Bye! (and Hi cos I've been away so long)


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Hello ladies, I haven't posted here for what feels like forever. So firstly apologies for that. I have been nipping on now and again to see how everyone is doing.

Unfortunately this is also goodbye. After a number of years of misery, hubby and I stopped all of our treatment today. None of it felt right for us, so after a lot of discussion we made a decision. We saw an adoption advisor a few months ago and just knew that thats what we were supposed to do all along. We always planned to have one of our own and adopt one, so we're just kinda missing a bit out of the original plan.

If I happen to get pg naturally we will see how it goes, but if not we will be applying for adoption at the beginning of next year. We are hoping to adopt a school age child of around 5.

I feel excited and relieved and not at all regretful. At times it will still be difficult, but I am looking forward to just enjoying 'us' again and never having to go back to that horrible place. We've booked a holiday to Spain for this summer and will hopefully be spending Xmas this year in Las Vegas, can't wait.

Good luck to everyone, I may pop on every now and then to see all your BFPs.

Bye and thanks - I couldn't have gotten through the whole thing without reading all your lovely posts and advice xxxxxxxx
Im sad to see you go honey, but happy to hear you feel this is the right thing.

Wishing you lots of love, luck and happiness :) xxx
Good luck Sarah, I'm proud of you for making this decision. I'm sure it will all work out for you. Sad to see you go. All the best xxx
Good Luck Sarah! Im glad youve made a devision that you are fully happy with! New Year in Vegas sounds amazing! Take care! Xxxx
Wishing you all the look in the world. Do POP in from time to time let us no how your getting on xxx
Good luck my lovely - Not an easy decision to make but i have a lot of respect for you and OH for making it!! It is hard but we all have to draw a line somewhere!!

The child you adopt will be extremely lucky to have parents like you too :)

Keep us updated with how you are getting on

I wish you all the best Sarah. :) I too am sad to see you go but ultimately you need to do what's right for you and OH. The holidays sound amazing, I hope you have a fantastic time.

Definitely pop in and update us all.


X x

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Best of luck Sarah, the child you adopt will certainly be a very lucky boy or girl. Don't be a stranger x
Hi and bye Sarah :wave:

I'm really happy for you having been able to adapt to your situation and make the most of it. The end goal is still the same and i'm sure you'll be fab parents!

All the best, do let us know how you're getting on from time to time still. Any of us could find ourselves adopting one day xx
Good luck Sarah - I wish you and hubby all the best, and hope that you reach your goal of having an adopted child and a successful pregnancy one day. You sound like you will both be amazing parents.
Just wanted to add my best wishes. Hope everything goes well for you and that you don't have to wait to long for your adoption process to go through. Whoever they are they will obviously be very loved and wanted x
good luck with your journey sarah, do come back and let us know how you're getting on
Hi Sarah, it's good to hear from you!!
Glad you have come to a decision and well done for making it.
Massive good luck with the adoption process xxx
Hi Sarah, Well done for making such a big desicison, and great that it felt so right for you both when you met the adoption advisor. My freinds have happily adopted 2 sibling children and have never been happier.

You might want to ask about timescales or start the process as soon as you can as it did take them a while for it all to go through reviews etc, prepare the house for checks and then be ready to look at the children stage, but you may have factored that in already.

Wishing you a wonderful time with your future family, sure your'll be a brilliant Mummy XX

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