Bump measurments Anyone else going through this


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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Hiya everyone hope your all doing well

2 weeks ago i was 27+ weeks and my bump measured 29cm and when i went to the midwifes last week i was 28 weeks+ and my bump measured 32cm

has anyone else had that

my midwife is slightly concerned about it, my hubby was 12 pound when he was born you would never believe me if you saw him hes only tiny might have to go for a scan at 36 weeks to see why my bump is growing so big and to estimate his weight, she did mention that he might have to be delivered maybe then if he is that big,

it has bad enough delivering 7 pounders i ain't delivering a 12 pounder normaly

sorry just going on now

take care


Ah yes! I know exactly how you feel don't worry :hug:

I went for my MW appt on Thursday and my fundal height is 34cm... She said it's not too much of a problem because when she had a feel, she said it seemed there was just the right amount of amniotic fluid as there was baby (a big baby) but she said she would check again at my next appt and take it from there. She didn't seem too concerned at all.

I was 1 day off being 29 weeks and she said that they count is as being IN my 30th week so although it seemed I was measuring 5 weeks ahead, they class it as 4... (Not much difference?!)

Anyway, I'm sure everything is fine :hug: xx
Fundal height is far from exact so don't worry overly. Many threads here on the subject and most seem to say its a load of cobblers. It can change depending on who measures you also.

Even growth scans past 30 weeks are not reliable as they cannot get a clear enough view of baby to get exact measurements. So don't even read too much into that should it happen. They have a large margin of error either side.

Also your body generally delivers a baby it can cope with. Nature has ways :) I'm sure things will be fine :)

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