Cat sence pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Right folks this is really a random question but what i was wondering was can a cat sence you are pregnant? My little kitten used to be really affectionate and loving towards me, constantly around me and giving me kisses. Now since i have been pregnant my cat doesnt really bother with me as much as he used to and is always around my bf who he used to never bother with. Any suggestions is this normal behaviour lol?x
Hi Adele, we had another threadabout this a few weeks ago actually in first trimester, but I can't find the post for you...

My cat is my cat, and always sat with me, I got pregant and she kept sitting with my OH, I got really annoyed with it and sugested he had been feeding her titbits to tempt her!

I had a miscarridge at 11 weeks and just over a week later the cat came back to me!

Now I'm trying again , I have added the cat to my sympton spotting!!!

The general consenus of the replys was all the same - Cats just know, maybee HCG hormone gives off a smell!
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hey, my cat has been acting dead strange too increasingly so throughout the pregnancy, i spoke to a friend who is a 'cat lady' and trained as a vetenary nurse because i was quite worried about the poor little love

turns out that cats can hear heartbeats (makes sense, their hearing is the most advanced sense they have) and so they can hear a human heartbeat in the room and move towards it (sit on your lap, get warmth) when you are pregnant they can see ONE human but hear TWO heartbeats, which is a bit odd for a cat and they think they are either going mad or that you have become a crazy double hearted person

either way they stay the hell away (most of time time, all cats are different as we know!)

it might also be to do with hormones but i think the heartbeat idea makes sense!
I've got 3 cats, all very loving and affectionate! Two are females and aren't really behaving any differently around me at all, they're both still happy to come and have a cuddle but are just as likely to go to OH, as they've always split their attention between the two of us hehe. The male cat is acting very differently though, previously he always went to OH for attention but now it's all me, he doesn't let me out of his sight for more than a few minutes at a time, follows everywhere (he even wants to get in the bath with me stupid cat!), and sits on me whenever I will let him. It was quite sweet at first but he's always under my feet these days and as he's very big I'm constantly tripping over him the bloody thing!

I've also noticed one of dogs is behaving differently too, she's become very protective of me. Not in an aggressive way, just in a standing guard sort of way. She would much just sit quiet next to me now rather than go off playing with the other dogs. She has had a litter of puppies herself (or so the vet thinks, she was rescued and it would have been before we had her) so maybe that's the reason
thanks everyone for your help. Least i know my gorgeous wee boy hasnt falling out with me now lol was really worried thought i had done something
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While I was pregnant with my daughter, my cat wouldn't leave me alone! She'd sleep on my bed next to my stomach purring, then the baby would start kicking! It was like they were talking to eachother! After I had her, my female dog became very protective! Wouldn't let anyone near my daughter and wouldn't leave her side! It's very odd how animals react!!
I have 2 cats, both female, they're sisters. One of them has never really bothered and still doesn't but the one who has always been MINE :lol: just won't leave me alone, she wants to sleep on my tummy all night long, constantly seeking attention and wants to be cuddled. Go figure :) x
My OH has a cat and it has never bothered with me EVER!! Suits me as i am really not a fan of the feline friends but the last few week the chuffing thing won't leave me alone. She follows me all over and attempts to snuggle into me. Every time i sit down she jumps on my knee and she has even started lying on my side of the bed. I hope she leaves me alone again once the baby is born, i find cats quite scary :lol: xx
Wow my cat done the same wouldn't leave me alone iseear he knew now I know he did!!! X
how weird i have 5 cats and they have been rather tetchy in last few days they still sit with me but one of them is heavily pregnant and the boys are all bickering too many female hormones floating around i think
lol wish pedro would'nt leave me alone hes the complete opposite wont come near me
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Perhaps they know that in a few months either your gonna dump them for a baby and have no time for them, and get shooed away from the cot etc and get stroppy and stay away from you - (mine is doing this, but she has been there 3 times before)!

Or they think something is up and get all over affectionate till they know what it is, perhaps for new mums or cats that have not had a new baby in the house before?

Of they like the large surface of a round, cosy and warm tum to sleep on ( my oh has a beauty of one of those, I say the cat loves that instead of my flatish tum)
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i dont know about cats, but my dog wouldnt leave me alone when i was pregnant. she would like lay her head on my tummy, and she wouldnt let any one near me! x
my dog was very protective of me when i am pregnant too xx

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