Hey everyone!!
Chok That is exactly what I did do with him! I got all the paints etc and went upstairs, put on my painting scruffs and he came up and "started" opening the paint etc for me to realise that I had forgot to get a roller tray
I finally got him to get up and do it and he couldnt!! Balls I say!
Hen thats a pain! Im sorry your not having a good day! I hope it got better!!
Rach are you mad??? 2 hours of ironing?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!? YAY on winning £50! I thought I was good winning £3 in the quiz machine when I went for lunch ha ha
Lol Choc on the shredding! Lola is moving less too now!
Feel sad! Though I went to see my sons in a dance thing at school today and when they banged the drums and shouted she jumped! Then went crazy lol!
Well I had a fairly busy day really! Went to school this morning and got all stressed again with it! (I nearly got bumped off a car, my niece nearly got reversed over!? Its just crazy) then went to a friends who's birthday it was and went shopping, came back at dinner time and went to my nana's as we were going out for a carvery lunch to celebrate the friends birthday and also that my Nana had a cancer scare (they thought she had cancer of the voice box) but got the results back yesterday that is was non cancerous!!
Came home, went to watch boys in the dance show (as mentioned) and collected them from school which was just as crazy as the morning, came home, wanted to start painting only to find I hadn't gotten a roller tray!
(as mentioned lol)
Lucy had her first spelling test today and got 10 out of 10, Joseph had one yesterday and got 113 out of 118 (which is funny as the words he did get marked wrong were easy words and he can spell them so he thinks that they couldn't understand his writing so I told him to make sure he writes neater as its affecting other things lol) so that was very good and Dillon got an A* in his Maths last weeks so we took them to McD's for a treat! A carvery AND McD's????? Yep I don't know how I managed it either!?!
hahahaha Came home and fell asleep! lol

Chok That is exactly what I did do with him! I got all the paints etc and went upstairs, put on my painting scruffs and he came up and "started" opening the paint etc for me to realise that I had forgot to get a roller tray

Hen thats a pain! Im sorry your not having a good day! I hope it got better!!

Rach are you mad??? 2 hours of ironing?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!? YAY on winning £50! I thought I was good winning £3 in the quiz machine when I went for lunch ha ha

Lol Choc on the shredding! Lola is moving less too now!

Well I had a fairly busy day really! Went to school this morning and got all stressed again with it! (I nearly got bumped off a car, my niece nearly got reversed over!? Its just crazy) then went to a friends who's birthday it was and went shopping, came back at dinner time and went to my nana's as we were going out for a carvery lunch to celebrate the friends birthday and also that my Nana had a cancer scare (they thought she had cancer of the voice box) but got the results back yesterday that is was non cancerous!!

Came home, went to watch boys in the dance show (as mentioned) and collected them from school which was just as crazy as the morning, came home, wanted to start painting only to find I hadn't gotten a roller tray!

Lucy had her first spelling test today and got 10 out of 10, Joseph had one yesterday and got 113 out of 118 (which is funny as the words he did get marked wrong were easy words and he can spell them so he thinks that they couldn't understand his writing so I told him to make sure he writes neater as its affecting other things lol) so that was very good and Dillon got an A* in his Maths last weeks so we took them to McD's for a treat! A carvery AND McD's????? Yep I don't know how I managed it either!?!