Bye Bye Baby :( 4w4d :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
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Hey everyone.
Sorry i did not reply last night, i was rushed into hospital and had to stay in over night as i was starting to loose so much blood.
Took them 5 hours to get to see me i was sick of waiting, i knew i was loosing my little one having gone through it twice before and i just wanted to go home after a while, but i stuck it out.
Had a gyno look at me at 1am to tell me that my cervix was still tight and closed which was a good thing, i started crying with joy thinking i was still pregnant, they wanted me to stay overnight so i could have a scan in the morning to see if the baby was there and alive and kicking. I had hope..
But that hope failed fast.
They took my HCG bloods at 1.30am and my partner went home to rest whilst i tried my hardest to sleep in the hospital. I Finally fell asleep at 5am, to be woken at 6am to be told that my HCG level was extremely low at a 10 and even accused me of NOT BEING PREGNANT AT ALL!!!!!!
i was livid and so so angry at the situation. I knew i was pregnant, i have had 4 positives and the gyno said my cervix was closed and "all was looking well!"

I still thought i may be pregnant, "bollocks to the blood results" i thought..
"they don't know what they are talking about" lol... (angry state.)
In a strange place i called my partner at 7am to discharge me, i just wanted to go home, the scan didn't matter much to me anymore because they had told me there was "NO BABY" anyway... :(

As i was about to leave the health care woman was shocked to see me discharging myself..
"Why are you leaving? thought you were having the scan lovey?"
i shouted and cried out.. "I DON'T NEED IT ANYMORE DO I.. I'M NOT PREGNANT!!"
She was so shocked... still believing i was pregnant and putting her job on the line she pulled me to the side and told me to pee in a pot and she will dip stick it on the quiet..
So i did.. she wrapped it up and told me to leave and see my GP..

As i left the building i looked at the test i could not believe me eyes.
TWO LINES!! i am pregnant...!!

I ran back in to see her and gave her a hug, whispered in her ear "i am pregnant still!!" and she said "So see your midwife honey..."

So i did.. i had her at 12pm today but by the time i got home i was bleeding so much and i had clots coming out of me (sorry TMI)
I shown my midwife the test and said. "There's no doubt about it Rach, you were pregnant, i can honestly say this is a miscarriage."

I was so upset with the hospital for saying that i was making it up... at least my midwife has now set them straight with a nice little letter.

Not a good night at all. Sorry about the rant.
Had to let it out. Bloody NHS :(

Goddess look after you little bean, we lost you 4 weeks and 4 days.
Will love you forever and always xxxx
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So so sorry to hear this hun :( xxxxx

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Im so sorry to hear this hun. Sending you massive :hugs: x x

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I am so sorry to hear this hun sending u lots of big hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I'm so sorry rachel, I read your post in first tri this morning and I've been thinking about you all day. Huge hugs for you!

x x x x
That's just heartbreaking :cry:

I'm so sorry Rachel - i can't believe how bloody insensitive some people can be :(

My sister in law had 3 m/c's and held on to her fourth prgnancy, so don't lose hope sweetie. Everything will be alright in the end :)
so sorry hun. i had my 3rd mc in june so i know how hard it is. sending u massive loves xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
So so sorry. Can't believe what you went through at the hospital on top of your loss. Thinking of you. Xx
I'm sorry hun, that's terrible. And the stupid horrible hospital person should have been far more sensitive, that was the last thing that you needed at that point. So sorry for your loss :(
I am so so sorry to hear of your loss, please take care x
I am so so sorry you have had this happen to you. It is awful. My thoughts are with you.

What a horrible way to be treated, as if you would make it all up? Thank god for the nice midwife and sorry for your loss, xx
Thank you all for your kind words of support.
It means alot to me :) yes you are right thank god for the nice midwife. I won't be wanting to go onto that certain ward again i can tell you lol....

I treated myself to a nice perfume today a sarah jessica parker one, and a mixed mango cocktail, feeling a little better. Probably just the drink!!
But after last night i need it!! XXX

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