Carol Thatcher a racist?

HollyHobby said:
Sarah you just proved my point!

With an attitude of being..... just English?

So black people have attitudes of being black? Exact same thing.

I NEVER said anything about you being english.... I said about YOUR attitude and hatred for a whole nation... small minded if you ask me!
to be fair on holly she did put in her original post "scottish people where i lived"....
i think its been taken a bit far, my DH is scottish as are my nan and grt aunties and uncles but i didnt take offence.
:evil: It irritates me when people feel the need to leave when people disagree with them.
SarahH said:
HollyHobby said:
Sarah you just proved my point!

With an attitude of being..... just English?

So black people have attitudes of being black? Exact same thing.

I NEVER said anything about you being english.... I said about YOUR attitude and hatred for a whole nation... small minded if you ask me!

I completley agree
she is probably frustrated because what she said has been taken the wrong way, and she has been jumped on!
I spy with my little eye....

..... a little gold padlock appearing on this thread soooooon :lol:
NICCI said:
to be fair on holly she did put in her original post "scottish people where i lived"....
i think its been taken a bit far, my DH is scottish as are my nan and grt aunties and uncles but i didnt take offence.

yeh but she did a huge sweeping generalisation, instead of saying the people in her street or village.... not the 5,062,000ish (yes I googled :wink: ) people that are in Scotland!
Jade&Evie said:
:evil: It irritates me when people feel the need to leave when people disagree with them.

perhaps she's having a break - a few people have done that in the past

I can't see why its going to get locked, so far most people have managed to disgaree without getting personal
It is true what someone posted (think it was Jade) about there being black Scottish people :)

And Jade I have left threads before when its got too much. Its sometimes better to duck out and let things cool off :)
perhaps people weren't overreacting about the golliwog comment after all
what do you mean beanie? if you mean after reading that new link then yes, she called him a frog too :shock:

thats pretty bad :shakehead:
I think she means the way we re-acted about Holly's comment :wink:
Sack all BBC presenters!!! They're all completely stupid!!

:lol: :lol:

(sorry, that was a sweeping generalisation and probably discriminatory to all who work for the Corp :oops: :oops: )

Seriously, you wouldn't want to be a BBC PR person right now, what a nightmare job!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jade&Evie said:
I think she means the way we re-acted about Holly's comment :wink:

Oh ok yeah. Sorry I'm on the laptop and trying to get the house straight, having friends over for a curry :)
:shhh: I'm supposed to be going on a date this evening but if this debate keeps going I might cancel :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Some scots hate english
Some english hate scots
Some Scots hate other Scots

It's bizarre! The amount of people I have seen battered/slashed/stabbed/murdered over a bloody game of football would shock you! I've also had English come into my work who have been 'done in' because they have been English basically. It's probably the exact same in England though

In Scotland it has become kind of the norm for us to 'hate' the english. For Celtic fans to hate Rangers fans and vice versa.In the most part it is all taken in good humour but there is of course exceptions.

I think it is a shame that Hollyhobby has had the brunt of Scottish hatred - obviously she is going to feel bitter about this place - I wouldn't be so harsh to her.

I personally Love this country :hug:

Kim x x x x
Jade&Evie said:
:shhh: I'm supposed to be going on a date this evening but if this debate keeps going I might cancel :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

either that or just turn up scruffy and dirty :D
Lou said:
Jade&Evie said:
:shhh: I'm supposed to be going on a date this evening but if this debate keeps going I might cancel :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

either that or just turn up scruffy and dirty :D

:talkhand: I AM NEVER SCRUFFY AND DIRTY. Look, just because I'm an Essex girl don't generalise........

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I love my country too. I actually kissed the floor when I got back from being in India for 6 months! :)

(I had a love hate relationship with India) :lol: Loved Indian people BTW :wink: Before you all go nuts :rotfl:

:rotfl: @ scruffy Jade
So Adrian Chiles has revealed what she said in his Sun Column:

Adrian Chiles wrote:Carol was in full flow, talking about who’d win the Australian Open. “You also have to consider the frogs,” she said. “You know, that froggy golliwog guy.”

“Ooh,” she added — waving an arm about. “If I was Prince Harry I’d get shot for saying that.”

Before I’d worked out what to do, Jo — plainly aghast — leant across and said: “Excuse me, did you just say golliwog?”

“Yes, well, he’s half-black,” Carol explained, waving her hand in front of her face.

There is no way that this can be excused by anything, and her refusal to apologise just makes it worse.

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