Changing formula is it easy?


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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I was wondering what your experiences were on changing formula.

Alban is so difficult to wind and brings up most of his feed every mealtime and he isn't putting on much weight (he is 10lb 40z and should be in the 11lb range).

When we left the hospital the staff advised us to use Aptamil. However, my friend went to a cranial osteopathe yesterday and the cranial osteopathe said that SMA gold and Aptamil seem to cause more wind and colic in babies - based on the babies she has treated and suggested trying cow and gate newborn.

What are your experiences in changing from one formula brand to another?

I used SMA gold for Chloe when we first introduced formula as it was easy as it comes in ready made bottles with pre sterilised teats. After a couple of days she appeared really unsettled and seemed to be full of wind. I decided to change her over to Cow and Gate, just got up one morning and gave her this straight away. She is fantastic, like a new baby. Only problem I can see so far on Cow and Gate is that it makes her sleep more as she is settled. Good luck if you do decide to change, hope you get the same outcome we did.
Its easy enough, just change it over. Can take upto two weeks for LO to settle fully on the new formula, but you should notice a difference after a few days.

Are you going to put him on Cow and Gate Comfort? Its a thicker feed.

My LO was able to keep this formula down pretty much straight away, and he has reflux.
CoreysMummy said:
Its easy enough, just change it over. Can take upto two weeks for LO to settle fully on the new formula, but you should notice a difference after a few days.

Are you going to put him on Cow and Gate Comfort? Its a thicker feed.

My LO was able to keep this formula down pretty much straight away, and he has reflux.

What number is that on the box for Comfort?

I changed Aimee from SMA Gold to Cow & Gate 2 weeks ago. She didn't mind the change but she has been having runny poo's since. I spoke to the HV about it and she said it might be caused by the cold she just had but if she is still having it on Monday at her next visit we are going to discuss changing the formula.

The only reason that I switched Aimee was because I was allergic to SMA Gold and it was difficult to feed her without getting a sore rash all over my arms. I didn't have any other problems with SMA.
We used SMA gold from early on and it was fine except for her sickness (which turned out to be reflux and not milk related). We were advised to try comfort milk which we did (C&G comfort) and it was hellish. The nappies were runny and green which is apparently normal for this type of milk but it made Becky extremely uncomfortable and we only stuck it out for less than a week. Went back to SMA with Gaviscon and it's been great.

What I will say is that it may take some time to settle down on a new formula but I wasn't prepared for my LO to have diarrhoea 8 times a day!
Moofa said:
CoreysMummy said:
Its easy enough, just change it over. Can take upto two weeks for LO to settle fully on the new formula, but you should notice a difference after a few days.

Are you going to put him on Cow and Gate Comfort? Its a thicker feed.

My LO was able to keep this formula down pretty much straight away, and he has reflux.

What number is that on the box for Comfort?


Comfort 1, its for babies up to 6 months...

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