Chat thread!

lisa - congratulations on hearing your expecting a little girl! glad to hear all is well. 3 daughters, sounds like a very girly household :lol: any chance of seeing any piccies of your LO?

lea - yeah its really warm here. not particular sunny at the moment but still nice!
enjoy dinner hun :cheer:
kmac - just realised I didn't wish you happy birthday!
so here's a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :cheer: :cheer:

bexie - I hope your LO is ok! :pray:

been a bit of a drama here. one of OH's parents dogs bit his brother in the face! :cry: so its a bit worrying as to what to do with her. she's never displayed any aggressive behaviour before and this is a first. its a bit scary as we're going to be coming here each year with LO! I don't know what I'd do if he was biten :shock:
Morning all,

CHristina - that sound a bit scary BIL being bit by the in-laws dog. My mums dog went for my DD the other week and it really shook me up. I've insisted that when we pop round now the dog has to be kept out of the room as it's too much of a risk to take. We popped in over the weekend and DD was on the trampoline with my mums foster son, I was in the house, OH was looking out for DD, when I came out she was off the trampoline with the dog running around. I said I was unhappy and took DD home. My mum always insists the dog is loving and soft!!! She's bitten a neighbour, OH and postman (only nips) but it's still not good!! I won't let my mum look after my DD now as I'm too worried about what could happen. :(

Kmac - Glad you had a good birthday. It's my birthday on Saturday and I have asked my OH to cook me a nice meal that evening, we're also going out for lunch on Sunday and I'll also be bringing a cake into work on Friday so I'll be making a good weekend out of the celebrations. Won't really be celebrating though as I'm getting too old!!!! I've had most of my presents already (maternity clothes - might as well get full use out of them). I'm just looking forward to being pampered and cooked for. I'm just going to text my OH a message to relay to our DD to let her know that "Mummy really likes Thorntons Truffles"

Had a really crap day at work yesterday, my boss came in with a raised voice moaning about all the academics and us (clerical staff) and how we don't liaise with her (she's always off sick) and basically said she's not happy with the way we work!! Was really stressed afterwards. We spent two days doing a job we'd been asked to do and she screamed we shouldn't have been doing it. ROll on my maternity leave 9 weeks to go :)

Hope everyone else is well.

B x
sorry not catching up this morning im feeling pretty rough not sure whats wrong just generally feeling poorly :( o/h has seen to the kids before going to bed (night worker) so im going on the sofa hopefully be able to catch up later
hope everyones well xxxxxxxxx
Morning ladies :wave:
For some reason i woke up in a bit of a grump this morning, still really tired now but have things to do today so need a slap to wake up :roll:

Hope you are all feeling well and good luck to anyone who is due or over due :wink:
Hiya everyone, :wave:

I'm just going to try and catch up but sorry if I miss anyone out. :oops: :hug:

Fly - I'm sorry about your Grandmother, how is she now?

Bexie - I love the names you're thinking about and I hope your DD is ok after her fall. :hug: You're boss sounds like a cow and needs to learn some management techniques as that is not the way to treat people not matter waht position your in. She actually sounds very stressed herself.

Ninja - Sorry your suffering from sciatica, my sis in law is suffering badly at the moment and she's not pregnant. Hope you feel better soon. :hug:

LisaPink - Congrats on having a GIRL. :cheer:

Hennaly - sorry your not feeling well, hopefully you'll get a good rest and I hope you feel better asap. :hug:

Well, I'm feeling a little bit better since starting my iron tablets, I have to take them for another three weeks and then another blood test to see where I am. I was taking one at night before bed and one first thing but was finding it hard to sleep and just clicked that it was probably the iron tablet keeping me awake so to my bedtime one at teatime last night and had a fairly decent nights sleep. :D

On the house renting front, I've found somewhere for when I have to go away and have the baby so just need to confirm everything now. :D

22 working days until maternity leave. :cheer:
Hey everyone!!
Kmac i don't think I said happy birthday either :think: So happy belated birthday!!

