Embryo transfer tomorrow!

Aww Bead you're bound to feel like that, it's perfectly normal. Your embryo's are patiently sat waiting for you to keep them safe and protected. Regardless of the path you take to achieve the outcome, some child (or children) is going to be very lucky to have you as their mummy.

Keep positive and try to relax today (easier said I know), I'll be thinking of you tomorrow xxxxx
Best of luck bead, got my fingers crossed for you. xx
Two embryos now on board! :) now the two week wait... xxx
That's amazing Bead :) What of the other two embryos? No good or did they get frozen?

So.... when do you start testing? :good:
That's amazing Bead :) What of the other two embryos? No good or did they get frozen?

So.... when do you start testing? :good:

The others were no good for freezing unfortunately. Will prob test a week on Monday xx
Oh wow , 2 embryos nestling in Bead- great - have everything crossed for you, not too long to wait then, hope they both take XX
I have everything crossed for you, everything will be fine....

You deserve this more than anyone and I do hope it goes well, good luck hunni

Hope to have some good news when we all meet up next week

Donna xxxx
Thats great news chick, I really do hope this is it and you will be announcing your bfp in a weeks time xxxxxx
Hi bead, just seen your post. Absolutely amazing, I really hope this is it for you this time you deserve it so much. I'll be looking out for your BFP. All the luck in the world. Grow little embies grow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
awwww bead i hope this is it! reading news like this actually makes me cry because i am so happy for people , even though its only words on here i can still relate emotionally to everyone! and there are some amazing success stories out there i am praying that you are one x x

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