relief, fingers crossed baby has a little bit more time in there :pray:

Lea m do you think you could have caught a nerve or something? Anyone who says they love everybit about being pregnant is a big fat liar :shakehead:
Have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: .

Lisa pink you little lurker im glad you feel a bit better :D
Hello girls, hope all is well? Been packing all morning, so having a break. Was woken up at 5:30 this morning by one of my neighbours, the twat started his car & the music was blaring, then it cut out, then he started it again, this time with no music, but the blooming exhaust was hanging off, so the racket was ridiculous. He must have re started the thing 5 times, but the time Hubby got dressed & went out there he'd driven off in a different car!! :wall: So an early start for us!! Im so :sleep: right now!!

Rach, glad you got a good nights sleep!! Makes such a difference!! Have fun shopping!!

Hennaly, Might have to get myself a hypnobirthing cd!! LOL at the name situation!!

Bexie, sorry about the fall, not surprised you had a fright!! Take it easy sweetie. :hug:

Babydust, great news about your SIL!! Fingers crossed the rest of the pregnancy goes well :pray:

Lea, sorry your not well sweetie. Get as much rest as poss. :hug:

Ok, Im going to have a look around then get back to my packing!! Just noticed Im 33 weeks today!! Only 4 to go, if she stays put inside me!! Hopefully she wont arrive till after I get back online!! LOL!!

Well I am off home in a moment to over indulge in chocolate, the girls at work have brought me chocolates as a birthday present along with some beautiful flowers, I'm also expecting (possibly) chocolates from my little one tomorrow morning. So I'm going to be extra fat next week, but hey it's chocolate and I'm an addict!! :lol:

I'm sure it's cos of my fall yesterday, but I am aching so much today, on my bum, back and pubic bone, it's really uncomfortable, I walk like an OAP, perhaps it's cos I'm just another year closer to being an OAP, Nooooooooooooooooooooo :wall:

Lea - Hope your pain clears up.

Hope you all have good weekends B x
Look after yourself Bexie and hope you have a lovely birthday xx
:hug: :hug:
Thanks for the hugs ladies!! At least the stabbing pain has stopped now! I LOVE ANTIBIOTICS lol! They are like magic! :D
Hope your ok Hennaly? :hug:
Lisa I hope your back online before LO arrives!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Bexie :hug: Hope your aches ease with the chocolate!! ;) heehee
Hope your ok too Kmac?

Well finally got babys room done! :cheer: Well we need to gloss and do another coat tomorrow lol but its pink wooohoooo
While I was theres I decided to change Lucys room around moving her bed to give her more room etc so now Im seriously knackered! Whenever I get ill I have an urge to get things done!? I think its because I keep thinking if I get ill again or something and im futher on I wont be able to anything so better to get it done! lol shame I cant think like that when Im ok! I now have more of an ache in my kidney though not as bad still yay! A headache, hip bone ache and pubic bone ache lol! And extremely tired hands so my typing is crap! lol
hi all :wave: well lousy nights sleep again last night thought the night before was too good to be true :( got loads of xmas shopping done yesterday but still nowhere near done
going to have a nice lazy day today as my hips and pelvis are killing after all that walking round yesterday hope everyone is ok xxxxxxxxx

lea hope your feeling better hun and well done on getting the baby room fimished :cheer: xxx

kmac :wave: hope your ok hun xxx

bexie happy birthday hun hope you have a lovely day xxx

lisa hope everything goes well this weekend and you are soon back on line hun xxx

hen :wave: hope your ok too hun xxx

everyone else hope your having a lovely weekend and are all ok xxxxxxxxxxxx
sorry to hear you are not sleeping Rach but that is no excuse for using the c word on the forum, it has to be at least November before you can say it :shakehead:
I was up early taking hubby to the train station as he has college this weekend so im all on my own :( although it does mean i get the whole bed to myself :D
I think i may unpack and repack hospital bag today as didnt do it yesterday and still have to do it another 37 times before due date :D
Have a lovely day girlies :wave:
Babydust please let us know how things go and send her some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for us :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Rach sorry you had rubbish sleep again :hug: I have done lots of xmas shopping recently! A lot online too lol saves me having to walk about heehee

Hennaly :rotfl: I seriously though Rach had said a bad swear word then hahahaha That was funny! You know Im just about to unpack and repack my hospital bag too!! Im also sorting through all babs things and making sure I dont need anything else!

