Can fresh pineapple really start labour?

jo jo

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hi All

Has anyone tried eating fresh pineapple in previous pregnancies or do you know anyone who has?

Did it start labour or is it just an old wives tale?
i had fresh pineapple and aload of other stuff i was in labour the next day so i dunno wot it was lol
Ii ate and drank fresh pineapple until it came out of my ears but it didn't work for me unfortunetly. Though it was probably the healthiest I had been since getting pregnant.

I tried it all, including fresh pineapple when I was due and drank raspberry leaf tea three times a day from Week 36 but was still 9 days late !!! However my 2nd stage was reduced to 4 to whether it was the Raspberry Tea I shall never know.

Think its the case of when baby is ready they come !!

Ragna xxxxxxxx
I also had loads of pineapple and raspberry leaf tea.
It didn't start anything, although I got to 2-3 cms about 2 weeks before I had Brody, and I got him out with 2 PUSHES!
So maybe it helped get me ready.

I felt the same as with all my other labours I had gone for hours and hours. Aidan was born in 4 minutes and 3 pushes and wasnt little either !! (11lb 4oz). Im convinced that the Raspberry Leaf Tea helped and have encouraged my daughter who is now 36 weeks pregnant to start on it.

Ragna xxxxxxxxxxx
My first labour was 24 hours... this one was about 3 1/2 of proper labour so I was chuffed!

I drank the tea first time round, but not often enough as I didn't really like it... this time I had the capsules and was better at taking them!

My advice to anyone wondering whether to try pineapple/raspberry leaf is just to DO IT! It can't hurt and might even get you a second stage as fast as mine!
Pineapple apparently contains enzymes which are supposed to help trigge the oxytocin hormone, BUT you have to eat loadds of them to get the benefit
(according to mother and baby mag)
i have been having a pineapple a day and its done nothing for me.

my midwife just said now that the only one she can say that works is sex and walking, castor oil, cod liver oil, pineapple, currys and rasbery tea dont really work atall according to her.
well i walked for an hour and half yesterday and had sex- oh and a hot bath, and i'm still waiting. :(

This baby is definately wanting to be awkward
This is beacause of Bromelain, which is present in abundant quantities in pineapple. It can weaken the cervix leading to early labour. Pineapple is a delicious nutritional snack, rich in proteins and minerals. Pineapple contains vitamin B6, helps to relief from the morning sickness and it is also good for several functions in the body. Go through these source to know more about the benefits and risks of eating pineapple during pregnancy.
I was discussing this and raspberry leaf tea with my midwife and she said the best thing to start labour in her experience is sex. Being only 30 weeks I don't know how up for it I will be come my due date OH has been a bit neglected during this pregnancy.

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