C-section risks


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2012
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I had an emergency section with my first, so didn't have a lot of choice, but this time next week I'm hopefully going to have the option of an elective section the next day or wait to see if labour starts. The reasoning is that baby has been changing position, so it was out of my hands. If baby is behaving I don't have to have the section (it's a long story)

Anyway, OH is definitely leaning towards me having the section next week regardless of baby's position. He likes that he can plan for it, we can plan childcare for our toddler, that he won't have to watch me labour again. He worries about leaving me at home as his work is an hour away and he won't be able to get to me quickly if things kick off etc. I keep having to remind him that it's still major surgery and it comes with risks. He asked me what those risks were and I went a bit blank. Can you help me list them?!

I'm thinking:

Risk of blood clots
Extra strain on my heart
Risk of infection
Excessive bleeding could lead to blood transfusion?

I'm sure there's many more possible complications, and I want to be more armed with the facts before I have to decide.
Did you get any leaflets etc from the hospital about risks of c-sections? I had a big booklet that I could read and gave to OH to read as well.

When they did my preop the other day they mentioned the risk of possible damage to my internal organs, particularly the intestines and bladder. They also mentioned the risk of any complications after the surgery that might require further operations down the line to correct. Then there is the risk of infection in the scar etc. It was all pretty scary and grizzly actually when the doctor went through it all with me. I honestly can't remember having it all explained to me last time!

I know you've had a similar experience to myself with your first labour. I just wanted to let you know that from my own personal experience so far this section has been a totally different and much more positive experience. I'm home already and feeling a million times better than I did with my first. Regular pain killers are the way forward!
Thank you LM, I didn't get a leaflet, but I have been googling it.

The more I think about it and after a chat with Jessiecat, I think I'll regret not giving myself chance to go into labour. If the choice is taken away then so be it, but I don't think I'll opt for the section next week if baby is head down x
Ohhh these side effects are scary! Hope I don't have to have one, I find out at 32 weeks x
Thank you LM, I didn't get a leaflet, but I have been googling it.

The more I think about it and after a chat with Jessiecat, I think I'll regret not giving myself chance to go into labour. If the choice is taken away then so be it, but I don't think I'll opt for the section next week if baby is head down x

That's perfectly understandable. As soon as I got to the hospital with my blood pressure I knew it wouldn't be happening naturally so the section was always the option.

I think for blokes as outsiders they find it's easier to watch for half an hour in surgery instead of worrying and waiting for hours during labour. Even though labour is the safer option. If he's anything like my OH the previous experience won't have helped no doubt. He was scared of me going natural after last time and although the first section wasn't fun he was like I survived it once I could do it again!
As long as there is no medical reason for a c-section, natural labour and birth will always be the option with the fewer risks. C-section is major abdominal surgery and I think you've covered the main risks. There are also risks to the baby - they can be cut (accidentally) as the surgeon goes in (so to speak!) and they can have problems with their lungs.

Having said all that, I had an emergency section with my first (too quick for any risks to be explained, plus the risk of not having the section was dying, so it was never much of an option) and a planned with my second, I have to say that both times I was absolutely fine where the op was concerned and healing was also reasonably quick. I initially wanted a VBAC with my second but I got GD and polyhydramnios so they were talking either induction or section and I'd had a failed induction followed by an emergency section, so in my mind the section was less risky.
Recovery from a CS is usually much harder too. I was walking around pretty normally within a couple of hrs and had no pain after my first birth. The second one took a couple of days o get back to feeling good but still way easier than a CS recovery.
I was reading through my notes this morning and thought of this! One big risk I'd forgotten is with the spinal anesthetic, there's a risk of damage to your spine, permanent head aches etc.

Sometimes when I look at all of this I wonder what the bloody hell I was thinking agreeing to doing this willingly?!
Risk for amniotic fluid embolism (rare but fatal) goes up with c-section.

Post partum hemorrhage.

Pulmonary embolism

Breathing difficulties for newborn.

Dangerous infection

Increased risk to newborn such as SID

Risks to future pregnancies/babies:
Placenta accreta, placenta previa, uterine rupture

Scar tissue attaching to bladder and other organs

More chances of developing fertility problems such as ectopic pregnancies

Higher risk of having a hysterectomy

Overall higher risk of maternal and fetal morbidity than a vaginal birth.
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Increased risks for future pregnancies is a good point, that is often forgotten.
There won't be another pregnancy believe me!

I'm due to have my section in the morning as baby is still unstable lie x
It was fine! They really struggled to get the spinal in, my back is black and blue now and I was starting to think it would end up a general anaesthetic, but she's here now and I'm home.

Much nicer experience than my emergency section, very relaxed and I only cried when they showed us we had a baby girl in there :pink: staying team yellow was the best choice by far.

And I'm hardly bleeding as the surgeon "scrubbed out my womb" :shock: her words!

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