oh my word you all been so busy

will do my best to catch up
lea loving the pram its fab and what a fantastic price especially with what you were going to spend

lisa congrats on being team pink

bexie sounds like your boss is a right arse

how sweet with your DD saying mummy on the phone

christopher would just lob it lol hes a horror

charmed glad you are feeling better since starting the iron tabs hun

and good news you now have somewhere to stay for before you have the baby


hope your ok hun xxx
babydust hope you had a lovely holiday hun

i had a scan week before last which was fab babies were moving around loads cant wait for next one now which is on 17th i think of october hope your feeling better today xxx
choc thats a fab idea with the doll to get the dogs used to things

your o/h sounds like mine where the pushchair is concerned lol xxx
christina hope o/h brother is ok that must have been very scary

hope ive not missed anyone out

sorry if i have hope everyones ok xxxxxxx
feeling better today dont know what was wrong yesterday but i seem to be having more and more off days where i just dont want to get off the sofa

should have had hospital bags packed by 26 weeks so did make a start on that last night and got stuff together and then couldnt get the suitcase out of the cupboard to do it lol i now have to explain to o/h why i didnt open the cupboard door when we painted the bedroom

which is now stuck with paint

god pregnancy makes me so stupid
another boring day at home today with nothing to do but read and play with christopher thought i would love not going to work but after only 2 and a half weeks im bored stiff o/h just reckons i have to have something to moan about