Christina that is scary with the dog!! :hug:
And you too Bexie! :hug:

Rach hope your feeling better soon hun! :hug:

Hen I hope you wake up soon hun without having to slap yourself!! heehee

Charmed glad your feeling better with the iron! And YAY on finding somewhere to stay!! :cheer:

Babydust yay welcome to tri 3!!
Hope you had a great holiday! I hope you either don't have tonsillitis or if you do it goes quickly!! :hug:

Well I ordered my pram today!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I was completely shocked when I found this pram! If anyone remembers my dilemma I was having with wanting the Skate but not wanting to spend £525 well finally decided that I didnt like any other pram as much so we would have to get the skate blah blah lol then stumbled across this one and though "ooh I like this a lot!" Then I saw the price and liked it even more! hahah Im not going to say how much but you can take a guess and then I will tell you hahhaa I think you will all be shocked too (unless you have all seen this pram and know how much it is lol)


Have I posted this before?! Hmm Im not sure could have Im going quite crazy these days lol

Anyways got stuck in piles and piles of traffic this morning! Im so glad I have low BP as I know for sure it rises each time I have to take the kids to school! 40 mins we were in traffic for this morning in total! (10 mins getting to school and 30 getting home!) Its so ridiculous!
Morning Girlies!!!!!!

Just got up about half hour ago, apparently having an early night just makes me even more tired lol. :sleep:

How is everyone?

Lea - That's a fab pram I'm now officially jealous :shakehead:

Hen - Morning Grumpyguts! :rotfl: Cheer up chicken :hug:

Kmac - I missed your birthday too :( Happy belated birthday Honey :cheer:

Babydust - I've got a growth scan on Thursday :cheer: I love seeing LO on the 'Belly Telly' :dance:

Lisa - Congrats on being in TEAM PINK!!! :cheer:

Fly - Hope your Nan is doing ok :hug: to ya x

Ninja - Hope you've been having a good time since your OH has been back and he's given you loads of :hug:

Rach - Love the names you have chosen - I had enough trouble choosing just one boys name, I couldn't have managed two!!! :rotfl:

Christina - I have the same worries about our dogs now LO is due to arrive.. We have a Baby Annabel who we sit and cuddle, lay on blanket on floor, put in moses basket and make cry just so our dogs get used to a LO around. We tell them off if they venture near it but they don't seem that bothered atm. My friend comes round with her son and they are as good as gold but I'm always still a bit wary. I would ask the the dog be kept out the room though if it is not going to be regular visits :hug:

Bexie - I tend to think that highly stressed bosses probably aren't getting it at home and you having a 'Mummy Tummy' just reminds her that you're prob having a better sex life than she is!! :rotfl:

Charmed - Hope you are feeling better with the iron tablets Honey, I got a letter from the Maternity Unit yesterday saying my levels were low and today I've got to pick up a script for iron tablets too :puke:

Sorry to any I've missed but difficult to type as I shut my finger in the bedroom door two nights ago and tis still a little sore :oops:

Have a good day girlies x
Sarah xxx
Lea - I love the pram, glad you got one you really like. :cheer:

Chocoholic - sorry your having to go on iron tablets too. :hug: My midwife told me to take them with fresh orange juice as it helps your body absorb them better. :)
CH0C0H0LIC said:
Bexie - I tend to think that highly stressed bosses probably aren't getting it at home and you having a 'Mummy Tummy' just reminds her that you're prob having a better sex life than she is!! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: This gave me a good laugh.

She's just gone and p***ed me off some more. My best friend is coming over from Canada and I've not seen her since my DD was 4 weeks old, she's now a mum aswell so I'm going to be meeting her DD too and I really can't wait, I'm so excited. I'd booked a long weekend off months ago now so I could meet up with her for a long weekend while she is over. When I booked the time off my boss was on long term sick (3 months +) Anyway she's now said I can't take the time off. :wall: :wall: :twisted: :twisted: I feel like screaming!

On a happier note I just called home and spoke to my OH and he put my DD on the phone who is 19 months and she doesn't really speak on the phone but when she heard my voice she said "mummy" which melts my heart and makes the crap at work bearable.

Sorry to go on and on and on!!!!!

