Chat thread!

babydust said:
:wave: just a quick one before i take dd to nursery

got a text from mil, sil has an infection which was picked up from her blood test, they will recheck it tomorrow and if its still there which we think it will they will intervene and bring the baby out :( i think she is about 23+ weeks now so its not looking good for the baby :( so please :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: for them

i will catch up later :wave:
Fingers crossed hun u hope everything turns out ok :pray: :pray:
babydust my thoughts are with you and your sil hun i am :pray: that baby will be ok :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
lea m said:
Babydust fingerscrossed for you SIL hun! :pray: :pray: :pray:
Take a look at this hun ... -home.html
Its amazing but gives extra hope that SIL baby will be ok!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

What a happy/sad article, I really hope all goes well for your SIL Babydust.

Today has been a better day for me here at work, just been making plans for the weekend, it's my birthday on Saturday so me and my mum are going to go shopping in Carmarthen and buy some baby pieces (can't wait) When my DD was born she brought her her first outfit, it was gorgeous so we are on the hunt for something just as special. I looked on-line at mothercare and have seen a really cute snowman babygrow, have a look ... 1&mcb=core, I think it's so cute, the baby k section they've got is really cute too. Think I'm going to do a bit of crimbo shopping too as I don't fancy marching round the shops when I'm all fat and heavy (well fatter and heavier than I am now). It's also our anniversary on Monday (don't think OH has remembered) so perhaps I might surprise him with a little something. It'll be 7 years we've been together, the time has flown.

Almost home time - yipee. :cheer:
Bexie that is so cute!! Im going to take a look now at the Baby K ones! I seen them advertised but havent had a nosey yet heehee
Congrats on your birthday and on your anniversary!!! :cheer: :hug:

just wanted to wish yiour SIL my best wishes. I really hope that everything goes well! :pray:
morning all :wave: feel like crap again :( dont know whats going on had quite a good day yesterday but it never lasts anymore :( must be a pregnancy thing also feeling really worried this morning i suppose with my history im going to start getting really scared now it was about now that Jamie stopped growing and eventually died :cry: i know they are keeping a close eye on things and we are doing everything we can to prevent this happening again but that doesnt take the worries away :( if my babies are not moving constantly im worried had to get the doppler out this morning as i was convinced something was wrong but we found both heartbeats straight away :D and both babies were kicking the doppler so think we are ok got midwife coming at lunchtime so she will have another listen just cant wait for my next scan now to check all ok but thats still 2 weeks away :(
sorry for the moan :oops: hope everyones ok this morning xxxxxxxxx
Rach i can understand how you must feel but try not to worry :hug:
I had the most obvious thought but hadnt thought of it before, with twins you get double the kicks :? Ouch and a big :hug: for all those kicks.

Hope you all have a good day, i slept pretty well last night so may have some energy for house work today :D
Oh Rach, I really feel for you, you've been through so much, :hug: I think pregnancy in itself is a worring time even when you haven't had complications, so for you it must be all the more worring. I'm glad you heard the boys heartbeats, it must be so reasurring for you and I'm glad they are monitoring you so closely. Do you go to the Heath in Cardiff or do you stay in Newport, one of the girls I work with has had problems before so has been to the Heath and say's how fantastic they are there. If you ever do feel really concerned hassell your midwife for earlier appointments /scans as they want what is best for you and the babies.

Big hugs to you honey, I'm thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and pray that everything remains ok with your boys, so far it sounds like they are doing really well. :D

Hope everyone else has a good day.

I'm looking forward to my bit of retail therpy this weekend as Aberystwyth hasn't got a great selection of shops (mind you Carmarthen hasn't either), but they do have a M & S, Next, Tesco and Mothercare, so I'm going to spend, spend.

