Hi there. I am currently ttc for #2, but I did have a c section with my first.
I went in to be induced and after a day I was finally ready to deliver, however the baby was doing well so we went for an emergency section. I remember I was scared because I never prepared myself for that possibility. The first thing they did was shave me. No big deal. They wheeled me into the operating room, they paediatrician introduced himself as the staff prepared. The nurses moved me from on bed to the other. They did tie my arms down but very gently. It's to make sure I didn't move accidentally. The anathesiologist had already started my pain meds as I had already had an IV. They placed a curtain between my chest and my belly. They asked if I felt any pain (they were poking me to see if the meds were working) there was always a nurse by my head keeping me calm while the doctors operated and my daughter was born within 15 minutes of being in the room. I was somewhat awake and somewhat out of it. I know some women who are quite awake during the whole process.
After seeing the baby I fell asleep and woke up in the recovery room. I felt chilly for some reason. Once I was more 'with it' I was taken back to the maternity suite so I could see my daughter.
Tmi- my scar is right at the top of my hair line, down there. You can barely notice it. They used staples- I know it sounds horrible but it's not.they were out in 3 days!
The nurses had me up and walking the next day. I was sore at first and walking more than the distance to the toilet required a lot of effort. But it's important and helps the healing. It was the best thing I did. I pushed my daughter up and down the hall at least once a day till I went home. In the hosp i took something like cocodemol (sp?) for pain. it wasnt as bad as i thought. i was home on day 4.
No heavy lifting! Even my daughter at just 6 lbs was difficult. So keep that in mind.
It was scary, but still a good experience. The important thing is to do what the docs and nurses recommend for a good recovery. I hope you have a great experience! If you have any questions let me know. Oh and just a mention, I had mine in the US as that is where I was living at the time.