Carol Thatcher a racist?

HollyHobby said:
Yes I am being serious. Have met quite a few and lived amongst racist small minded Scots and the fact is I am more Scottish than English but to them you are either one or the other!
Just like you are either Rangers or celtic, catholic or protestant.
Wouldnt live in Scotland again if you paid me, sorry but that's the truth, hubby gets a much better reception and welcome in England.
Found the scots where I lived to be bigotted racist idiots, and thats pretty much against anyone who was different to them and we'd have to listen the Orange Lodge Marches every now and then who would get police escorts for their own safety!

The better than them remark was tongue in cheek, but hey if people are nasty to you because of where you come from then they are the ones with the inferiority complex.

So its not just black and white that is the problem here, it's if you are the slightest bit different and it will probably never change.

Where you lived. Not all scottish people are idiots. If I went up to the Shankill I'd find some right twats,but down here nobody cares.
HollyHobby said:
Yes I am being serious. Have met quite a few and lived amongst racist small minded Scots and the fact is I am more Scottish than English but to them you are either one or the other!
Just like you are either Rangers or celtic, catholic or protestant.
Wouldnt live in Scotland again if you paid me, sorry but that's the truth, hubby gets a much better reception and welcome in England.
Found the scots where I lived to be bigotted racist idiots, and thats pretty much against anyone who was different to them and we'd have to listen the Orange Lodge Marches every now and then who would get police escorts for their own safety!

So its not just black and white that is the problem here, it's if you are the slightest bit different and it will probably never change.

i think what you're saying is disgusting :eek: in scotland, you are NOT neccasarily either rangers or celtic or catholic or protestant, i think you'll find there are many different football teams here and many dfferent religions.

maybe you're the narrow minded one? i would NEVER make such a generalisation about our country, which is the UK btw. yes i live in scotland, but i do not support any football team, i am catholic and would never go down to england and start tearing it apart because of football sectarianism, etc.
HollyHobby said:
Yes I am being serious. Have met quite a few and lived amongst racist small minded Scots and the fact is I am more Scottish than English but to them you are either one or the other!
Just like you are either Rangers or celtic, catholic or protestant.
Wouldnt live in Scotland again if you paid me, sorry but that's the truth, hubby gets a much better reception and welcome in England.
Found the scots where I lived to be bigotted racist idiots, and thats pretty much against anyone who was different to them and we'd have to listen the Orange Lodge Marches every now and then who would get police escorts for their own safety!

The better than them remark was tongue in cheek, but hey if people are nasty to you because of where you come from then they are the ones with the inferiority complex.

So its not just black and white that is the problem here, it's if you are the slightest bit different and it will probably never change.

:? Maybe they didn't give you a warm reception because of your narrow mindedness :? You told me on a post yesterday that I should change my plans of donating my body- at the time I felt it insulting and quite rude but I let it pass. I can imagine you were just as narrow minded with these 'bigotted racist idiots'.

I just hope the Scottish people you are referring to don't have a similar view on the English after having met you! :think:
HollyHobby said:
Yes I am being serious. Have met quite a few and lived amongst racist small minded Scots and the fact is I am more Scottish than English but to them you are either one or the other!
Just like you are either Rangers or celtic, catholic or protestant.
Wouldnt live in Scotland again if you paid me, sorry but that's the truth, hubby gets a much better reception and welcome in England.
Found the scots where I lived to be bigotted racist idiots, and thats pretty much against anyone who was different to them and we'd have to listen the Orange Lodge Marches every now and then who would get police escorts for their own safety!

The better than them remark was tongue in cheek, but hey if people are nasty to you because of where you come from then they are the ones with the inferiority complex.

So its not just black and white that is the problem here, it's if you are the slightest bit different and it will probably never change.

:shock: Waouh.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience but they're not all like that. It's probably just a small group of them.
sarafet said:
HollyHobby said:
Yes I am being serious. Have met quite a few and lived amongst racist small minded Scots and the fact is I am more Scottish than English but to them you are either one or the other!
Just like you are either Rangers or celtic, catholic or protestant.
Wouldnt live in Scotland again if you paid me, sorry but that's the truth, hubby gets a much better reception and welcome in England.
Found the scots where I lived to be bigotted racist idiots, and thats pretty much against anyone who was different to them and we'd have to listen the Orange Lodge Marches every now and then who would get police escorts for their own safety!

So its not just black and white that is the problem here, it's if you are the slightest bit different and it will probably never change.

i think what you're saying is disgusting

Ditto - I am so horrified by what you are saying. I appreciate that you have had a bad experience but am ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS that you feel that you can tarnish us all with the same brush.

I am Scottish but support a football team that has NOTHING to do with sectarianism and am not religious in the slightest. I think I live in a wonderful beautiful country which has some of the kindest people I've ever met and I love feeling part of the history and culture - I am proud of where I come from but that does NOT make me hate English people or anyone else or make me a bigot. I do appreciate Scotland has an issue with sectarianism but this is a small minority of people. What other places in the U.K. don't have their religious/cultural/racial problems?

Its my birthday today so I can't be arsed reading this kind of outrageous opinion and am off to have a lovely family day - I can't actually believe beliefs like yours exist - I had always really respected your posts but you've really changed my opinion of you. I'd really urge you to think about what you've said - how would you feel if someone had shown that kind of narrow mindedness and hatred against people where you're from?

Valentine Xxx
I was mugged as a teenager, by a group of black lads. It has made no diference whatsoever to how I feel about black people in general. That would be small minded and racist. For example if we went for a pf meet I wouldn't worry that any of the black members of pf would mug me for gods sake! Sounds ridiculous doesn't it...thats because it is! and really hollyhobby thats what your generalisation sounds like.

