Cd 35....


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
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well girls im on CD 35 now....i tested on CD 31 (i was either 12 dpo/15dpo) but it was negative. If you remember i had loads of symptoms this cycle...however, im not getting any signs of AF arriving yet. Last cycle lasted 34 days (that was my first proper cycle after coming off the pill and the artificial bleed, so i figured 34 days would be the rough amount of days to my cycle now.

Dont really know what to think now, really hoping either im Pregnant, or af is coming soon (so i can try again soon) the alternative of not being pregnant but waiting for af is a bit crappy

on a brighter note im chuffed to see some positives already this month...well dne and congrats girls lots of babydust to you all xxxxx :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
are you gona test again today or tomorrow? i would, the suspense must be driving you mad

when did u last do a test hun? fx for u :dust: xx
i last dida test on saturday morning hun.....iv been really good as i hate getting BFN's but eesh i dunno what to do...what would you girls do xx
id test hun, id be loosing sleep with the not knowing by now. i know it would be dissapointing if your didnt get bfp but at least you'd know.

fx hun xx
sorry just reread ur post properly. If u were only 12dpo on saturday it could have been to early to pick up yet, and now u would be 16dpo. So i would have thought a test would definitely show by now. I would test tomorrow morning hun xx
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oooo try and squeeze a test in before work then if i get kinda just resigned myself to the fact i wasnt pregnant but i dunno maybe its still possible. thank you girls im so glad i joined this forum xxx
i will be keeping an eye out for pics hun! I really hope this is ur bfp for u hun xx
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Good luck for the morning hun, keep positive xxx
Good luck and i know what you mean i hate seeing a BFN!

isn't it just the worst!! i think thats whats stopped me testing i can deal with...a bfn, not so much xx
just took a test now girls (couldnt resist)...and its a BFN :( just wish the witch would ge it over with now! xx
Awwww hun hope ur ok.

Have u cycles been irregular before? X
well i came off the pill end of july, so i had my "artificial period" beginning of aug.....I was then chuffed that my first proper one came on 1st aug cycle had been 34 days which i was happy with as i know some girls can take a few months to get a proper one back.

Im now on cd 36 but witch hasnt shown yet. i guess it could be possible my body is still adjusting xx
Ye maybe is hun, I've had three af's now after my bleed after stopping pill and my last cycle was longer than the first two sooo I must still be adjusting too, I was made up thinking I had got regular quick with my first two cycles but by looks of things don't think they will be

Hopefully the witch will come soon sooo u can get on with the bding and getting ur bfp :)
Grrrr it's so annoying; just come so I can get on with it!!! I'm sure the hot bath and sneaky glass of wine helped me. xxx

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