Chat thread!

Hey everyone!! :wave:

Chok That is exactly what I did do with him! I got all the paints etc and went upstairs, put on my painting scruffs and he came up and "started" opening the paint etc for me to realise that I had forgot to get a roller tray :wall: :wall: :wall: I finally got him to get up and do it and he couldnt!! Balls I say! :evil: lol

Hen thats a pain! Im sorry your not having a good day! I hope it got better!! :hug:

Rach are you mad??? 2 hours of ironing?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!? YAY on winning £50! I thought I was good winning £3 in the quiz machine when I went for lunch ha ha :lol:

Lol Choc on the shredding! Lola is moving less too now! :( Feel sad! Though I went to see my sons in a dance thing at school today and when they banged the drums and shouted she jumped! Then went crazy lol!

Well I had a fairly busy day really! Went to school this morning and got all stressed again with it! (I nearly got bumped off a car, my niece nearly got reversed over!? Its just crazy) then went to a friends who's birthday it was and went shopping, came back at dinner time and went to my nana's as we were going out for a carvery lunch to celebrate the friends birthday and also that my Nana had a cancer scare (they thought she had cancer of the voice box) but got the results back yesterday that is was non cancerous!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Came home, went to watch boys in the dance show (as mentioned) and collected them from school which was just as crazy as the morning, came home, wanted to start painting only to find I hadn't gotten a roller tray! :wall: (as mentioned lol)
Lucy had her first spelling test today and got 10 out of 10, Joseph had one yesterday and got 113 out of 118 (which is funny as the words he did get marked wrong were easy words and he can spell them so he thinks that they couldn't understand his writing so I told him to make sure he writes neater as its affecting other things lol) so that was very good and Dillon got an A* in his Maths last weeks so we took them to McD's for a treat! A carvery AND McD's????? Yep I don't know how I managed it either!?! :think: hahahaha Came home and fell asleep! lol
Sorry I'm having one of them days and I just NEED to say something then maybe it'll go out of my head.......


Sorry just feeling a little impatient today (in case you hadn't guessed!) :rotfl:

Whinge over!

Sarah xxx
hey ladies, I hope your all well :D :D

:rotfl: choco - my thoughts exactly!! I'm getting quite impatient and there's still a good 10+ weeks to go! I don't know how the ladies who are overdue cope!
I'm still hoping I can skip over the whole labour and giving birth part, and bubs will just kind of fall into my arms and bam I'm a mummy!!
sounds like a fantastic idea, right??? :roll:
I wish there was a list of stuff that you need for the baby, because I am sure I am going to miss things out and not be prepared in time.
rach, 2 hours on ironing! ironing is a word which neither me or my OH have heard of!! I suppose this is something I may have to learn :rotfl: :rotfl:

hen - sorry to hear about the CAB and problems with the family allowance. I hope things get sorted soon and it gets started again! grr, your ex sounds like a right ass.

lea - how you settling into Tri 3? you must be so proud of your LO's those are fantastic results :cheer:

I wish there was a list of stuff that you need for the baby, because I am sure I am going to miss things out and not be prepared in time.

well my day has been pretty boring! I meant to call the UK to get my benefits claim started. With the time difference this didn't happen since I am progressively sleeping later and later but still feeling equally tired :wall: :wall: This is like the first trimester all over again. On the plus side, just one week til we're back in London and can get some things finally sorted! I am really looking forward to settling down, unpacking and just preparing for bubs!
we also got some gifts for the baby from MIL's friend which is really nice and definitely made my day :D
Morning girls, how is everyone? Feeling tired, but I think that isnt gonna stop anytime soon!! Went to see my SIL yesterday & she gave us a moses basket, & a HUUUGGEEE bag of clothes, some neutral, but mostly boys stuff, so feeling a bit more organised. Have my scan on Monday which Im so excited for but really nervous too. Hopefuly we'll find out whether it is a girl or not for definate. No major plans for the weekend, guess I should start packing for moving, have looked at a few places, just waiting to hear.......more blooming waiting!!