I watched the first half of the Pride of Britian Awards last night and I just can't watch the programme without crying, when I watch the second half I'm going to need a box of tissues on the ready! :cry:
thanks girls sorry to be so full of woe this morning :oops: :oops: :oops:

bexie we go to neville hall in abergavenny where there is a specialist consultant who only deals in high risk pregnancies hes a wonderful man really caring we are too far away from the heath and i dont trust the royal gwent in newport they were the ones that told me i was a neurotic mother when i told them something was wrong with jamie they found his heartbeat told me to go away and stop being neurotic and they would see me when i went into labour a few days later he died and i had to give birth to him in that same hospital i will never go back there :evil: as far as im concerned if they had listened to me that day and got him out he would be here now :( there was nothing wrong with him it was all me my body didnt do its job right he would have been better out than in after 32 weeks which is why i have such close watching now i have a scan every 4 weeks till 30 weeks then more often and if there is any sign at all that babies are not growing enough they will get them out

sorry god im going on this morning think i will go and play with christopher for hour and try and come back in a better mood sorry everyone xxxxxxxxxxx
Don't worry hon, get it off your chest. :hug: :hug:

Hope you have fun playing with Christopher. That photo you posted of him in his specs, he looks like a real cutie, perhaps we should set him and Phoebe up when they are older, tee hee. :lol:

I got a really nice compliment from nursery yesterday, they said that they wished more of the kids were like Phoebe as she is so easy to look after and well behaved, I felt so proud of her. I think she is completely different at nursery to how she is with me at home as she won't let me get on with anything, but at nursery and with my OH she'll happily play on her own!!
bex its lovely when you get nice comments about your children :D well done phoebe :clap: :clap: :clap: what a good girl :D xxx

well am in a much better mood this afternoon you will all be glad to know :oops: sorry about this morning :hug:
midwife has just left and all appears well blood pressure and urine all ok and babies heartbeats were 135 and 140 which she said was completely fine :D had a good chat with her about all my woes and worries so she didnt get away from it either :rotfl: so from now on i will see someone every week of my pregnancy ive got to go to hospital next week for glucose tolerance test and full blood count etc consultant for scan week after midwife week after that and then consultant 1 week midwife the next till i give birth :D so no more long worrying times :D
dinnertime for christopher now and then sofa and a book for me need to relax a bit today as im going to attempt some more xmas shopping 2moro :( xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Girlies,

Hope you are all well today. Big :hug: to Rach - glad you sound like you have a good mw who is happy to listen to your worries, so many seem to 'forget' about the Mums and are just interested in the babies. I have a great mw who says as long as I keep making her cups of tea, she'll listen to me for hours!!! :rotfl:

Had my 32w growth scan and anti-natal appt this morning.. James is growing within normal limits (tincy wincy big but not yet a bull elephant!) and the sonographer thought she could see he already had a nice head of hair! He is still breech so the movements I keep feeling must just be him practising his breakdancing and not him snuggling into position like I keep telling him to! At the moment they estimate his weight to be abt 4lb9oz.. The Dr has changed my insulin as my morning blood glucose results have been high and when I answered their questions they came to the conclusion that I was having hypos in my sleep, so now I have to set my alarm for between 2am/3am so I can do a blood test every night (Guaranteed that WON'T co-incide with my usual regular toilet runs though! :rotfl: )

Had confirmation of my sure start mat grant today and money should be in bank tomoz so going shopping Sat to get anything else I need while I can still walk without scaffolding to re-enforce my belly!

Waiting for Son to come home from school now to see whether he managed to get a place on the school trip to Scarborough next year (fingers crossed and :pray: ). Had a letter today confirming that education dept are agreeing to him attending a spec school for his secondary education :dance: Just got to go have a look round the two under consideration and let them know which one we prefer and hopefully we'll have that sorted soon.

A friend came round last night saw our Moses basket was up in the lounge and thought James had come early so tiptoed over to find a Baby Annabel gurgling away in it... look on his face was a picture, but am now sure he thinks we are freaks (didn't mention that it was for dog training purposes :rotfl: ).