I had lots of arguments with Israeli's in India and it did give me a bad impression of Israeli people but I am mature enough and realistic enough to not just write off the whole Israeli population!

Oh and Happy Birthday valentine :dance:
Hear hear! I love Scotland, never had a bad experience in the place. Hollyhobby, you're doing yourself no favours

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Valentine! Hope you have a lovely day!
I would say something about what you posted Holly - but tbh I don't have the restraint that Valentine and everyone else who replied does.

So I'll leave it...
*Star* said:
I would say something about what you posted Holly - but tbh I don't have the restraint that Valentine and everyone else who replied does.

So I'll leave it...

But if we do reply, in a restrained and mature way she might realise what a bad error of judgement she has made :think:

Just a thought, I don't mean to sound patronising.

Ive never been Scotland unfortunately! :( Been wanting to for a long time (sorry bit OT heehee) but I have never met and Scottish person who has been particularly nasty?! You get nasty people no matter where you live or where your from but to generalise people into one category like that and in such a negative way is just wrong! And just as bad, if not worse that what you had done to you!
As Lou said, you cant judge a whole race by the actions of a few!
valentine said:
sarafet said:
HollyHobby said:
Yes I am being serious. Have met quite a few and lived amongst racist small minded Scots and the fact is I am more Scottish than English but to them you are either one or the other!
Just like you are either Rangers or celtic, catholic or protestant.
Wouldnt live in Scotland again if you paid me, sorry but that's the truth, hubby gets a much better reception and welcome in England.
Found the scots where I lived to be bigotted racist idiots, and thats pretty much against anyone who was different to them and we'd have to listen the Orange Lodge Marches every now and then who would get police escorts for their own safety!

So its not just black and white that is the problem here, it's if you are the slightest bit different and it will probably never change.

i think what you're saying is disgusting

Ditto - I am so horrified by what you are saying. I appreciate that you have had a bad experience but am ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS that you feel that you can tarnish us all with the same brush.

I am Scottish but support a football team that has NOTHING to do with sectarianism and am not religious in the slightest. I think I live in a wonderful beautiful country which has some of the kindest people I've ever met and I love feeling part of the history and culture - I am proud of where I come from but that does NOT make me hate English people or anyone else or make me a bigot. I do appreciate Scotland has an issue with sectarianism but this is a small minority of people. What other places in the U.K. don't have their religious/cultural/racial problems?

Its my birthday today so I can't be arsed reading this kind of outrageous opinion and am off to have a lovely family day - I can't actually believe beliefs like yours exist - I had always really respected your posts but you've really changed my opinion of you. I'd really urge you to think about what you've said - how would you feel if someone had shown that kind of narrow mindedness and hatred against people where you're from?

Valentine Xxx

what she said.
Im not scottish but ive lived in Glasgow before, and my time there, i was made VERY welcome. My OH comes from scotland... and im very offened with what you say!!

Happy Birthday Valentine! :hug: :hug: hope you have a lovely day today.
very true lou, but those who replied have made a better job of it than i ever would, that's why i haven't.
my reply would be clouded in anger, and i can't easily hide it
I can see why some of you are angry but when I read HollyHobby's original post I didn't think she meant anything against Scotland in general, she never said 'I hate all Scottish people because a few were racist to me", she was just pointing out that racism is everywhere I think.
HollyHobby said:
Yes I am being serious. Have met quite a few and lived amongst racist small minded Scots and the fact is I am more Scottish than English but to them you are either one or the other!
Just like you are either Rangers or celtic, catholic or protestant.
Wouldnt live in Scotland again if you paid me, sorry but that's the truth, hubby gets a much better reception and welcome in England.
Found the scots where I lived to be bigotted racist idiots, and thats pretty much against anyone who was different to them and we'd have to listen the Orange Lodge Marches every now and then who would get police escorts for their own safety!

The better than them remark was tongue in cheek, but hey if people are nasty to you because of where you come from then they are the ones with the inferiority complex.

So its not just black and white that is the problem here, it's if you are the slightest bit different and it will probably never change.

Have met quite a few

No you have met a small minority of Scottish people & I agree that your view to tarnish the rest of the Scottish people the same is very narrow minded. I have met plenty of assholes here in England but would never in a million years cast the rest as the same. It is a shame that people such as yourself carry around such negativity. You need to sit back & look at what it is you are actually saying.
Summer. said:
No you have met a small minority of Scottish people & I agree that your view to tarnish the rest of the Scottish people the same is very narrow minded. I have met plenty of assholes here in England but would never in a million years cast the rest as the same. It is a shame that people such as yourself carry around such negativity. You need to sit back & look at what it is you are actually saying.

I don't think she ever said she was tarnishing all Scottish people - wasn't the point in her original post that she has experienced racism too, and that it is a problem found everywhere?
I just saw a few people say they hoped she was joking and then she came back and said she wasn't. So she has already admitted what she was saying was what she was meaning to say, if you get my meaning :?
Lou said:
I just saw a few people say they hoped she was joking and then she came back and said she wasn't. So she has already admitted what she was saying was what she was meaning to say, if you get my meaning :?

I just think when she said 'she was better' than them she didn't mean Scottish people, she meant the idiots that were racist to her. I am a bit shocked by the anger from others who I think have misunderstood her point, I don't think she deserved it :think:
we only live in a different part of the UK, I don't see how scottish people can be generalised. There is knife crime in London, doesnt mean I think everyone in London carries a knife!

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