Christina, glad you will be able to get settled very soon!!

Choc, sorry you had one of those days!! I keep feeling that way, but Im no where near ready for bubs to arrive!! Well done on the shredding!!

Lea, that was a busy day!!!! The cavery & McD's sounds good!! LOL!! Glad your Nana is ok, what a relief!! Well done to the kids, & hope you get a roller tray sorted asap so the painting can get done!!

Rach, well done on the £50, & for getting the ironning done!! Do you wanna do mine?? My house is somewhere under the huge pile of ironning I have!!

Hennaly, sorry you had a crap day, hope you get things sorted very soon.

Hey Chok, how are you??

Charmed, cant believe yu have to move to have the baby!! Hope you get something sorted soon!!

Did I miss anyone??

Have a good day girlies!!

chocoholic hope you get things sorted soon hun and your welcome to come and nest at my house lol plenty of things need sorting here :D xxx

lea :cheer: yay for your nanas results coming back ok and well done to all the children :clap: :clap: :clap: sounds like they are all doing fantastic and lucky you fitting in all that lovely food :D o/h has given up on me now as its embarrassing going out with someone who cant even manage a childs portion of food :oops: ironing only got done as i had run out of things to wear :oops: plus i ironed all the new cot and moses basket sheets id bought as they were badly creased after washing :evil: xxx

christina :cheer: yay for being back soon :D hun believe it or not babies need very little and with all these shops opening 24 hours now whatever you forget you can soon get from asda or tesco day or night dont worry :hug: xxx

lisapink great news about the moses basket and clothes :D good luck for the scan on monday :D hope you get to find out what team your on :hug: xxx

well rubbish start to my day have had a letter off the school to say luke has been truanting :evil: and of course silly child is now wondering what the big deal is and why he cant go out with his mates this weekend :talkhand:
we have finally decided on names for the babies :cheer: (thought they were never going to be named lol) weve decided on Ryan and Owain :D so im feeling a bit better about that
going to pop over my mums for hour this morning and then relax the rest of the day with a book :D no rubbish housework today i really cant be bothered :rotfl: xxxxxxxxx

hope everyone else is ok xxxxxxxxxxxx
Choc, lol I have them days too!

Christina :wave: Ive settled in good! Feel like I have been in tri 3 forever already! :roll: lol I hope you can get settled soon!!

Lisa Thankyou! Yay for your scan on Monday!! I hope you get to find out for sure!!

Rach thankyou too!! I normally can only eat about 3 mouthfuls but yesterday I could eat more!? You know I think she turned back transverse yesterday! She was stuck out my side and I couldnt stand upright again with the pains and pressure low down but I think shes back head down again now?! Maybe thats how I fit more food in too?! I have no idea hahahaha

Oh no naughty Luke!! I hope he realises soon that its really not worth it! :hug:
Yay on picking their names!! :D :cheer: Ryans a great name (my brother is called Ryan and was toying with idea of calling this baby Ryan if she would have been a boy!!) Do you pronounce Owain how its spelt?! Sorry for seeming dumb hun :oops: I just havent heard that name before but seems to go really well with Ryan!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
morning all :wave:

lea owain is just the welsh version of owen :D just a different spelling xxx

hope everyones having a lovely lazy sunday xxxxxxxxxx
rach said:
morning all :wave:

lea owain is just the welsh version of owen :D just a different spelling xxx

hope everyones having a lovely lazy sunday xxxxxxxxxx
I thought so! :D Just wanted to double check! :D
I cant wait till they are born hahaha How will you know which one will be called Ryan and which one to call Owain? heehee
Mornin all :)

havin lazy hazy sunny sunday here in Somerset :) Lee is at work, Charlie is doin long division maths homework :shock: I'm still in me nightie n considering going to sunbathe on my bed 8)

