Can your waters?

Only just seen this. Sorry you had such a scary day today! Really hope everything is ok x
That's good, can u feel the little man moving around? What happens next, will you have to stay in hosp for a while if they've gone? Xxxx

yes he's not stopped bloody moving all day! woke me up this morning with a uncalled kick:shakehead:, he's moving all the time, he caused one of them ugly moulds you get in the hospital and the midwife went " I can see that, don't wake him up when i'm trying to listen in" but she checked anyway and just got booted away:lol:

And they said if they have gone there is lots of thing they can do :D so i'm happy with that, I thought I was ready to deliver a still born at 3pm :( x
At least u can get comfort from feeling him having a party in there. And that's good they can do stuff to help u :) don't think the worst though stay positive - positive thoughts lol I'll be stalking u tmo to check you're both ok xxxx
At least u can get comfort from feeling him having a party in there. And that's good they can do stuff to help u :) don't think the worst though stay positive - positive thoughts lol I'll be stalking u tmo to check you're both ok xxxx

My scan is at 11:30 so I will know for sure what's happening then, it's still leaking though whatever it is!!! im hoping though that the 50% they think that my waters havent gone is infact true!! so fingers crossed xx
Great news that he's still so active, fingers crossed for good news tomorrow, and make sure you get plenty rest tonight xx
Just caught up with this, sorry you've had to go through all this today hun. Get lots of rest and it's encouraging that your little man is wriggling around and there's lots they can do xxx
glad everything is alright! my heart was sinking earlier reading through this thread! xxx
Only just come back online tonight, hope ur both ok Hun! Take it very very very easy....fingers crossed for tomo x
Just caught up! What a naughty baby making you worry so much! At least you're both doing ok now though :). Keep us updated and fx everything goes smoothly for you tomorrow! :hug:

A friend of mine waters leaked at 29 weeks and she's now on bed rest. I don't think she had much of a leak though. I hope you get plenty of rest and can keep your feet up. Fx for your scan tomorrow x
Hope all is ok at ur scan tomorrow!! X

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Thanks everyone, I dont think anything is wrong but better to be safe than sorry xx
Fingers crossed everything is ok tommorrow hun xx

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk
Good luck for tomorrow hun, went through same thing myself last pregnancy, rest loads (ideally laying down) drink plenty of water and have a shower instead of bath x
Oh no just seen this! I hope all is ok tomorrow sweets x

sent from my MiniPro using Tapatalk 2
Just seeing this.
What a difficult day for you.
Fx everything is ok. Xx

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