formula and windy tummies......


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Hello ladies

I'm fairly new to this board. My little boy is now one month old, and last week I had to wean from breast milk to formula as I was in so much pain with the BF-ing.
I've started him off on Aptamil 1 but he seems to be really suffering with a windy tummy. A friend has recommended Aptamil HA 1 which I am about to try. Had anybody ever used this and if so does it help? Do you think it's the formula causing the wind? I'm feeling a bit guilty about stopping the BF-ing :cry:
We're in Switzerland so unfortunately I don't have access to SMA or Cow and Gate products.

Any advice or tips gratefully recieved......

don't feel guilty. im sure you tried your very best.

he will be feeling it a bit though with suddenly going onto formula. Breastmilk is so easily digestable for them and fomula is more heavy and harder to digest. this could be causing the wind but it will pass in time.

4 weeks is also about right to be getting a touch of colic. Brody was exclusively breastfed at this age and he also got windy and colicky in the evenings, so it may not just be the formula.
It might help if you wind after every oz of formula, and try to keep him upright when you can, even when he doesn't seem windy, eg carrying him up on your shoulder. There is also a technique where you lie them with their back on your upper legs, with their head on your knees. You hold their hands and lift them up to a sitting postion on your lap a few times. Many women on this board have said it works wonders for them and their babies.

Good luck, don't feel bad about the breasfeeding, you did your very best and a month is pretty good going, be proud of yourself :)
Thanks ladies

I will certainly give that excercise a go. I gave Sam the new Aptamil HA last night and we had a much better night.

I think you're right and he may have been going to develop a touch of colic anyway. Both my girls had it, the eldest was the worst.

I was really hoping to be able to breast feed for longer this time around. I had problems feeding my girls as well. This time we got a major dose of thrush which is ultimately why I called it a day. Hopefully he will adjust to the bottle in time.

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