Went to see my grandma yesterday who had a stroke on Thursday - some what of a miracle but she was sitting up in bed and could talk to us! We had a lovely hour with her.. me,mum, bro n sis in law - she kept telling us that she loved us. She was very confused and is very very poorly still but it was wonderful to have that time with her :)

Hope you all have a relaxing sunday :hug:

Love n Sunshine
Sarah xxxx
lol lea ive no idea at the moment we are calling twin 1 owain and twin 2 ryan so im hoping when they get them out the midwives will know which is which and will put the right name tags on them :rotfl: otherwise its pot luck xxx

fly sorry your grandma has had a stroke hope she makes a good recovery :hug: nice you can spend some time with her xxx

down mil at moment having dinner yum sun is shining here although im finding it way to hot to sit out in it and considering going home early for a long nap :D xxxxxxxxx
Hi girls.... I'm sticking my toe in this door now...

Hope everyone is ok.

That's nice names rach, they go well together.
Ummm... can't remember what other posts I just read!!
Fly - sorry your gran is ill but glad you had a nice time with her

I know i've missed out loads of people - sorry :oops:
I'm going for a nap now I think. Going out for dinner with DH later so want to feel awake. All i've done today is the supermarket shopping and a quick jaunt round costco, hardly enough to be so tired!!

My bump is still worrying me with it's long spells of relative quiet, although I do feel small things happening. I only get big movements (belly wobblers) one or two times a day... is that normal-ish? Each day is different so I never know what to expect.

Afternoon Girlies!! Hope everyone is ok? Had a lovely Sunday, met up with some friends for lunch at a pub, so didnt have to cook (YAY!!), am absolutely shattered now, & the girls are grumpy so I think we are all having an early night!! Trying not to get stressed about my scan tommorrow, luckily its at 9:30am, so dont have to wait all day!! My SPD is very sore tonight, so think I'll need to get a heat pack on it.

Rach, love the names!!

Fly, sorry about your Grandma, wishing her a speedy recovery!!

Kmac, have a lovely dinner!!

Will catch up with you all tommorrow.

Hey all! :wave:
Fly Im sorry about your grandma and hope she recovers well! :hug: :hug:
Rach lol is it twin 1 or 2 who has the long legs? (on the scan pic) you will have to tell midwives to name them appropriately according to their leg length! :D heehee

Kmac hi :wave: As long as your feeling babs I wouldnt be too worried! (though tbh I know its hard as when Lola goes quiet on days I worry too!) Babs is probably facing your back!

Lisa yay for lunch and Yay for the scan in the morning!! :cheer: I hope your SPD feels a bit better tomorrow!! :hug:

I have had horrid heartburn and feeling sick all day! If its not one its the other but very very strong! Im exhasted by it as mad as it sounds! My tummy just hurts with it all too! Poor baby must sound horrible to her as my belly must be making some noises with it not settling! :(
Well she keeps playing basketball heehee its funny! But thats exactly what it feels like! I cant wait till she is born so she can do th movements and I can say "Oh thats what she was doing all them times?" heehee she so cute!
Hello all :wave: I hope you all are not feeling too tired and have had great days.

nice to see so many of you have picked names! we have decided to call our little boy Kai :cheer: :cheer: I must admit it feels so much more real now that we have decided on a name.
rach - Owain and Ryan sound so nice together, really like your names for your two little boys :cheer:
lea - I never did say how much I like the name Lola Mae :D it goes really well with your other LO's names as well.

Lisa - sounds like you had a really nice day! good luck for your scan tomorrow :D sorry to hear your SPD is bad though :(
kmac - it doesn't sound that strange to me regards your bump.
I think they act differently each day, I haven't noticed a particular pattern. I hope you get some bigger movements that you can feel soon :) I hope you feel rejuvanated after your nap :sleep: enjoy your meal!!