Lea love the buggy/pram, to me it looks like it cost a lot, but I'm guessing you got a bargain. Go on tell us how much.
OMG OH just got the travel system out to see how it works and is now looking where he can attach brackets to hold a mobile CB radio!!!! :doh:


Sarah xxx
Evening girls, thanks for all the congrats!! Everybody here is unwell today, Ive had a headache all day & spent most of it in bed, eldest DD has a nasty cough & youngest DD has had a temp all day, so no school for them & Hubby has been looking after us all day, as well as feeling crap himself. He is the only bloke I know who doesnt suffer from 'man flu', he jus gets on with it thankfully!!

Bexie, the second bathroom sounds like a good idea!! Sorry work is crappy for you at the moment. :hug:

Kmac, hope you had a great birthday!!

.Christina, have got a great scan pic of her, will try & post it tommorrow. That is bloody scary about the dog.

Rach, hope you ae feeling better? :hug:

Hennaly, hope you are feeling better too? :hug:

Charmed, glad you found somewhere to rent!!

Hi Babydust, we are going to need to see the photos of the nursery!!! Love Peter Rabbit!!

Lea, :rotfl: at you & the prams!! We looked at that pram, but it was out of our price range, however if I had seen it in that colour, I may have 'persuaded' Hubby we needed it!! Its lovely!! Tell us about your bargain!!

Hi Choc, hope your finger is feeling better?

Ok, Im going to eat some ice cream!!

Choc, my DD had a baby Annabell and I often sit their with her on my knee! OH laughs at me lol but shes so realistic I forget shes a doll after Lucy has given her to me to hold lol! The way she turns and looks for me when I speak heehee LMAO at the CB pram thing heehee

Charmed thankyou!! Took a bloody while to find one I liked though hey hahaha

Bexie your boss is an :moon: lol I would just take the time off anyways as you did pre book it! Stupid women! :wall: Awww on your dd talking to you on the phone! :hug:

Lisa Im sorry your all ill! :hug: My eldest son said he was sick in school today and they didnt even call me?!?!?! :wall: Poor boy! He has them horrid smelly burbs though like a gastric bug! I hope he doesnt be sick again! But hope the teacher gets it!!! Teach her right!!

Ok I will tell you lol I just want you all to get as excited as me! :rotfl:
Well the skate was £525 yeh, this one, £170!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! £170 I cant even believe it! And that is actually off the I'coo website! I have had to get raincovers extra but got them off ebay instead and cost me £20 so £190! Total bargain I say!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Good morning Ladies (i use the term loosly :wink: )
well its stupid o'clock in the morning but im up and ready to go :wall:

Chocoholic i know what you mean about men and prams thing, my hubby wanted to know if he could rig mine up to be remote control (lazy so and so :roll: )

It looks like winter is definately on its way but i can honestly say i actually enjoyed watching the rain bashing down onto my patio window yesterday although i have a feeling i will get bored of it after a day or 2 :lol:

Hope you all feel wel and have a good day :wave:
oh my word you all been so busy :shock: will do my best to catch up :D

lea loving the pram its fab and what a fantastic price especially with what you were going to spend :clap: xxx

lisa congrats on being team pink :D xxx

bexie sounds like your boss is a right arse :evil: how sweet with your DD saying mummy on the phone :D christopher would just lob it lol hes a horror :rotfl: xxx

charmed glad you are feeling better since starting the iron tabs hun :hug: and good news you now have somewhere to stay for before you have the baby :cheer: xxx

hen :wave: hope your ok hun xxx

babydust hope you had a lovely holiday hun :D i had a scan week before last which was fab babies were moving around loads cant wait for next one now which is on 17th i think of october hope your feeling better today xxx

choc thats a fab idea with the doll to get the dogs used to things :D your o/h sounds like mine where the pushchair is concerned lol xxx

