Can we eat cashew nuts?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi all,

need some advice please. Tonight, me and DH are going out for a meal to celebrate finding out that we're going to have a baby!

We're going to the restaurant where he proposed and I love this stir-fried chicken dish with cashew nuts. Will I be allowed to eat cashews not that I"m pregnant? I've heard we can't eat peanuts, but does it apply to all nuts?

I think it only applies to peanuts, but even then most people can still eat peanuts, I have read that the only reason to avoid them is if there is either you or your partner have an allergy to nuts or if either of you suffers from eczema, not sure what that has to do with peanuts though.

Enjoy your meal.
thanks Flame, you've put my mind at rest.
KJ thats what i heard too. Think its just peanuts cos of risk of dveloping allergy!

Did you go to the docs today?
I was told not to eat any nuts but only because my OH is allergic :x Such a shame because I love nuts! :(

Enjoy your meal!

what?? I still have been eating nuts and peanut butter and my husband has a mild nut allergy and excema - i haven't seen anywhere that this wasn't approved. I did see somewhere that they used to say don't eat peanuts but I thought they'd changed the rules on that? Jeez I wish they'd make up their bloody mind about what we can and can't eat, it's hard enough not wanting to eat anything, even harder by the only things I want to eat seem to be on the banned or restricted lists *sigh*
My midwife said with regards to peanuts that even though there is no family allergy it's best to avoid them for the first 12 weeks and then slowly introduce after that. Seems to make sense to me ~ even though all i felt I could stomach last night was peanut butter on toast. Not sure about other nuts xx
My midwife said all nuts are fine to eat... Strange how its all different advice :)
Iv been eating all nuts including peanut butter - there's also literature online suggesting that if you eat nuts your baby is LESS likely to develop allergies due to early exposure (also if you spend time around cats/ dogs whilst pregnant they are less likely to have allergies asthma etc) there's so much conflicting stuff online I think you have to take it all with a pinch of salt, apart from the obvious dangers like alcohol/smoking/undercooked meat etc. which at the end of the day are all toxic to us anyway xxx
The nhs website (the only one you should really take notice of) advises that peanuts, and all other types of nuts are safe to eat during pregnancy, unless your doctor/ midwife have advised not to

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