Going for Tapas - Help! WHat can I eat?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2008
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Hi ladies, I'm still trying to get my head around what I can and cant eat. We are going out for a friend's bday on Saturday for Tapas and it is a set menu and I'm really not sure about the following foods:
Cured Serrano Ham
Manchego cheese
King Prawns
Chorizo sausage
Deep fried squid rings
Spanish omelette

Which of the above can I eat??? Hopefully all, cos the menu sounds yummy.

Obviously someone else is cooking them so because of this, do you think I should avoid some that I could normally eat.

Help please x
I'd be wary about the ham and sausage but only because one site I was on said to avoid cured meats such as Parma ham and Salami. Not sure about the cheese but if it has a rind it should be avoided.
the Spanish omelette too, the eggs must be well cooked, i know some place serve runny omelettes, also prawns have to be well cooked and i assume the same goes for squid. not the best menu for when your pregnant :(
Personally I would eat it all.....except maybe the ham!!

Spanish omelette is always very firm, so that shouldnt be a problem at all.
Manchego Cheese is a hard cheese so absolutely fine and is so good!
Make sure the prawns and squid are well cooked, I read that well cooked seafood is absolutely fine to eat and I have eaten prawns, scallops etc throughout my pregnancy!

Have fun, sounds like a fantastic evening :D
Yep it all looks fine, there isn't anything there you can't have as long as they are cooked properly and that the prawns are part of a hot meal etc. You can always say to them to make sure the omelettes are well done because sometimes they have some runniness! Enjoy :D

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