christina hope o/h brother is ok that must have been very scary :( xxx

hope ive not missed anyone out :oops: sorry if i have hope everyones ok xxxxxxx

feeling better today dont know what was wrong yesterday but i seem to be having more and more off days where i just dont want to get off the sofa :( should have had hospital bags packed by 26 weeks so did make a start on that last night and got stuff together and then couldnt get the suitcase out of the cupboard to do it lol i now have to explain to o/h why i didnt open the cupboard door when we painted the bedroom :oops: :oops: :oops: which is now stuck with paint :rotfl: god pregnancy makes me so stupid :rotfl:
another boring day at home today with nothing to do but read and play with christopher thought i would love not going to work but after only 2 and a half weeks im bored stiff o/h just reckons i have to have something to moan about :rotfl: xxxxxxx
Thanks Rach!! :D OOoh a scan on the 17th Ocober?! Thats mine and OH 10 year anniversary!! :hug:
LOL at painting the door heehee that is so something I would have done!! I hope you have more better days than not hun! :hug: I feel ill today! Dont know if its the bug my son has picked up or if its pregnancy related! Just rough and want to lie on the sofa all day!

Hen I know what you mean! I do love it when the rai nand winter comes! I get all excited! Then it quickly wears off and I hate the cold hahahaha
Morning all,

Late start for me today, me and DD have both been to the dentist, very funny watching the dentist trying to get an 19 month year old to open their mouth, she was more interested in trying to pull anything she could get her hands on apart!!

Lea - What a bargain, you must be dead chuffed. Sorry to hear you DS is poorly, can't beleive school didn't call you!

Babydust, Glad you had a good holiday and feel rested. How is your SIL doing?

Rach, Sorry your feeling bored, could you get Christopher to sit in front of the telly with you watching some DVD's. I never thought I'd get into Tellytubbies, but I'm quite a fan now!! Anything for a moments peace and quiet. Can't beleive you painted the door shut, very funny!!!

Hen - I know what you mean about the change of weather, we'll soon be moaning about it again and how long the nights are.

Lisapink - lucky you with your OH not suffering with the man flu and it's great that he helps around the house. I've got to be honest my OH is pretty good also and does his fair share (if not more).

Chocoholic - :rotfl: OH with CB radio

Hi to everyone else :wave:

I've sorted my long weekend off for seeing my best friend when she's over from Canada, I'm going to take the Monday and Tuesday off instead of having the Friday off. My boss better not try and stop me as this has been planned for months. The last couple of days shes made me feel so stressed, I've felt like going to the doctors to see if they can sign me off with stress. She's all sweetness and light today as we've got a new girl in the office, so she's on her best behavious. I'll mention the new days I'm having off while the other girl is there so she probably won't fire off!

We watched "I am Legend" with Will Smith last night, I am such a woos, after the film I couldn't go into the kitchen as it was pitch black outside and we've no curtains in there and I was too scared that the fictional creatures in the film would be in my garden :rotfl: :rotfl: What am I like!

Hope you all have good days.

B x
lea sorry your feeling rough hun hope its not a bug and you soon feel better :hug: and yay for 10th anniversary coming up :clap: do you realise you would have done less for murder though??? :rotfl: sorry only joking :oops:xxx

bexie christopher was like that at the dentist they are so funny at that age :D hope your boss doesnt kick off about your time off if she does i seriously would consider getting signed off for a bit and make sure doctor writes stress on the sick note its a real big no no to have staff off with work related stress these days it might shock her into behaving a bit better towards you :hug: xxx

i hate men today lol o/h was less than impressed this morning when he had to use a stanley blade to get the cupboard door open :oops: and even less happy to discover that the suitcase i wanted was buried beneath a mountain of xmas pressies i bought ages ago so he had to half empty cupboard to get at it and then put everything back :rotfl: xxxxxxx
Bexie Thanks hun! I cant beleive they didnt phone me either! :wall: Well actually I can as the school is CRAP! sorry! lol They just cant get organised and dont seem to know what they are doing still!!! :wall: Glad your getting the days off to spend with your friend!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Rach I think that everyday hahaha 10 bloody years!? What am I doing hehehehe I hate men too today ha well not so much but OH has gone off working on building stables or something and Im hungry! We have nothing in and need to go shopping but now Im starving to death and he is off working! :rotfl: Asshole! ;) heehee (I just phoned him and he is coming home soon and will get me some lunch! Luckily Joseph isnt hungry yet (he had bacon on toast this morning) and is still feeling a little off!

Babydust fingerscrossed for you SIL hun! :pray: :pray: :pray:
Take a look at this hun ... -home.html
Its amazing but gives extra hope that SIL baby will be ok!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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