Carol Thatcher a racist?

HappyAlice said:
Lou said:
I just saw a few people say they hoped she was joking and then she came back and said she wasn't. So she has already admitted what she was saying was what she was meaning to say, if you get my meaning :?

I just think when she said 'she was better' than them she didn't mean Scottish people, she meant the idiots that were racist to her. I am a bit shocked by the anger from others who I think have misunderstood her point, I don't think she deserved it :think:

It would be better if she just came back on and replied and put people straight if she has been misunderstood, but of course she doesn't have to, I just think it would be a good idea :wink: I for one will have another read of her posts incase I have misunderstood :)
HollyHobby said:
Yes I am being serious. Have met quite a few and lived amongst racist small minded Scots and the fact is I am more Scottish than English but to them you are either one or the other!
Just like you are either Rangers or celtic, catholic or protestant.
Wouldnt live in Scotland again if you paid me, sorry but that's the truth, hubby gets a much better reception and welcome in England.
Found the scots where I lived to be bigotted racist idiots, and thats pretty much against anyone who was different to them and we'd have to listen the Orange Lodge Marches every now and then who would get police escorts for their own safety!

The better than them remark was tongue in cheek, but hey if people are nasty to you because of where you come from then they are the ones with the inferiority complex.

So its not just black and white that is the problem here, it's if you are the slightest bit different and it will probably never change.

I don't understand why if it was just a few people where she lived why is she anti Scotland? Surely it is a few 'people' she should be upset with, not the whole of Scotland :lol: !
Lou, maybe she's busy of a weekend? We don't all sit here all day :lol: :oops: I know she's come back once but wait and see what people have to say over the next day or two. It may be the opportunity hasn't arisen to respond to the more recent replies.
Minxy said:
Lou, maybe she's busy of a weekend? We don't all sit here all day :lol: :oops: I know she's come back once but wait and see what people have to say over the next day or two. It may be the opportunity hasn't arisen to respond to the more recent replies.

I don't sit here all day either but still manage to post my ass off :lol:

And yes I'm sure she'll come back, I was just trying to ease the tension a little :)
Jade&Evie said:
Lou said:

From this article it sounds like she's just a bit ignorant- doesn't sound malicious IYKWIM.

I think her and Prince Harry need Max Clifford! :lol:

OMG she called him a frog too :shock: Its even worse now!

I have a french friend called Froggy :? I always thought it was cause he looks a bit like a frog... didn't realise it's a slur! :oops:[/quote:1dfp7hiv]

Jade you are so innocent it makes me giggle :lol:
:oops: Good thing I've never told him how much he looks like a frog!
HollyHobby said:
Yes I am being serious. Have met quite a few and lived amongst racist small minded Scots and the fact is I am more Scottish than English but to them you are either one or the other!
Just like you are either Rangers or celtic, catholic or protestant.
Wouldnt live in Scotland again if you paid me, sorry but that's the truth, hubby gets a much better reception and welcome in England.
Found the scots where I lived to be bigotted racist idiots, and thats pretty much against anyone who was different to them and we'd have to listen the Orange Lodge Marches every now and then who would get police escorts for their own safety!

The better than them remark was tongue in cheek, but hey if people are nasty to you because of where you come from then they are the ones with the inferiority complex.

So its not just black and white that is the problem here, it's if you are the slightest bit different and it will probably never change.

I'm glad you wouldnt.... for yourown safety as if you walk around with an attitude like that... I wouldnt be surprised if people were nasty to you!!

I have lived in Scotland all my life, my Mum was Welsh, my Gran was Irish, my hubby is half American and non of them have ever suffered any comments from all these "racist small minded Scots" or "bigotted racist idiots"
I dont have an attitude. :think: I lived in Scotland and got abuse from lots of different ages for being... English, or to put it anther way' fuckin english' - there's no racism on my part, sorry if it is close to the bone for some here but that's the way it is - we are going by our experiences here, i can't be anti Scotland as I am mostly Scottish!

I was told I shouldnt have bought my house there because it someone local should have had the chance to fgs.
It's no different to immigrant workers being told they should give up their jobs to locals now!
Youre baicly saying us first - others who are different last.

I didnt generalise that ALL Scottish people hated the English, but ALOT do! Alot of Scottish people hate anyone different to them, even each other with a passion at times - if you think they don't then you're wrong.... BUT so do alot of English people, so do alot of Welsh - until you experience it yourself you wont know ..... my point is that the racist issue is NOT black and white.

You can take it even smaller - Sunderland versus Newcastle! There's a lot of racism there!!!
North versus South!

Seems alot of people here took offense for no reason whatsoever except they maybe Scottish and I told it how it was first hand for me, and even though the individuals here wern't involved they feel like they should speak out for ''their countrymen''.
HollyHobby said:
I didnt generalise that ALL Scottish people hated the English, but ALOT do! Alot of Scottish people hate anyone different to them, even each other with a passion at times - if you think they don't then you're wrong.... BUT so do alot of English people, so do alot of Welsh - until you experience it yourself you wont know ..... my point is that the racist issue is NOT black and white.

:think: Have you met more than half of Scotland?
Sarah you just proved my point!

With an attitude of being..... just English?

So black people have attitudes of being black? Exact same thing.
Jade&Evie said:
HollyHobby said:
I didnt generalise that ALL Scottish people hated the English, but ALOT do! Alot of Scottish people hate anyone different to them, even each other with a passion at times - if you think they don't then you're wrong.... BUT so do alot of English people, so do alot of Welsh - until you experience it yourself you wont know ..... my point is that the racist issue is NOT black and white.

:think: Have you met more than half of Scotland?

Jade I'm nearlt 40, I've lived in loads of places and met loads of people.
Sorry you think I'm ignorant but i have life experience, and it tells me while the argument is about black people it's ok, once you cross the line to white it's suddenly not! :think:
I think the point was that you seemed to really generalise which seemed unfair and made people angry :think: But I don't know, I can't speak for anyone else, but thats the impression I got. Thats why I made the post about me being mugged and having arguments with a few Israeli's.

HollyHobby said:
Jade&Evie said:
HollyHobby said:
I didnt generalise that ALL Scottish people hated the English, but ALOT do! Alot of Scottish people hate anyone different to them, even each other with a passion at times - if you think they don't then you're wrong.... BUT so do alot of English people, so do alot of Welsh - until you experience it yourself you wont know ..... my point is that the racist issue is NOT black and white.

:think: Have you met more than half of Scotland?

Jade I'm nearlt 40, I've lived in loads of places and met loads of people.
Sorry you think I'm ignorant but i have life experience, and it tells me while the argument is about black people it's ok, once you cross the line to white it's suddenly not! :think:

Congratulations on being nearly 40- that has a lot to do to with this debate.

What has you generalising a whole country got to do with being black or white?
I have to agree with Lou! It sounded that way to me too!
HollyHobby said:
Jade are you evn reading what I'm writing? :shakehead:

Bollox to this :?

You said that whilst it is about black people it's fine and then it switches to white people and it's not :?

There are black scottish people too you know...

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