Calling all ladies who've had BFP's!! please help :)

I tested the day af was due as I went swimming in the afternoon and suddenly realised she was a no show. Went straight to Asda and bought a digi mainly to prove I wasn't and it came up with Pregnant 1-2. Good luck hun xxx
got a faint line at 8DPO, then took a digi the day after and got 'pregnant' it took a while to load though xx
I was a bit rubbish lol and was already a month late for af before it even occurred to me to test :roll:. So glad tbh as an early bfp would have really done my head in I think

I wish it would happen to me like that, now of the waiting etc, so much better! :) Bet you must have been shocked too! Congratulations hun! :) x x

After I picked my best mate up off the floor I then had to tell the OH....good job he was sitting down cos he's a bit of a lump lmao

Lol how funny! :) x x
4 days late, used Sainsburys 2 for £4.50. Did one the afternoon I bought them, the next one the following morning (first pee!!) both came up very positive. Good luck!

af had been missing for 10 days by this point lol. i thought id leave it plenty of time since id been a few days later than usual the previous month. asda own brand cheapie test
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You asked for unusual circumstances and I think everyone would agree my case is fairly unusual!!

I tested early as usual and got my faint bfp at 10dpo (approx! don't know when I ovulated this month) and got them for a few more days but then got a Not Pregnant on the digi :( I started to lose hope and my lines were getting fainter.

For the last 2 months I've had the same thing, and both ended in an early loss so I assumed this one was going to same way. Just waited to miscarry so didn't bother testing again. Then one night this week, I was up all night and couldn't get to sleep. It occurred to me that I'd been getting twinges and flutters all day, so I just decided to test again. Two lines came up on both tests within ten seconds! Did a digi in the morning and got my 1-2 weeks! So weird!

Keeping my fingers crossed for this sticky bubs to hang around :) xx
Wow that's very clear Bev :) no mistaking that one. Congrats! Thanks hun x x
Congratulations to all you lovely ladies! Thank u all for your help! :hugs x x
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You asked for unusual circumstances and I think everyone would agree my case is fairly unusual!!

I tested early as usual and got my faint bfp at 10dpo (approx! don't know when I ovulated this month) and got them for a few more days but then got a Not Pregnant on the digi :( I started to lose hope and my lines were getting fainter.

For the last 2 months I've had the same thing, and both ended in an early loss so I assumed this one was going to same way. Just waited to miscarry so didn't bother testing again. Then one night this week, I was up all night and couldn't get to sleep. It occurred to me that I'd been getting twinges and flutters all day, so I just decided to test again. Two lines came up on both tests within ten seconds! Did a digi in the morning and got my 1-2 weeks! So weird!

Keeping my fingers crossed for this sticky bubs to hang around :) xx

That is so weird! Dodgy tests possibly? :eh: Which tests did u use apart from digi? Maybe it was too early for digi the first time, have heard they're not as sensitive.

So happy for u hun, really hope this is a really really sticky bean :) sorry for your losses :hugs:

Thanks for ur help too :) x x
You asked for unusual circumstances and I think everyone would agree my case is fairly unusual!!

I tested early as usual and got my faint bfp at 10dpo (approx! don't know when I ovulated this month) and got them for a few more days but then got a Not Pregnant on the digi :( I started to lose hope and my lines were getting fainter.

For the last 2 months I've had the same thing, and both ended in an early loss so I assumed this one was going to same way. Just waited to miscarry so didn't bother testing again. Then one night this week, I was up all night and couldn't get to sleep. It occurred to me that I'd been getting twinges and flutters all day, so I just decided to test again. Two lines came up on both tests within ten seconds! Did a digi in the morning and got my 1-2 weeks! So weird!

Keeping my fingers crossed for this sticky bubs to hang around :) xx

That is so weird! Dodgy tests possibly? :eh: Which tests did u use apart from digi? Maybe it was too early for digi the first time, have heard they're not as sensitive.

So happy for u hun, really hope this is a really really sticky bean :) sorry for your losses :hugs:

Thanks for ur help too :) x x

I tested a million times and got a few lines, on different brands, so dodgy tests probably out of the question! I got a line on a 25mIU (the same as a digi test) so can't really say why it happened. Just plain bizarre!
With my first, i found out at my dating scan that I had conceived my son 1 week before my 1 before last period, if that makes sense lol So I conceived him, then had a period and then my next period never arrived (I always have 28 day cycles). I tested when I was 1 day late (5 weeks pregnant, and tested negative), I tested again at 1 week late and got a faint bfp. I tested again and got another faint bfp. I tested again arond 9/10 weeks through paranoia and got another faint bfp.

This time I tested at 1 day late, knew I was preggo already though, and got a very strong bfp. Tested again 2 weeks later through paranoia lol and got another very strong bfp.

Have my dating scan on Tuesday so will know if I have af again after conception or not this time!
With my first, i found out at my dating scan that I had conceived my son 1 week before my 1 before last period, if that makes sense lol So I conceived him, then had a period and then my next period never arrived (I always have 28 day cycles). I tested when I was 1 day late (5 weeks pregnant, and tested negative), I tested again at 1 week late and got a faint bfp. I tested again and got another faint bfp. I tested again arond 9/10 weeks through paranoia and got another faint bfp.

This time I tested at 1 day late, knew I was preggo already though, and got a very strong bfp. Tested again 2 weeks later through paranoia lol and got another very strong bfp.

Have my dating scan on Tuesday so will know if I have af again after conception or not this time!

Wow, just goes to show you its not straight forward and everyone and every pregnancy is different. Good luck with ur scan hun :) thanks for ur help x x
Well have just been browsing the net :) and I just found a site called net doctor, that says

"Some women experience a brief rather sharp type of abdominal pain when they ovulate, usually on one or other side.
This occurs mid-cycle, roughly 14 days before the next period begins, and is referred to medically as Mittelschmerz.
It happens when the egg bursts through the wall of the ovary and is released. This phenomenon usually occurs in younger women and tends to become less common as the years go by and after pregnancies. "

So it appears that I may have ovulated on CD20, as had sharp pain in lower left abdomin that day, hence my cycle would be about 32-34 days long, so af should be due in the next couple of days :smile: I really hope that this is the case, as it has been driving me mad trying to figure out what's going on

Thanks again for all your help ladies :hugs: will keep you informed x x
BevG, you are more patient than I am, I started testing at 5DPO!! lol
I tested about 10 days after a missed period and i used the £ shop strips 2 for a £. They both came up positive..

So i tested again with a clear & simple test and that was positive too.
i was only ntnp tho so i wasnt actually counting down the days or anything. i didnt wanna stress about it lol as that isnt conducive to getting preg. i was gonna give it a year for the implant to wear off and for us to try before even thinking there might be an issue. lucky for me there wasnt and i now have a very wiriggly bubs growing in me.
Mine was 9 dpo, that is 5 days before AF was due. It was a very faint line, but visible. Than from that point, the lines kept getting stronger and stronger:)
my july test was really faint but had 2-3 weeks on digital. lost this one. hubby keeps saying i wasnt pregnant.grrrr
but my test in sept was stronger, i only did two tests, i didnt wanna get my hopes up. and still

i was due on the weds and i took tests on the fri, with both of them. dont know why i waited a few days.
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