I've got 3 cats, all very loving and affectionate! Two are females and aren't really behaving any differently around me at all, they're both still happy to come and have a cuddle but are just as likely to go to OH, as they've always split their attention between the two of us hehe. The male cat is acting very differently though, previously he always went to OH for attention but now it's all me, he doesn't let me out of his sight for more than a few minutes at a time, follows everywhere (he even wants to get in the bath with me stupid cat!), and sits on me whenever I will let him. It was quite sweet at first but he's always under my feet these days and as he's very big I'm constantly tripping over him the bloody thing!
I've also noticed one of dogs is behaving differently too, she's become very protective of me. Not in an aggressive way, just in a standing guard sort of way. She would much just sit quiet next to me now rather than go off playing with the other dogs. She has had a litter of puppies herself (or so the vet thinks, she was rescued and it would have been before we had her) so maybe that's the reason