CD 21 results, good news!!!

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls!

I got my results today for my second CD 21 test, I was borderline last time with 29 but this time I got a much better result with 40.

So that's great news for me.

Also the doc said that as I have had all the diagnostic tests before you get referred that they would send Hubbys semen for analysis too so I came home with a pot for him!!

great news maybebaby!! ooh i think i'm going to have to get anothe cd21 - i wonder why it was so much lower last time, did you ask?/ x
Great news hun must be a huge relief for you. My hospital told me that the semen samples take 10 days for results so hopefully you wont have to wait long for that x x
Great new hun,another step closer to getting your :bfp: :) xxxxx
Just seen this oh Maybe that's awesome!! And fab they're testing hubby too. Pleased for you :yay: !!! Xxx
Great news hunny :yay: x x

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Hi Girls,

Thanks for all your replies,

I'm really pleased with the results, I'm gonna try hard for a BFP this cycle!

CD 3 today so about 20 days til OV!

I think I might even try Agnus Castus this month or is it too late?

Positivity - the doc reckons we might not have tested on the correct day last time, one thing she did say is that your surge is when you OV not before you OV so you need the test 7 days after the surge, I actually had mine 2 days later than I should have this time so it would have been even higher on the correct day. I would ask to have it done again Hun, where are you in your cycle?

Vicky - the samples take 7 days to come back with the results, have you had Hubbys done?

Thanks maybe,

I'm not indoors at the moment but when i get home i'm going to work out my dates on the month i had my test to see if it was the right day. also not sure what cd i am at the moment but again i'll check when i get home and then book another appt with the doctor, i should have done that months ago really!

so happy for you! gives me hope of a higher reading next time too! best of luck for this month, i really hope you get your bfp xxx
Having hubby tested later this month so it coincides with my 21 blood results, so hopefully by the end of this month we would have all our tests an results done. Fingers crossed for lots of bfps this year x x
Vicky- that's good, I'll have all mine done by the end of the month too.

Shauna- Thanks Hun! Hope you're ok

for the lady who was asking about the sperm tests....
the tests have to be done within an hour of the sample being done... as the sperms dies.
SO the test results can be given within hour and a half.... its the printing out of the results and posting it that takes days!!
my oh got both his results within 24hours.
Thanks for that Deborah, maybe I'll ask to wait when I drop it off.


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