Fly - sorry to hear about your Grandma :( I hope that she recovers soon, it sounds extremely promising that she was sitting up and talking. I wish her all the best :hug:

I had another lazy day - its just getting ridiculous how low my energy levels are :bored: I don't have any commitments here in Florida which is probably making it worse, bah, ah well. Soon I'll be super busy again so I spose I should get the rest now.
my OH bought me a breast pump today (whilst he was with his parents) :oops: still very sweet though!

hope your all good :D
Hi Everyone,

I was a regular in the chat thread in tri 2, so now I'm over in tri 3 thought I'd pop in to say hello. It's nice to see some old faces (young really :lol:, Lea and Fly)

Rach, really like the names you've chosen, we're still not fully decided on ours other than the middle names!! It's middle name will be Welsh, either Eira or Gethin.

Fly, sorry to hear about your grandmother, I hope she makes a full recovery, it sounds like she's doing well considering.

Lea - hope your heartburn eases, mine kicked in last night while I was trying to sleep!!

Kmac - Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day. I wouldn't worry too much about babies movements, like the other girls said it depends on which way they are facing.

Sorry for not mentioning everyone. My minds a bundle of mush.

We had a nice weekend, although my DD fell down the stairs, luckily it was only two steps so it wasn't too bad, but she was distraught as you can imagine, when I first looked at her she seemed ok, but then I realised she was bleeding, but couldn't tell where from as she was sucking her thumb and covering her face, luckily she'd just cut her lip, but it was horrible, it was like it happened in slow motion, I saw her wobbling, so went to grab her dress but missed then she toppled down the stairs.

Gonna have to dash, loads of work to do!!!!
:wave: hey everyone, sorry Ive been awol, but OH got back form Iraq and Ive been atached to his side :D

Had to ring work sick today, my backs in a right scaitica is just horrendous :( Last week at work just did me in, and Im so huge now, its just not worth it. Gonna get a sick note for the final three weeks at work methinks...
Ive a history of back problems so think the doctors expecting a visit off me in trimester three anyway :roll:

Hope you are all ok, and your LOs are being their usually cute little selves :D :hug:
Hi ladies!! :wave:
Christina thankyou! :D How sweet of your OH?! I bet its nice and sunny where you are hey? Not like here with the rain rain rain this morning! :roll:

Bexie lol I hope your heartburn doesnt keep you up each night! Such a horrid thing isnt it?!
I know what you mean about the stairs! OMG they scare me to death still now! My DD fell down the stairs from top to bottom when she was about 2 and a half! OH geez it was horrid! I woke up and heard the kids awake and on the landing, I shoutesd go back in your rooms until mummies dressed (as I didnt like them near the stairs) and as she was going back to her room, she tripped! I just heard her tumbling and Joe shot out and she was at the bottom of the stairs and I was so scared to even go out of my room! :( (though obviously I did) she was fine though! Upset obviously but not hurt much! A couple of bumps and carpet burn! The boys said she tippled over! They were so scared too as they had watched her! Even now even with Joseph when I hear him coming down the stairs fast I freak out! "HOLD THE BANISTER AND WALK SLOWLY" LOL

NW aww must be so nice spending time with OH! :hug: I dont know your back problems obviously lol but I had problems that went after i had Lucy! All you need to do is have 3 kiddies in 3 years heehee

Im off for some dinner now! Starving! :D
Hello girlies, hope everyone is ok? Back from the hospital & its confirmed, we are having a GIRL!! Poor Hubby, 3 daughters!! :rotfl: She is a little small, but everything looks good, she is head down. The consultant has decided that if I can get to 36 weeks, they will make plans to induce at 37, so fingers crossed, she will get comfy & stay put!!

Ok, just wanted to pop in & let you know, will catch up properly later.

Congratulations on finding out your having another girl

Perhaps your hubbie should start saving to build another bathroom for when the girls are older and taking their time getting ready (as is a womans perogative!!)

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