Babydust Im so sorry for the news but Im keeping everything crossed for your SIL and her baby hun! :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: hey girls, everyone seesm a little fed up lately, I know the feeling! Now finished work until I go back after mat leave. Doctor took one look at me and signed me off my remainder of work due to my horrendous sciatica!
To be honest I feel like pure crap! Its true what they say about 2nd trimester being the easier going...the first one and this ones pants!! :roll:
hen lol ive just woken up and read your post and thought oh my gosh what did i say and went back over my last post 3 times before i realised what you meant :rotfl: i love having the bed to myself o/h works nights mon to thurs its lovely :D know what you mean about the hossie bag last time i was pg think i must have done mine at least 50 times before i went into hospital xxx

babydust keeping everything crossed hun for your SIL hope baby hangs on in there xxx

lea ive done a bit on line shopping but i was buying for christopher yesterday and wanted to play with the things to see if he will like them lol :oops: xxx

well o/h got up at 10 this morning and i decided to go and have a lie down as not slept much through the night and woke up about 20 mins ago :shock: :shock: :shock: so when im moaning 2moro that ive not slept again lol its because ive slept all bloody day :wall:
hope everyones ok and having a nice relaxing weekend xxxxxx
Hi All

How is everyone's day going?

I've been baby and labour shopping today with son and OH... I'm never taking them again!!!!! Not because they were bored/whinging or annoying but just because it would be cheaper without them.. James has now got a lovely plate, feeder cup and spoon and fork set (but no nappies :? ) Apparently OH wasn't involved with the shopping for his daughter as his ex just went on her own and he was like a kid in a sweetshop saying can we get this, can we get that!!!!

Went to the NCT nearly new sale too and my son found a bargain highchair for £30 (Cosatto one worth between £100-£150 brand new in shops).

I now have a lounge full of bits and pieces to put away and now have to pack my hospital bag too (cus OH keeps telling me I need to (think it's sinking in now that it's getting near :rotfl: )

Righto off to tidy up!!

Sarah xxx
Hye NW nice to see you!! Sorry your sciatica is so bad hun :( :hug:

Rach :rotfl: :rotfl: any excuse to play with toys hey!? ;) heehee I kow what you mean though! Wow on sleeping so long! I hope you can sleep tonight! :hug:

Choc yay on shopping! And yay on the bargain!! :D

I have finished the babys room YAY gave another coat and did the glossing heehee Still need to get a carpet and stuff but geez took me forever! Keep getting sidetracked and began also painting lucys room!? :shock: Why do I do crazy things!? Im so tired now lol!
ninja sorry uou have sciatica hun at least you dont have to worry about going to work now :hug: xxx

choc well done on the shopping and great bargain on the highchair :cheer: xxx

lea are you insane :shock: stop decorating and rest up before that baby arrives lol well done for finishing the babys room but leave lucys room now to o/h xxx

well even though i slept all day yesterday i still slept all night :oops: think i must have needed to catch up lol nothing much on for today going to spend some time sorting through all the baby stuff as i have a double wardrobe full hanging and from the floor to nearly the top with baby clothes but its 3 different sizes and i really need to get it sorted its all been washed and ironed and put in there but theres tiny baby (in case little ones come early) newborn and then 0-3 months and if i ever get through that i have about 6 black bags of 3-6 6-9 and 6-12 to sort through its going to take me forever lol plus all my hospital bag stuff is on a heap on my bedroom floor next to the suitcase :rotfl: so actually need to sort that and pack it trouble is its all in my bedroom where there is my lovely huge lonely bed and its so hard to resist climbing in it :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
hope everyone has a lovely sunday xxxxxxxxx
Babydust i am so so sorry :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Try hard to take care of yourself now, i dont need to tell you that stress is bad for the baby so you have to be extra strong for all of you, just remember we are all here for you :hug: :hug:
Oh Babydust Im so so sorry :hug: :hug: :hug: That is so sad :( Take care of yourself hun! Now I know what you meant about sad news in your other post! I would go see someone to help rest you mind hun! :hug: :hug:

Rach Im glad you are catching up on your sleep! It sounds like you really must need it hun! :hug:

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