My almost two year old was an easy baby, at least we thought he was until number two came along - she is SO easy so far (she's only 14 weeks so plenty of time to change yet.....!).
Looking back, Oscar was much more hard work than we thought, but at the time we had nothing to compare him to, apart from a friends baby who suffered really bad reflux, so in comparison he WAS easy. He's a very feisty and independent boy which makes life much easier but also so much harder when he is determined to do absolutely everything his own way and refuses help of any kind! He's so, so loud! I actually feel sorry for our poor neighbours some days. It's not necessarily crying, just constant noise, talking, singing, pretending to be a hoover is his latest thing. He's always been a fab night time sleeper, sleeping through from 10 weeks. But day time naps have always been a battle.
Belle on the other hand, is a dream. She's suffered from reflux and constipation but a lot of people don't believe me because she is so chilled 90% of the time. She will sleep anywhere (bed, pram, floor, swimming pool changing and is so happy and smiley. She rarely cries for anything either. Total opposite to her brother! Thank goodness! I love him, but he is definitely hard work the older he is getting.
Everyone said I was mad having two under two, but seeing the two of them together is absolutely worth it all tho, I wouldn't change it for the world. Pregnancy was hard with a demanding toddler, mainly because I suffered with SPD so found it hard to get down on the floor and play with him as much as he needed.
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