Calling all ladies who've had BFP's!! please help :)

Mine have all ended in M/c's but I've always had a BFP on day AF is due with a CB digi.

They are the only tests that have always "worked" - I don't test early though.
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So sorry about your mc Frankie and congratulations too! Hope this time you've got a really sticky bean :)

Thanks for your help, still waiting for af, 4 days late but getting definate bfn, not sure how reliable or sensitive the cheap dip stick hpt's are? Just trying to make sense of my situation x x

Hey Hun,

I used the cheap dip sticks too because I my addiction to POAS was getting expensive!! Are you sre that you are getting a BFN? I have to hold mine at a funny angle to see the faintest of lines and even then I thought I was kidding myself!!

I doubles checked with a CB Digi to be sure..... so maybe re-test, check closely (in daylight) and then re-test with a more expensive test??

Fingers corssed for a BFP xx
Hi vixxie, I tested when af was 3 days late. I wasn't going to test early again as it was getting me down every month seeing the bfn appear so I think it's better to wait until after af is due. Xx
I tested 2 days before af was due. Got faint positive. Did test day later and got a stronger line. Then just over week later did digi which said 2-3 weeks pregnant. Week later said 3+.xx
I tested the day af was due and got a really faint BFP on boots home brand went and got a digi and it said pregnant 1-2 i only had a tiny bit off wee left and it was afternoon lol x
Tested with one step on dpo 8... No result but unusually strong opk...
Tested on dpo 9 with one step, no result within time limit, very very faint line once dried, tested with frer, very very faint line after the time limit and only when I took the thing apart! Lol
Tested on dpo10 with one step, no result except slightly darker line ages later, when dry
Tested with frer and got clear yet faint line within the time limit!

Tested on 11dpo with frer and got massive line! Massive! Tested with cb digi - not pregnant still no real line on one step, only one when dried, albeit stronger than had been before

Tested on 12dpo even stronger line on frer
Tested on 13dpo nearly as strong as yesterday on frer

Will be doing another frer tomorrow and wed and then a cb digi on thursday!!

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