Called back for a nuchal scan - UPDATED with scan pics pg2


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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Hi everyone :)

I had a phone call today regarding my 12 week blood results. I am apparently in the 20% of ladies that are asked to attend a nuchal scan due to higher than average levels for the downs tests.

Just wondered if anyone else has been through the same and what the outcome was for you?

After the scan we will be told the results the same day and if they are high risk we will be offered a cvs/amniocentisis.

Scan is tomorrow at 1.10
I havnt had this but good luck for tomorrow
sorry I havent had this hun but just wanted to say good luck for tommorrow, Im sure everything will be just fine. Let us know how you get on :hug:
Me neither but good luck! I'm sure all will be fine :hug: :hug:
Thanks for the messages :) I'm quite nervous but at the same time excited that we will get to see baby again :)

We have already decided that if our baby is diagnosed with downs it won't make any difference to us and that we wouldn't consider a termination, its just all the not knowing that gets to me.

Will update after tomorrow's scan :pray:
Good luck im sure you have nothing to worry and enjoy seeing baby again. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hope it goes well, I'm sure only a very, very small percentage of the 20% recalled have anything to worry about :hug: :hug: :hug:
I was high risk due to age (no zimmer smilie....) but it was a really simple and reassuring test.

It meant that we saw bub a little longer at the first scan rather than ahving a second one but by the end of the day we walked away with odds of something like 1500 to 1, same as a 23 yr old! All in all it was a very positive, risk free, enjoyable (seeing bub) experience.

Good luck tomorrow, more than likely it will just mean a bonus view of the baby. :hug:
Never heard of being called back - they offer it where we live and its up to you if you have it or not. We decided against it.

Hope it all goes well this afternoon x x x
Really good luck today :hug:

We didn't have any of the tests at all for the reason you state; if our child had Downs I don't think I could terminate anyway. I love Maurice.
In my area they automatically do the NF scan and the blood test, then if you are high risk they call you back. Sounds as if your hospital just call you back for the scan if you are high risk based on age etc. I wouldn't worry, am sure it will be fine. At least you get to see the baby again!
Not got any experience of this either but wanted to wish you luck and send you a :hug:
Well we had the scan which was lovely, bb was snoozing so she had to wake him up! Got some more lovely pics, will try to get them up later :)

As for the results, my risk level is between 1:1000 and 1:100 so I have to have more blood tests in two weeks.

If my level is more than 1:250 I will then be classed as low risk, however if its less than 1:250 I will be offered an amnio.

Obviously there is a small risk of miscarriage with an amnio so unless the level was something like 1:10 or less I don't think i'll have it. I have already decided that i'd keep bb anyway but I think i'd like time to prepare if there is a problem.

Will just have to wait and see how the next blood tests are.

Thanks for all your support :)
Looking forward to the pictures. :D

Even 1:100 means that out of 100 babies you give birth to, only 1 will have Downs. So there's a 99% chance your little one won't.

We decided early on that regardless of the test results, we'd never consider a termination.

I don't know if they actually go any lower than 1:100, so I think it unlikely you'll be give 1:10.

In any case, the best of luck!
Good luck with the blood tests in a couple of weeks and just keep in mind that these tests are never conclusive. :hug:
Thanks :) I know its a small chance etc just wish i'd never had the blood test in the first place now. Can't turn back the clock though and at the end of the day I'm sure bb is just fine and we got to see him again :cheer:
andreaaa said:
Well we had the scan which was lovely, bb was snoozing so she had to wake him up! Got some more lovely pics, will try to get them up later :)

As for the results, my risk level is between 1:1000 and 1:100 so I have to have more blood tests in two weeks.

If my level is more than 1:250 I will then be classed as low risk, however if its less than 1:250 I will be offered an amnio.

Obviously there is a small risk of miscarriage with an amnio so unless the level was something like 1:10 or less I don't think i'll have it. I have already decided that i'd keep bb anyway but I think i'd like time to prepare if there is a problem.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Looking forward to seeing your pics :)

I think how you are approaching things is good. The risk of miscarriage because of an amnio was why I opted for a Nuchal and bloods at 12 weeks. I wanted to at least know if there was going to be something else to prepare for with baby. Had my results meant being asked if I wanted an amnio, hubby and I had decided we didn't want to take the risk and would have refused it. But we at least would have been aware that there was an increased chance our baby could be born with Downs Syndrome and could prepare ourselves if it were to happen.

Good luck with your test results in a couple of weeks. Try not to let it worry you. TBH somewhere between 1-1000 & 1-100 is still pretty good odds to go with until the next blood test.

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