Cd8 - ov pain and EWCM?!?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2010
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What is happening?

Normally I ov on day 13-14.

But yesterday on CD8 I started having Ov pain.

Today the pain is stronger and I have EWCM.

OPKs are showing weak lines. So not a clue what's going on.

Bizarre things happen hon, just wait and see if you get a positive opk. Of course you could just get :bd: as much as possible I suppose ;) xx
I'd keep going with the opks until you get a positive. Could be some random cm??? xx
I've been having random ovary pain throughout my cycle and some of the other girls here have said they do too - could just be that we are more aware of things going on in our bodies? Or could be that your body has decided to ov early this month? Not sure hon, but I think some extra bd-ing could be worth a shot... xx
I really worry because I don't believe I've ever felt ov pain but loads of ladies on here say they do. I googled it and apparently it's really rare to feel ov pain so I don't feel as bad, maybe like you say, some are just really aware?? x
Thanks ladies.

I'll keep on with the OPKs (although I only have 1 left until the post gets here)

Ov pain is coming and going. Definitely not as strong as it is on my proper ov day so maybe it's just getting ready a bit early.

DH and I BD'd Xmas eve and again last night anyway.

So we'll just keep on doing it every other day until I get a +OPK.
Good luck and if you keep getting unexplained pains, might be worth mentioning to your doc, if only to put your mind at rest xx
Thanks ceebee.

Feels exactly like the ov pain I get each month in the lead up.

I think it may just be that this month it's coming a few days early for some reason?

If it continues though I'll go and let my GP know.

Hubby and I have both agreed that if no joy with TTC by march we'll go to the Dr anyway.


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