Are my waters starting to go??


New Member
Aug 10, 2011
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I am 19+2days and was in a bath earlier and half an hr later i lifted my little boy out of his cot and felt this rush of water in between my wasnt loads like it was when my waters broke with my little boy but was enough to soke my pants happened again about 5 mins later..i am really worried incase my waters have started to go? It wasnt pee n was just clear?

I have had lazer treatment down below after my little boy and i know this can cause late miscarriages due to the shortening of the cervix so i am panicking a bit...could this be my waters starting to go? My bump is really big for 19 weeks so there is a lot of pressure prob on my cervix..any advice would be great??
i'd ring the mw and possibly get myself off to a&e. if it is your waters and it is due to cervix shortening then they can put a stitch in before labour starts. if you leave it and go into prem labour you could have an mc. imo not worth the risk
I agree a & e sounds like the best option FX for you Hun im sure it will be fine x
Yeah id defo take my self to A&E hun ASAP :-)

Hope everything is ok!
Oh hun I hope everything is ok and u n LO are fine
hope that everything is ok for you and the little un', did you go to the hospital?
Hope you are ok honey. HAve you gone to a&e? FX for you. xxxxxxx
I agree, get to a&e and they can check if its your waters but hopefully its just discharge, hope everything is ok :hugs: xxxx
It's happened a few time to my and ALWAYS after I've been in the bath, hopefully it's the same for you i think as horrible as it sounds we have already had babies and things are bigger up there, it only happens to me wile pregnant but has with my last few pregnancies xxxx
That happens to me all the time, water gets inside and when I stand up after getting dry it seems to release!! this has been normal for me for as long as I can remember xx
I don't know if it's suppose to happen that early but my mums waters leaked with my sister for a bit and she was born premature and really unsettled
That happens to me all the time, water gets inside and when I stand up after getting dry it seems to release!! this has been normal for me for as long as I can remember xx


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