

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Sorry to ask stupid questions, but when your waters break is it actually a very watery fluid or is it thicker, like discharge?
Does it feel like you've wet yourself? Like, if your waters break when you're asleep how would you know it's them and not just a bad accident? lol
Does it 'gush' out like in films, or would you have a chance to control it if you were out and about shopping etc? Do you get any notice?
Thanks girlies!!
The midwifes had to break mine so I'm not sure but I've heard it can gush or trickle! I'm worried about being out and they go!! I think you get freebies though if they go in certain shops lol
Haha it's ok if it's mothercare but I wouldn't want my waters to break in halfords or b&q lol, can you imagine all the men going into mass panic and trying to get out, there'd be a stampede!!
i dont mind mine break when im out and about, im terrified for MW to break it as i see a big hook stuck up my twink infront of me! i also really dont want my water to break when im asleep as i dont want my matress ruined.
I never saw what they used to break my waters! We have a mattress protector on our bed just in case but I'm more worried about my lounge carpet! Lmao! Or it happening at school!
They used a hook with me but it was only little! I'm not worried about my mattress, I'm worried about being at school too as I don't know the other mums yet!
My waters broke at home, it was two little trickles.. Deffo couldnt control it but when people say ''yo know when your in labour'' its the same with waters lol

Mine were tinted green too, which i didnt know at the time why, but then wen he was born, he pooed in his waters thats why it was green! xx
i got matress protector aswell but only on half the bed and if its a gush i dont think it will help much..

Chaz if it goes at school its a good way to get to know the other mums, who ever is there first to your rescue, thats the mum you can trust in the future :D
The best way to describe it would be that it feels very much like frizzees hair serum diluted a bit with water. It's not as watery as water but not thick like discharge if you see what I mean.
i had just got into bed and kinda felt abit weird. got up 2 go toilet. and it just started trickling. i'd say it was just abit thicker than wee sorry tmi! clear 2. i just stud on a towel naked lol 2 make sure it was i thought it was. i couldnt believe it was happening lol.
i wonder if the freebie thing is true?

im kinda scared mine will go at work cos im there til im 37weeks,

gona get some of those boots matress protectors tho, i think theres 5 in a pack for about £3, so i can have 1 in the car, on the sofa, on the bed, etc lol
When mines broke the last time they just broke gradually I didnt really notice during the day just thought I was a bit wet but when I went to bed and got up the next morning the bed was wet as if I,d wet myself that was when I thought oh there is something wrong and went to hospital. I didnt notice a smell or anything as people say they do! That is what I am panicing about when will I know if I am in labour as it was so long ago!! Any tips ? ? ? ?

PS Have a new fabric sofa so hope they dont break on it!!
On my 2nd son my whole bag of waters went when sat on the loo, that was literally a pop and a huge gush..like pouring a pint of water down the loo fast!

With this one my hind waters went, I was walking (or more like rushing) to the loo as I was busting and I had an uncontrollable leak running down my legs and dripping onto the floor. Feels very different to peeing yourself as you can't control it! Never really experienced a slow leak but I always try to look out for pains that might come afterwards as they normally do with me.

Any waters that don't go naturally they'll use a really thin plastic hook to pop them but you seriously don't feel it.
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Thanks everyone! Sexyamy - hadn't even thought about the car but that would really ruin a car seat wouldn't it?? Lol maybe I'll get some bed pads too :)

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