Anyways this freak is off to watch Star Trek (like I haven't seen it 100's of times before lol )

Catch ya laters
Sarah (& Annabel :wink: ) xxx
babydust :cheer: well done on another room :clap: :clap: :clap: we have run out of enthusiasm in the house now and all ours is on hold till next year :rotfl: we are ready for the babies so not worrying about the rest of the house till we have to any news from SIL hun am thinking of her :hug: xxx

choc sounds like your having an all round good day :cheer: and baby is growing within normal limits :cheer: would love to have seen the look on friends face when they saw the doll :rotfl: must have been hilarious xxx
Hello girlies!! Have been lurking on & off all day, but wasnt feeling too chatty, having 'one of those days'. But Im feeling better (ish) now, have found some where new to live which is just around the corner, so dont have to change schools....the only issue is that we get the keys on Sat, not really the best time to move eh?? So Im gonna be offline for a few days (hopefully!)

Ok, gonna try & catch up:

Babydust, hope your SIL & baby are ok. :hug:

Rach, sorry your feeling so worried, glad the midwife seems to be 'on the ball'. Good luck with the shopping!!

Choc, glad the scan went well!!

Hi to everyone else!!

lisa great news about the house hope the move goes well hun make sure you dont overdo things :hug: xxx

best night sleep in ages for me last night didnt even get up to the loo :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: and feeling so much better for a solid nights sleep :D lazy morning for me then shop shop shop hope everyone has a good day xxxxxxxxxx
And yet another good morning to you ladies :wave:

I really think listening to hypnobirthing cd before bed is helping me sleep as i slept quite well again last night so will recomend you all give it a try :D

Im getting a little frustrated with trying to think of a name for baby now and although i have my own little list nobody else in my house agrees with any of them :wall:
I guess we will all be calling it our own thing poor kid is gonna have 8 different names :lol:
Morning all,

Rach so glad to hear you are going to be monitored weekly, you must feel more releived. And it sounds like you have a good midwife.

Babydust, hope the decorating goes well. Don't overdo it!

Lisapink, Good luck with the move, I hope it all goes to plan.

Chocoholic, you always make me laugh with your stories, I wish I'd been there to see your friends face.

Hennaly, glad your sleeping well.

I had a horrible afternoon yesterday, I ended up in hospital after going to a suppliers fair for work, I was walking back down a really steep hill, and I really don't know how it happened, but I fell head first on the pavement, obviously as my belly is so big I landed on that, I just lay there for a bit in shock then managed to sit myself up and just burst into tears. I was so worried about the baby so I went straight to the hospital to get monitored, when they were ready to see me they took me to one of the early labour stage rooms to be monitored, the midwife just wanted me to lie there for 10 mins so my blood pressure could drop as I was so worked up. When she eventually came to monitor me everything looked fine, by then I felt some kicks, she heard the heartbeat and my blood pressure was fine, the doctor also wanted me to have a scan so we hung around for that and thankfully everything looked fine with the baby and placenta.

I am aching all over today and my hands took the brunt of the fall so they are covered in cuts and it really hurts to bend my left hand fingers (typically I'm left handed!) I know I only fell over, but I just feel so shaken by the whole experience and feel like I could burst into tears, god what a woos!!

The good things to come out of my fall are that I got to have another scan and see my baby which was fantastic and got to hear their heartbeat (134) which makes me think I might be having a boy! One of the girls I work with came to the hospital with me and really looked after me, it was quite exciting for her coming to the scan also as she is expecting her first baby.

I'll try and post my scan picture later, it's not overly clear, the babies looking at the camera with their hand over their head!

Hope you all have good days.

God the skys have just opend here, it is like someone has just emptied a bucket of water over Aberystwyth!!!!
hen glad your getting good sleep hun :hug: xxx

bex oh my god hun so glad all was ok make sure you get plenty of rest hope the soreness goes soon :hug: xxx
Babydust, that is great news, I really hope her pregnancy can progress further to let the baby develop and grow more.

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